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Force Stop Casting Bosses

Guest DJNefast

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Hello Mangos Community,

since 2 day i search a mean to stop casting on bosses, because we can't interrupt spells on this type of mobs.

For example, we can interrupt auriaya when she cast her shadow spell and we must interrupt it else we wipe.

How can i force bosses to be interrupted by spells like earth shock for example ?

Is there any flag ?

Thank for advance.

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In your database creature_template table you can set a mechanic immunity mask (info) which controls whether a creature can be interrupted, stunned, etc. Not entirely sure, but I assume this works for bosses as well.

Keep in mind that most bosses are immune for a reason - if your raids whipe on them, it's most likely because you do not follow the correct tactics, not because the boss is unstunnable.

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