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i dont get how you implement this. is this a patch cuz it seems when you download it from your git. your getting the whole mangos tree..


The playerbot repo is integrated into a version of MaNGOS. If you look at the commit 'history' of [vladimir: link removed]

you will see just below my last commits, a commit whoose description includes [9106]. This was the HEAD of the MaNGOS branch when I last merged.

Most people pull and compile the code as is. You don't really need to create a separate patch. However, I do. So I will point you in the right direction. You will need to 'pull' a fresh copy of the MaNGOS branch, and change to commit [9106].

Do you use a Windows or Linux server?

If you use linux then I provided the 'bash' scripts to create a playerbot.patch in post #394, in early December on this thread. If you use Windows then I am sure you could adapt these scripts. Please note that these scripts were written when I used to pull from the 'playerbot' repo, change the address to point at 'blueboy' :rolleyes:

It is important to know which version of MaNGOS the current playerbot code is compatible with. I frequently get questions asking why the code will not work with any version of MaNGOS. MaNGOS is changing all the time and playerbot code has to change with it.

Hope this helps

[vladimir: make fork of mangos sources not problem ofc base at GPL rights granted to you, BUT copy sources with removing authors credits not acceptable. You also not make any referecnes about source project for your fork. Maybe this is less problematic but also not show you from non-nice side.

I also can't welcome posting links at forum to repos with merged to mangos sources scripting project by legal reason


Sorry, if I have caused any offence. It was not my intention to deny credit to the original authors of the referenced code. When I merged the playerbot code with code from the main MaNGOS branch, 'Git' automatically assigned me as the author of the commit. I will check if it is possible to override this feature of git, before I commit again.

[vladimir: ok, if this not planned result of merge. If you find way fix this have free drop all my notes in post and restore links. About scripting merge to repo. It's your repo and in independent from mangos team position not our problem mostly.

If you use cherry-pick then use -x options

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Hey there Blueboy is it possible to make Playerbot/Botguy compatible with evo-x mangos(stable 3.3.0a mangos Core with alot of Bugfixes)

Here is their Git: http://github.com/evo-X/evo-X/

Big Thanks from Me!!!

Playerbot was created as a core modicfication to MaNGOS, by lots of people. All my spare time is devoted to maintaning & improving this code on blueboy. Most of the playerbot code is contained in standalone files, separate from the MaNGOS core. I do not know how evo-X differs from MaNGOS, but I am sure it would be possible translate. (Warning: I am presently comparing Trinitycore with MaNGOS. Not to support playerbot, but to fathom out why certain things work on Trinitycore and not on MaNGOS. They are quite different! So be prepared for lots of issues with evo-X. Have you tried applying 'playerbot' to evo-X yet?

If you manage to integrate the code into evo-X, maybe could 'fork' off the evo-X branch, and provide ongoing support with your own repo, like I did with blueboy;)

Cheers blueboy

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Hey there Blueboy is it possible to make Playerbot/Botguy compatible with evo-x mangos(stable 3.3.0a mangos Core with alot of Bugfixes)

Here is their Git: http://github.com/evo-X/evo-X/

Big Thanks from Me!!!

You will have to ask Sajla to incorporate the bots.. I already petitioned him about being able to merge the mangchat and playerbot mods into his repo but he hasnt gotten back to me. I even offered to build for evo-x if he will send me some form of converter... he HAS to have one

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i already asked him, and he is currently working on eye of archerus quest for dk if he is done fixing it he will try to merge it to evo-x.

Oh and Blueboy trinity sucks maybe its most bugfree but support is kinda stupid. it takes ages to get on newer patches.

Evo-x has only 2 non working dk quests, eye of archerus and into the dark realm.

Trinity has the quest with the mine car not working so evo-x tops from now on.

And they have better support, daily new updates.



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Hi Guys

@mec69, SVN had its day, although I still use it to obtain code from certain sites. Git is the future in 'Revison Control' software (HG similar). Once you get the hang of it, its great. True. 'git' was first developed by 'Linus Torvald' the father of linux, but I believe there is access support for other platforms


@mec69, @erazare & @Hanpuch I've just had contact with Sajla, and yes I believe he is busy trying to resolve the 'Eye of Acherus' quest. I have briefly looked at their repo, and there is a great deal of activity at present. This commonly happens when switching client versions, with all flavours of mangos. There is always a flood of issues that need resolving, and the DB support can be poor. I am sure that it won't be long before MaNGOS does the same. I'd wait a whille before making the jump to 3.3.0, thus allowing for core, DB & mod support to catch up.

