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Mangos functions tutorial

Guest amine99

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Hello i am searching for a post or an internet page that contains all the functions of mangos and their explication because i am a c++ programmer but I have no knowledge on Mangos Developpement and i would like to interest at

Please help me to find tutorials or everything

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I founded how to compile a core with visual C++. That's OK but my first question is :

Where do I write or introduce my C++ codes ? I have many projects :




Where do I introduce, hmm for exemple to correct a spell bug. Where do I introduce the code ? In which project, in which file (.cpp)

If to correct a spell I must use another program please show me all


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So, I write my patch with .cpp extension.

I open GIT BASH, i write ( cd (my_sources))

Then : git apply <patch>...

Than I compile :)

Is it just ?

No, you make a patch after you edited the the core files for easy distribution or for submitting a patch to mangos. or you apply a patch you got from mangos with it.

To edit the core you need to edit the .cpp and .h files relevant to your problem/edit, just a matter of figuring out where the logic for that perticular action is.

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I don't really understand, I have question, please answer them and I'll understand all ^_^ :

- Exemple : I have the spell "Think' that causes 1500% damages from the normal. I wanna correct it, how do ? (I don't need code, just the procedure)

- Exemple : Akama didn't walk, Illidan is impossible to do. What is the procedure (without code) to correct that ?

- If I download a patch from MaNGOS, how to apply it ? (all the procedure with the appropriate commands)

That's all, I'll understand ALL if you answer me these 3 questions.


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I don't really understand, I have question, please answer them and I'll understand all ^_^ :

- Exemple : I have the spell "Think' that causes 1500% damages from the normal. I wanna correct it, how do ? (I don't need code, just the procedure)

- Exemple : Akama didn't walk, Illidan is impossible to do. What is the procedure (without code) to correct that ?

- If I download a patch from MaNGOS, how to apply it ? (all the procedure with the appropriate commands)

That's all, I'll understand ALL if you answer me these 3 questions.


- Depends whether it is an effect or an aura which is bugged. If it's an effect, then you need to modify SpellEffects.cpp, if it's an aura then it's SpellAuras.cpp.

- This is in ScriptDev2, and it depends how it's implemented in ScriptDev2. To correct it you make him walk.

- Depends on the patch. Either use linux patch command or git apply.

Your questions are too vague to go into real detail.

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- Exemple : I have the spell "Think' that causes 1500% damages from the normal. I wanna correct it, how do ? (I don't need code, just the procedure)

there is probably a wrong dbc value, so soultions are:

-edit dbc (illegal procedure)

-write something on spelleffects.cpp/spellauras.cpp/unit.cpp

-control values in the databse (for exemple the damage of some spell bonuses is inside spell_bonus_data)

- Exemple : Akama didn't walk, Illidan is impossible to do. What is the procedure (without code) to correct that ?

this is a script/waypoint issue, so from scripts (mangos use scriptdev2) or from db where are set coord of waypoint

- If I download a patch from MaNGOS, how to apply it ? (all the procedure with the appropriate commands)

That's all, I'll understand ALL if you answer me these 3 questions.


if your patch file is called patch.diff just

patch -p1 < patch.diff

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