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What is the grid? How does it work?

Guest Striko

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I'm learning the mangos C++ system, but I don't understand at all what this map grid is nor how it works.

Can someone tell me or point me in the right direction?

Also, in what format are the maps and vmaps that are extracted? If I open them with notepad they

all appear strange characters, how do I know what is inside? What does the code do with it exacly

to load it up?

Thank you


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I'm not very familiar with the grid structure, but i had a look at vmaps a while ago.

Of course you can't read them in notepad, just like you can't read images or sound files in notepad...it's binary data.

They don't have any standardized file format, they're basically just a memory dump from the data sctructures used by the vmaps code, which from what i can tell comes from a free 3d (game-) engine called G3D.

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