@Hanpuch There is a saying "If it works, don't mess with it". I am not defending poor support in any way, but maybe the support activity seems poor because Trinity essentially works. To my knowledge the 'eye of acherus' quest doesn't work on any other flavour apart from Trinity. That said, I am very happy with MaNGOS, because of the excellent support it provides :D

I haven't come across the 'mine car' quest but its great that it works on evo-X. The more choices available the better in my opinion...

Cheers all ;)

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Hi guys,

Just to help, I have integrated the playerbot code into eve-X-core. I am presently supporting the MaNGOS branch which still runs with client 3.2.2a. I do not know whether the code works or not. This is where you come in. If you have already upgraded your client to 3.3.0, then perhaps you can test it out and give me some feedback. The github repo can be located at;


There appears to be two evo-X forks, one run by Salja and the other by beleko. I have forked off beleko, shoot me if I got it wrong :rolleyes:

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i already asked him, and he is currently working on eye of archerus quest for dk if he is done fixing it he will try to merge it to evo-x.

Oh and Blueboy trinity sucks maybe its most bugfree but support is kinda stupid. it takes ages to get on newer patches.

Evo-x has only 2 non working dk quests, eye of archerus and into the dark realm.

Trinity has the quest with the mine car not working so evo-x tops from now on.

And they have better support, daily new updates.



wait.. are you saying evo-x fixed " The Gift that keeps on giving"?

I would be happy to convert mangchat to evo-x but they did that strange trini-mang convergence and now there are considerable changes in the skeleton so i havent even a clue where to start. its cool that the Evo Team has made thier own little niche, but if they cannot come up with a way to at least sketch out a conversion process I sure as hell am not going to do it... i have enough trouble merging four or five mods into the latest branch.

p.s. I am pushing my latest TiamaT today, (mangchat, playerbot, vehicles, ahbot and mangos 9132 all merged and working in unison) will edit and add git link when pushed... (still deciding if I want to through autobroadcaster and a couple tweaks in first.)

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Hi guys,

Just to help, I have integrated the playerbot code into eve-X-core. I am presently supporting MaNGOS branch which still run with client 3.2.2a. I do not know whether the code works or not. This is where you come in. If you have already upgraded your client to 3.3.0, then perhaps you can test it out and give me some feedback. The github repo can be located at;


There appears to be two evo-X forks, one run by Salja and the other by beleko. I have forked off beleko, shoot me if I got it wrong :rolleyes:

nah ur not wrong exactly... Beleko's evo-X-core repo is Sajla's personal development repo for the Evo-X project. If you get things woirking with it (and make sure he knows) there is a better chance it will get absorbed into the evo-x Project. I am using Beleko's 3.3.0a DB (edited to allow for mangchat and support for 322a 9132) and its a beautiful database... (although somehow the flightmasters are all screwy and i cant figure out why)

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terrible news... : Mangos just pushed 330a to master... everybody needs to start updating thier mods to support 330a

for the record... I had playerbot merged to a mangos 9106 / mangos 330a merge and it ran just dandy (unlike vehicles which needed major cleaning and mangchat that WILL NOT merge correctly (causes an error in client hampering character creation))

yay what fun... and to think yesterday i announced to the people on my server that i had given up 330a and refused to make a 330a version of the server until Mangos pushed it to master...



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Hi erazare,

Bump, I just finished saying that it would not be long before MaNGOS went to 3.3.0. . I just tried compiling the code used on blueboy/evo-X, and it is buggy as hell. It will take some time to sort out, so be patient. Which is the main evo-X branch? beleko or salja I want to use the branch that everyone else merges from. Do you know the address?

Is it http://github.com/beleko/evo-X-Core

I did a search on github and these were the only repos found.

MaNGOS 3.3.0 support is my prority!


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Hi erazare,

Bump, I just finished saying that it would not be long before MaNGOS went to 3.3.0. . I just tried compiling the code used on blueboy/evo-X, and it is buggy as hell. It will take some time to sort out, so be patient. Which is the main evo-X branch? beleko or salja I want to use the branch that everyone else merges from. Do you know the address?

Is it http://github.com/beleko/evo-X-Core

I did a search on github and these were the only repos found.

