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MaNGOS as a different use?

Guest Iro_number1

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You would need to have it almost exactly the same as WoW. If I were you I would look at the PseuWoW/MangosClient project, as it is doing the same as you want to do, but using WoW as the game, so you could probably modify that to create a new client, although all the extractors would not work with your custom client (as far as I know, I could be wrong).

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Ah, so it would be very similar to WoW without changing the core...

But if change the core it can be whatever i want right?

I guess i would have to make my own extractors then too. But how would you make a map file though?

You might aswell write your own core easier to make a game that way.

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I am afraid that one person will not be able to do that :)

But maybe its worth a try? I would love to try using MaNGOS for that because then it would get more devs eventually and both would profit, the question is how/where to start.

If anyone is interested in helping :P just tell me maybe we can start something very interesting :)

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Yeah, it would be better not to use MaNGOS in my opinion, because there are much more flexible and better ways to do this. The amount of work you would have to do to convert MaNGOS over would be more than to write you own most likely.

What if it would be a lets say a fork of MaNGOS some basic core of it and rest remade for the other purpose?

I understand your point with writing a completely new core, but that's a huge amount of work plus i'm just starting to learn how to program, and i think the best way to learn is to actually do it so i wanted to use something stable to work from it.

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best thing you can do is use some code from mangos, like the netcode, ByteBuffer and helper classes, the singleton implementation, and some more.

content- or data-wise its not a goood idea to use the same files, formulas, and whatnot. also you shouldnt use the map/grid code for example, unless you fully understand it (i dont :lol:).

i asked these questions you had above myself a while ago, because me+some others started writing an own game client/server, a somewhat different game tho, but simillar style.

if you are new to c++ and so and not that familiar with it, it is another reason you should try to write most things on your own. if you dont understand code and have to change it later, it can be a pain.

that just as general advice.

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best thing you can do is use some code from mangos, like the netcode, ByteBuffer and helper classes, the singleton implementation, and some more.

content- or data-wise its not a goood idea to use the same files, formulas, and whatnot. also you shouldnt use the map/grid code for example, unless you fully understand it (i dont :lol:).

i asked these questions you had above myself a while ago, because me+some others started writing an own game client/server, a somewhat different game tho, but simillar style.

if you are new to c++ and so and not that familiar with it, it is another reason you should try to write most things on your own. if you dont understand code and have to change it later, it can be a pain.

that just as general advice.

Time to get a drawing board, some people and a lot of pizza, maybe this will get somewhere.....

It will be very hard to start something though, especially when I don't know c++ that well.

What i thought would *maybe* be a good idea, is to look at MaNGOS and start from scratch and create something like it yet different enough to be its own idea.

So much thinking to do....:confused:

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