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Playerbot (archive)

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Hi infamousd,

As for Blueboy's much better response to the issues with playerbot I would say thanks again, but however updates to those versions of manogs, playerbot, and PSMDB did not solve the problem. Prior to those updates however I did try using the command line commands for summoning the bots, but this did not help either. I did figure out that it has nothing to do with the bot sommoning NPC though. The problem lies deeper and I figured out a work around to the crashes in certain methodology of play. Once I get the time to dig into the code I'll see about fixing the problem as it seems to be very specific to certain circumstances.

It still sounds like your problem was with the 'botguy' (Pappy Looter). Moving Playerbot support from MaNGOS [8898] to [9106], broke the botguy code (due to GOSSIP menu changes). I figured out a fix that seemed to work with linux, but not windows. Meanwhile Stillhard and yad02 found a fix that worked with Windows, but not linux. After a great deal of debate it was thought best to remove the botguy code from the Playerbot core. If you wish to use 'botguy' code then as I said in my last post, there is information in this thread to put the code back. I find commandline summoning far more reliable, and it does not require a GM to summon the 'bot recruiter'. I create macros to summon the bots, so its a one click process.

If you have found a common solution to the 'botguy', I am sure that members would be interested to see your fix.


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for the sake of argument I rebuilt my tiamat server using the 9141 git of 330 and with a few very small and easy edits to about four files for the merge the compile went off without a hitch (except for some playerbotai.cpp code that requests movement_flying2 (which i just cut the '2' off of the code in the cpp and whammo - working server... i also took udb 386 fully updated to UDB release and then dropped acid 3.0.2 on it and made the needed updates to mangos 9141 and we have working bots. In fact all facets of tiamat now work and this includes flightmasters and other trivials I had been finding.

I am going to delete my TiamaT repo and then repush as it is severely dirty right now. I know we arent to advertise our gits here but between 3raZar3 and TiamaT... anyone who knows git a little can find it :)

mec... I hate to flame on you about ur inexperience so i wont...

listen do the following with git and you should be mostly okay (aside from possible merge edits you will have to edit yourself)

git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git dev

cd dev

git checkout -b dev

git pull git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git master

then fix the merge edits in notepad or other editor (I use Notepad++ personally)

compile and enjoy... git DOESNT download the whole mangos tree technically during a pull... what it actually does is pull the whole tree into the .git heads and then tries to merge the two trees (clone and pull) together

its really a very useful SVN type system in that... here.. go to your SD2 SVN... now... I want you to use a command in tortoise to download an older repo of sd2 using ONLY the SVN... meaning you enter the current SD2 svn but download an older version... you cant

git tracks not only the repos but the changes that have been made to those repos since they were placed on git.. letting you choose any version through the same git via switch commands

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for the record, i just updated my master repo to 330a mangos 9141 support with full tiamat support

edit 12:33pm EST: just merged [9147] to TiamaT without a single flaw... so if you have my git its updatable to mangos going to check individual repos within tiamat to see if each repo can be updated to current as well as stands, most of the modification repos that make up tiamat are at or around 9086 releases when i can compile all recent releases as of today of all strains (ahbot, vehicles, playerbot, mangchat, and latest mangos release, I will post a new topic with repo address

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blueboy, I just got the Vehicles branch from Tasssadar to play nice with Dual Spec and AHbot but I'm still getting errors with it and your repo, if you get a chance could you look and tell me what I need to do to get it to play nice with yours?

Mangos 9146

UDB 306

Acid 302

ScriptDev2 what ever is the latest now( I haven't checked it 2 hours now)...hehe

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Hi DaemonCantor,

O.K I've just upgraded my clients to 3.3.0 and tested the following;

MaNGOS [9146]


PSMDB[281] This presently only supports 3.2.2a. However it will load with a few errors. I applied the relevant sqls from the MaNGOS source to update the World & Character databases. It shouldn't be long before Silvermoon are supporting 3.3.0a.

I got the same single issue as erazare, when compiling. They have changed the use of MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING2 to MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING. This requires changing in PlayerbotAI.cpp. It will then compile without fault. I will update blueboy presently. Initially I only compiled the MaNGOS core with Playerbot. I also use AHBOT and I will check it out this evening. I haven't used Vehicles, but if you can let know where I can get the mod from, I'll give it a try, and get back to you.

Regards blueboy

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Hi DaemonCantor

I have just finshed compiling Playerbot from blueboy with (Naicisum's) AHBot patch & (Tasssadar's)Vehicle patch without issue.



The fix is quite tricky, so I must ask you whether your prepared to follow a quite lengthy process, with alot of

keyboard work?