MaNGOS 3.3.0 support is my proirity!


yeah i got it here (I am watching all the evo repos) its: git://github.com/evo-X/evo-X.git

personally I always compile my repos before I push them to make sure that they compile *and* they dont have hazardous bugs (like my current flight master problem)

seriously.. i realize this isnt the subject but no one is answering anywhere... WHAT controls the flightmaster system? I am driven to believe its in the main Mangos DB but i cant seem to find it... one DB the flightmasters work fine, the next they dont its really irking me bc i would like to keep the evo serverdb

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Yes I normally like to check that the code compiles first, but I was strapped for time and I was hoping that someone could check it out for me. Particularly since I was requested to provide support for evo-X. Now that MaNGOS has switch to 3.3.0, I'll have client machines available to test it out. So watch this space.

I believe the issue is with the core rather than playerbot. There seems to be some version of scriptdev2 included with the source. They might be custom scripts, just as Trinitycore includes 'trinityscripts'. Plus a number of configurational issues. I should have checked that the core code compiled, before integrating playerbot :rolleyes:

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Yes I normally like to check that the code compiles first, but I was strapped for time and I was hoping that someone could check it out for me. Particularly since I was requested to provide support for evo-X. Now that MaNGOS has switch to 3.3.0, I'll have client machines available to test it out. So watch this space.

I believe the issue is with the core rather than playerbot. There seems to be some version of scriptdev2 included with the source. They might be custom scripts, just as Trinitycore includes 'trinityscripts'. Plus a number of configurational issues. I should have checked that the core code compiled, before integrating playerbot :rolleyes:

cool to know... you wouldnt have any ideas about my flight master crisis would you?

as for Playerbot in mangos revs I just compiled a 9141 core of my TiamaT branch and I am trying to work out a better DB for it at the moment once i know its stable I will push it so you guys can see pbot works with 9141 :)

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Hi erazare,

I guess you must have tried all DB's compatible with 3.3.0. What aspect of the flightmaster doesn't work? Do they refuse to respond or do they actually crash the server, like our friend 'botguy' did. I would have thought that the mechanics of the flightmasters would be in the MaNGOS code. For instance, when you select a new flightmaster, the system has to recalculate flight paths for the player. The DB would just personalise the flightmasters, gossip menu stuff etc... When I get around to looking at evo-X, I'll be in a better position to help.


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actually I am using a Mangos Core but modified the Evo-X DB to work with it

the problem is that you can go to any flightmaster and gaina new flightpath, but when you go to the next flightmaster in line instead of getting a taxi route to travel on the map only comes up showing where you are and the server reports to the player no known routes connected to this one.

see what i mean?

go to silvermoon and grab a dragonhawk to tranquillen andyou wont have a flight point... run all the way down to tranqualien and the flight master shows you a map that only has where you are and no where else and tells you that you dont know any connecting flightpoints.

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Hi erazare,

I assume the 'next flightmaster' you mentioned, is in the same Continent. Sorry I know that is a stupid question! :rolleyes:

As you progress from one flightmaster to the next, the character database should be updated to reflect new flight paths found. It sounds like this is not occuring. Maybe the flight path info in your modified DB is incorrect!

Just an idea ;)

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Hi erazare,

I assume the 'next flightmaster' you mentioned, is in the same Continent. Sorry I know that is a stupid question! :rolleyes:

As you progress from one flightmaster to the next, the character database should be updated to reflect new flight paths found. It sounds like this is not occuring. Maybe the flight path info in your modified DB is incorrect!

Just an idea ;)

ok, see now we're onto something... where does it update the character database? I might be able to cross reference them.

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personally i hate repacks for far too many reasons.. generally i take them for the DB to compare it against my own work, but repacks imo shouldnt be made... here's an idea: lets distribute server software to morons who can barely turn on thier computer much less attempt to run a SERVER supporting a bunch of other idiots who dont know what they are doing..

no.. i think repacks are a mistake.. it introduces too much leeching and vermin with very few pluses on any level.

Hey Erazare thanks for the unwanted and totally useless opinion! Seriously that post didn't help me with my issue in the least, so why not keep those kind of off topic thoughts to yourself eh? If you don't like using repacks then good for you, but I couldn't give a rat's arse to say the least...

As for Blueboy's much better response to the issues with playerbot I would say thanks again, but however updates to those versions of manogs, playerbot, and PSMDB did not solve the problem. Prior to those updates however I did try using the command line commands for summoning the bots, but this did not help either. I did figure out that it has nothing to do with the bot sommoning NPC though. The problem lies deeper and I figured out a work around to the crashes in certain methodology of play. Once I get the time to dig into the code I'll see about fixing the problem as it seems to be very specific to certain circumstances.

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