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[Fix] Spellsteal

Guest MrLama

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What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

Implements dispel resist to Spellsteal

For which repository revision was the patch created?


Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.


Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.

me ( but got idea from EffectDispel )


diff --git a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
index 90c8577..a34df1a 100644
--- a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
+++ b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
-6834,29 +6834,33 @@ void Spell::EffectStealBeneficialBuff(uint32 i)
    // Ok if exist some buffs for dispel try dispel it
    if (!steal_list.empty())
-        std::list < std::Pair<uint32,uint64> > success_list;
-        int32 list_size = steal_list.size();
+        std::list < std::Pair<uint32,uint64> > success_list;// (spell_id,casterGuid)
+        std::list < uint32 > fail_list;                     // spell_id
        // Dispell N = damage buffs (or while exist buffs for dispel)
-        for (int32 count=0; count < damage && list_size > 0; ++count)
+		for (int32 count=0; count < damage && !steal_list.empty(); ++count)
            // Random select buff for dispel
-            Aura *aur = steal_list[urand(0, list_size-1)];
-            // Not use chance for steal
-            // TODO possible need do it
-            success_list.push_back( std::Pair<uint32,uint64>(aur->GetId(),aur->GetCasterGUID()));
+            std::vector<Aura*>::iterator steal_itr = steal_list.begin();
+            std::advance(steal_itr,urand(0, steal_list.size()-1));

-            // Remove buff from list for prevent doubles
-            for (std::vector<Aura *>::iterator j = steal_list.begin(); j != steal_list.end(); )
-            {
-                Aura *stealed = *j;
-                if (stealed->GetId() == aur->GetId() && stealed->GetCasterGUID() == aur->GetCasterGUID())
-                {
-                    j = steal_list.erase(j);
-                    --list_size;
-                }
-                else
-                    ++j;
-            }
+            Aura *aur = *steal_itr;
+			// remove entry from steal_list
+            steal_list.erase(steal_itr);
+            SpellEntry const* spellInfo = aur->GetSpellProto();
+            // Base dispel chance
+            int32 miss_chance = 0;
+            // Apply dispel mod from aura caster
+            if (Unit *caster = aur->GetCaster())
+			{
+				if ( Player* modOwner = caster->GetSpellModOwner() )
+                    modOwner->ApplySpellMod(spellInfo->Id, SPELLMOD_RESIST_DISPEL_CHANCE, miss_chance, this);
+			}
+            // Try dispel
+            if (roll_chance_i(miss_chance))
+                fail_list.push_back(spellInfo->Id);
+            else
+                success_list.push_back(std::Pair<uint32,uint64>(aur->GetId(),aur->GetCasterGUID()));
        // Really try steal and send log
        if (!success_list.empty())
-6877,6 +6881,18 @@ void Spell::EffectStealBeneficialBuff(uint32 i)
            m_caster->SendMessageToSet(&data, true);
+		// Send fail log to client
+        if (!fail_list.empty())
+        {
+            // Failed to steal
+            WorldPacket data(SMSG_DISPEL_FAILED, 8+8+4+4*fail_list.size());
+            data << uint64(m_caster->GetGUID());            // Caster GUID
+            data << uint64(unitTarget->GetGUID());          // Victim GUID
+            data << uint32(m_spellInfo->Id);                // Steal spell id
+            for (std::list< uint32 >::iterator j = fail_list.begin(); j != fail_list.end(); ++j)
+				data << uint32(*j);                         // Spell Id
+            m_caster->SendMessageToSet(&data, true);
+        }

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