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Create new spells / Use spell animation

Guest SeySayux

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I'd like to create some new spells on my server. After digging in the source code, I found out that spells are listed in a DBC file. However, is it actually possible to add new spells without modifying the DBC file client-wise too? Do I need to do something else except for modifying the DBC file?

In case it's not possible or otherwise very difficult to create new spells, is it possible to trigger the animation a spell uses? I.e. make a new dot-command that just plays the animation on your character and applies the effect of the spell, and put that in a macro.

PS. I tried searching the forums, but I found nothing. If you have any intresting topics, please link :). Oh yes, I'm quite fluent in C++, MySQL, et. al. so that shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks for your attention,

- SeySayux

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