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  • The History Of MaNGOS

    From the creation of MaNGOS (sometime around the 28th August 2005) until December 2012 theLuda was the leader of MaNGOS. His ideals and insistence that MaNGOS remained an open-source educational project continues today.

    During this time several splits occurred (as with all big projects) - From these Trinity Core and MangosR2 among others forks were formed (with some even denying that they are mangos based). During the fallout of the cmangos split, the getMaNGOS website, forum, servers and GitHub repo's were hacked in May 2013 and subsequently destroyed by a hacker (who was loyal to the group). theLuda and the other senior devs decided to quit, and some left the scene for good.

    Antz asked for the theLuda's permission to attempt to recover the project and keep the project going
    - He agreed and with the help of MadMax rebuilt the forum, website and managed to recover a majority of the GitHub repos.
    Losing theLuda as the leader of MaNGOS at the same time as some of the senior devs was a big blow to MaNGOS, But we have endured and continue to grow.

    Since then we have continued to develop the cores and expand our knowledge base dramatically as well as encouraging and coaching the next generation of MaNGOS experts. - We have created thousands of pages of reference documentation to assist developers and users alike, See the Wiki Reference Pages for a majority of the information.

    In August 2013 several of the MaNGOS team picked up the dead Spurious emu project which was vb.net based and decided to work on it. The following month, one of the founders of Spurious (wowAdict) joined the team and the two teams were merged and the emu renamed MangosVB.

    The primary goals of this project are currently to get it using the same Database and data file formats as the main MaNGOS projects and extend the current functionality to match the level of MaNGOS.

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