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[Request] Quest commands in RA console

Guest FragFrog

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Through the Remote Admin Console it is possible to get a lot of information on accounts and server status, but so far I have been unable to do character specific quest commands - if it already is possible to do this, I'd be much obliged if someone could explain how.

What I want to do:

.quest complete [questId] [characterId] - complete the specified quest for the specified character.

And if possible:

.quest list [characterId] - return a list of all active quests for the specified character.

I noticed some other commands already take a [character] argument like 'repairitems' and 'send', it would help me a lot if someone could help me perform similar commands for quest! :)

(And yes, for those wondering, I am indeed currently working on a character quest module for GaME :D)

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Aye, but I expect DB data to be outdated - or at least not as up-to-date as the ingame command will show. Ideally I want to be able to complete a quest for a currently logged in player with GaME through the RA console - this would be a lot easier for our GM's than teleporting to them, looking up the quest ID and then performing the command manually.

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