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HearthStone crash

Guest Furious-Py

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REPACK: Selector

It seems some characters dont have the Home Position well declared, then a crash error restart the server.


Setting player home position: mapid is: 1, zoneid is 215, X is -2917.000000, Y is -257.000000, Z is 53.000000
mangos-worldd: ../../../src/game/Object.h:474: Map* WorldObject::GetMap() const: Assertion `"m_currMap" && 0' failed.
../../../src/game/Object.h:474: Error: Assertion in GetMap failed: m_currMap
Stack Trace:
/opt/mangos3/bin/mangos-worldd(_ZN6Player10LoadFromDBEjP14SqlQueryHolder+0x9c0) [0x8396070]
/opt/mangos3/bin/mangos-worldd(_ZN12WorldSession17HandlePlayerLoginEP16LoginQueryHolder+0xa1) [0x8532061]
/opt/mangos3/bin/mangos-worldd(_ZN6MaNGOS15_IQueryCallbackINS_9_CallbackI16CharacterHandlerP11QueryResultP14SqlQueryHoldervvEEE7ExecuteEv+0x3d) [0x853a9ed]
/opt/mangos3/bin/mangos-worldd(_ZN14SqlResultQueue6UpdateEv+0x1e) [0x855e7be]
/opt/mangos3/bin/mangos-worldd(_ZN5World6UpdateEj+0x1c6) [0x8496816]
/opt/mangos3/bin/mangos-worldd(_ZN13WorldRunnable3runEv+0xba) [0x81435aa]
/opt/mangos3/bin/mangos-worldd(_ZN9ACE_Based6Thread10ThreadTaskEPv+0x1d) [0x8565b9d]
/opt/mangos3/lib/libACE-5.6.6.so(_ZN21ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter6invokeEv+0x67) [0xda20d7]
/opt/mangos3/lib/libACE-5.6.6.so(ace_thread_adapter+0x11) [0xd4e601]
/lib/libpthread.so.0 [0x196832]
/lib/libc.so.6(clone+0x5e) [0x2e5e0e]

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if you use something without source, you are not allowed to ask questions here

this only wastes the dev's time

If you modified your sources, then at least also provide every possible related change, such that everyone knows that helping you is just kindness, but not really helping the project.

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