Oh, Are you using Linux or Windows?

Let me know.

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I'm runnin Windows( I know, I know but I can't afford a Mac right now) and yes I'm will for keyboard work just remember go easy on me because I'm having to remember how to program (been 20years) and I'm only fluent in Assembler anyways....hehe( If Microsoft learned Assembly Office would only be 50megs total!)....so Shoot

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How are you at scripting under windows, I use linux, sorry the scripts will need converting.

Here goes;

You will first need to clone the MaNGOS repo to your hardrive. Then, change to the appropriate commit version

git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git
git log // find the <commit HASH> for [9147]
git checkout -b 9147 <Commit HASH>
git log // check that [9147] is the new HEAD 

Auctionhousebot integrates without issue. It's Playerbot and Vehicle code that clashes. Both update Player.h at the same point.

My process will require you to create three patches.

1. auctionhousebot.patch git://github.com/Naicisum/mangos.git

2. Vehicle.patch git://github.com/Tasssadar/Valhalla-Project.git

3. playerbot.patch git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git // my copy of the Main Playerbot branch

1. To create auctionhousebot.patch use the following script;

#!/bin/bash -x
git clone git://github.com/Naicisum/mangos.git ahbot
cd ahbot
git checkout origin/ahbot
git checkout -b ahbot
git diff master ahbot > auctionhousebot.patch

the patch is stored in the ahbot directory. Copy this to your MaNGOS source root directory

2 & 3 Use the bash scripts I gave in post #394, of this thread.

These were made to create the playerbot.patch, but can be adapted to create the vehicle.patch too.

3. Playerbot. Check that the script gets its code from blueboy rather than playerbot. The scripts should then run unattended, copy the patch from the playerbot directory to the mangos directory.

2. Vehicle. Change all 'playerbot' references to 'vehicle'. Make sure the script looks for code on the Tasssadar repo. Again run script, and copy the created patch from the vehicle directory to the mangos directory.

Right now the fun part.

Editing the patches so they work:

1. playerbot.patch must be edited as follows,

@ line 306 , within ChatHandler.cpp, void WorldSession::HandleMessagechatOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data )

// a single space is missing between 'lang,' and player.

            GetPlayer()->Whisper(msg, lang,player->GetGUID());

must be changed to

            GetPlayer()->Whisper(msg, lang, player->GetGUID());

@ line 1086, within PlayerbotAI.cpp, void PlayerbotAI::HandleBotOutgoingPacket(const WorldPacket& packet)

// remove the '2' from MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING2.


must be changed to


repeat this @ line 1098


2. Vehicle.patch must be edited as follows,

change the block of code

@@ -2305,6 +2313,11 @@ class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC Player : public Unit

        bool isActiveObject() const { return true; }
        bool canSeeSpellClickOn(Creature const* creature) const;
+        uint32 GetActionButtonSpell(uint8 button) const
+        {
+            ActionButtonList::const_iterator ab = m_actionButtons.find(button);
+            return ab != m_actionButtons.end() && ab->second.uState != ACTIONBUTTON_DELETED && ab->second.GetType() == ACTION_BUTTON_SPELL ? ab->second.GetAction() : 0;
+        }

        uint32 m_contestedPvPTimer;


@@ -2305,6 +2313,11 @@ class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC Player : public Unit

        bool isActiveObject() const { return true; }
        bool canSeeSpellClickOn(Creature const* creature) const;
+        uint32 GetActionButtonSpell(uint8 button) const
+        {
+            ActionButtonList::const_iterator ab = m_actionButtons.find(button);
+            return ab != m_actionButtons.end() && ab->second.uState != ACTIONBUTTON_DELETED && ab->second.GetType() == ACTION_BUTTON_SPELL ? ab->second.GetAction() : 0;
+        }

       // Playerbot mod:
       // A Player can either have a playerbotMgr (to manage its bots), or have playerbotAI (if it is a bot), or

The patches must be applied in a specific order. I suggest,

N.B. --dry-run allows you to test the patch before actually applying.

1. patch --dry-run -p1 < playerbot.patch

2. patch --dry-run -p1 < auctionhouse.patch

3. patch --dry-run -p1 < vehicle.patch

Hope this helps.

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WELL WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!....DANG IT!...I've been going at this the hard way for nutin!

