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Posts posted by stewfish

  1. 17 hours ago, curatio said:

    I compiled a fresh mangosone core on the pi4 and its works great. The bots walk around and do something ;)
    So I guess its a mangoszero bug with the bots.

    I get the memory access failure on both cores (mangoszero & mangosone), if I shutdown the server or if the server runs a couple of mintues/hours.
    Will try to install zram maybe it's helping.

    On the pi4 runs raspberry pi os lite without a gui and it needs around 20% cpu, 880mb mem while running realmd, mangosone with 144 working bots and one player logged in. I've enabled mmaps.
    The core start need around 30-35 secounds from starting thaht someone can login to the server.

    i setup a LAMP server and phpadmin on the pi today.






    not too shabby got a little arm pc. wonder if the read/write will corrupt the sdcard.

    i havnt gotten my player bots to move yet. i had turned them off for more testing of the server. 

    i have played for a couple hours today without any problems. i wanna whip up a small registration site to handle the account settings in the database.


  2. On 3/15/2021 at 5:56 PM, curatio said:

    I installed a fresh raspberry pi os lite on my pi4.
    Could compile the core and realmd without any issues and could start the server successfully.
    After I tried to compile the core with -DPLAYERBOT=1 option, I got some errors while compiling it said, that characters stuff war not fully cleaned or so.
    I deleted all files under "builds" folder and starts a fresh compile with the -DPLAYERBOTS=1 option enabled. Lets try it ;)



    After cleaning the build folder, I could compile the core with AIBots. On the start the core will create the bots and I can find them over /who in game. Some bots whisper to me and so. But I can't see them on the world. If I invited a bot and go to his location, there is not bot. I guess thats a bug for arm cpus or?



    After deleting all bots over the conf. I can see the bots ;) But they still do nothing https://www.getmangos.eu/forums/topic/10866-playerbots-do-nothing/

    I got this error Message, if I shutdown the server "Memory access failure":

    Command: server shutdown 1 [Player: curatio (Account: 1) X: -2924.303467 Y: -269.708069 Z: 53.842434 Map: 1 Selected: None (Guid: 0)]
    Got packet, opcode 02, size 34
    02 1B 00 5F 2C B9 DC 01 | A9 23 6B 00 00 48 8C 11 
    C1 00 D8 93 FE C0 00 F4 | 01 00 00 E9 E9 E9 E9 E9 
    E9 E9 
    Handle data
    ServerTicks 453622, RequestTicks 427453, ClientTicks 7021481
    Waittime 26169
    RESULT MEM_CHECK passed CheckId 923 account Id 1
    RESULT MEM_CHECK passed CheckId 879 account Id 1
    RESULT MEM_CHECK passed CheckId 846 account Id 1
    RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId 1515 account Id 1
    RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId 1514 account Id 1
    RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId 1513 account Id 1
    RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId 1512 account Id 1
    RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId 1511 account Id 1
    RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId 1510 account Id 1
    RESULT PAGE_CHECK passed CheckId 1509 account Id 1
    World Updater Thread stopped
    Halting process...
    Memory access failure


    same on my rpi3. bots just chill there, I've spawned them in manually and its the same. 

    probably a bug.

    haven't seen the memory access failure yet. its trying to access mem that isn't there. probably while saving the world.

    how's the server run on the pi 4? how fast does it start up?

    wonder how these little raspberry pis handle a few more accounts logged in.

    are you running raspberry pi os in cli or gui? the gui can steal all your ram

    another thing that helps with raspberry pi is installing zram. its a swap file. 

    Raspberry Pi Performance: Add ZRAM and these Kernel Parameters (haydenjames.io)


  3. 6 hours ago, curatio said:

    How is the performance? Are you using AI Bots?
    Did you overclock the pi?

    didnt try bots. yes the pi is overclocked and cooled. 1500mhz, overvoltage and custom kernel.

    ran fine except for a bug on the zero server. it appeared both on the gaming rig and pi.

    pretty much followed the install guide for debian 9. has mariadb, openssl, ssh enabled, and lamp server installed with no desktop enviroment (raspberry pi os uses alot of ram)

    pretty fun lil experiment for a tiny server. i also run a mcmmo server with a few plugins just fine on it 


    got a raspi compute 4 coming in the mail soon which would work perfect for this in  the near future.


  4. i am currently playing with a mangoszero server compiled on raspberry pi 3b+

    the extractors didnt want to run in raspberry pi os. (im sure it woulda taken days) had to run them on a windows machine. (wow is installed there anyways)

    have a bug that prevents me from attacking mobs so far. but the pi seems to run mariadb well as well as the realmd and mangosd. 

    i suggest booting the pi into commandline cause the gui used too much ram by its self. 


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