I've been telling ppl whats in my repo for quite a while now.

listen DaemonCantor if u get them all running lemmie know, i want to know if you have flightpoint issues

I get from some flightmasters that there is no connecting flights (even though i have been to tem already) and other flightmasters tell me that i am not standing close enough no matter where i stand

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I've been telling ppl whats in my repo for quite a while now.

listen DaemonCantor if u get them all running lemmie know, i want to know if you have flightpoint issues

I get from some flightmasters that there is no connecting flights (even though i have been to tem already) and other flightmasters tell me that i am not standing close enough no matter where i stand

I get that already with the flight point in Ebonhold, and Lightshope, also Silvermoon and Mulgor. and as to the playerbot fix I'm halfway there I'll finnish it tomorrow. Thank god for books! I'm still learning C++ and more than a little confused when it comes to aray's but I'll get it eventually.

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I get that already with the flight point in Ebonhold, and Lightshope, also Silvermoon and Mulgor. and as to the playerbot fix I'm halfway there I'll finnish it tomorrow. Thank god for books! I'm still learning C++ and more than a little confused when it comes to aray's but I'll get it eventually.

not to have a party while you are in misfortune, but i am glad to see others having the flightmaster problem too... maybe if we all talk about it enough someone will figure out how to fix it... its driving ME crazy because my server is running better than i have ever seen and something so simple as taxinodes is making it a real pain in the ass to play nongm

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I know what you meen, and don't try it when in GM it's worse, also I just did a pull and update on what I have, 268 Errors in spell.cpp alone! plus 2 criticle failures in chat.h, I didn't see a chat.h but I did see a chat.cpp. I guess it's time to switch to Macintosh...It just Works!...lol

never say that, Macs are evil

chat.h and chat.cpp are both in there and yes chat.h should be edited... thats why if you use a clean DL of my repo it will compile... to update to say 9147 I would suggest you wait til around noon tomorrow I will post an updated repo of tiamat (tested first as always) with whatever the latest mangos repo is up tomorrow.... last time I looked it was already up to 9157

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Question... I'm "still" running 3.2.2a with PlayerBot and AHbot, and i'm using the bots... but.....

When i try to enter MoltenCore the bots won't follow.. the server tell's me i can only teleport the players to the instance if they are grouped with me and with me as leader..

I AM grouped and am the leader of the group... Why won't this work ?

I'm a level 5 admin on my server, had gm mode switched on to test further but nothing helps.. the bot's won't enter MoltenCore...

What to do ?

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I don't get the chance to play WOW these days because I am too busy solving issues. I don't even know where 'moltencore' is? However I know where your going wrong. I just tried taking a group of bots to molten core, with one of my GM accounts. If you read the Message it says

You must be in a raid group to enter Molten Core instance

Are you in a raid group?

Hope this helps

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Since i can't edit my earlier message ....

This is what i do..

I start at Ironforge.

- I summon 4 Bots (1 shaman , 1 rogue , 1 mage , 1 hunter + pet)

- I group with them

- I press 'O' and 'convert to raid' under the raid tab.

- I .tele group MoltenCore

now me and my party (raid) are in front of the green instance gate of MoltenCore.

I give the bots the command to follow me and walk through the gate, one second later.. i am in MoltenCore, but.. the above message appears.

My bots cannot enter the instance.

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I wouldn't think that a 5 man group would be classed as a RAID group. If you said 30 or 40, that would be more realistic. My understanding was that RAID groups are an amalgamation two or three GUILD groups! It sounds like Molten Core is quite a hot spot :rolleyes: and you will need an army, rather than a small group. The 'player' defaults to the party leader. It would make no sense for a bot to become leader 'dog wags the tail, the tail does not wag the dog'

I did

.tele moltencore

and got the message about being in a raid group

Reading your last post I'm a little confused, :confused:

1. Start in Ironforge.

2. .tele group MoltenCore

3. In front of the gates of MoltenCore

Did the .tele work or not? I thought your probelm was teleporting to Molten Core. The message you get might be a warning that your group is not prepared for what is on the other side of the gate.

Is the gate entrance a portal? I know portals act like teleports.


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I see what you mean, I've just taken a small group of deathknights to the gates of MoltenCore. It only allowed the player through the portal. ???? Yeh, your guess is as good as mine. Maybe it is an issue that need addressing with playerbot. I don't think the system acknowledges a small group as being a RAID group, although it appears to do the conversion.

but thanks for drawing it to our attention.


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Got it !!!!

Tele to blackrock mountain ... go to the bottem, there is a blood elf there with a quest.

You need to get a core fragment... (.additem or .quest complete it) , then have the blood elf teleport you to the Molten Core.. The bots will then be with you..

*Dang* that took me over a week !!!

btw... you really do need an army in there.. the beginning is ok.. but once you get further... no way... not with 5 man ... or 6... more like 30... 40....

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