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Updating a Server

Auntie Mangos

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There are many guides in the Installation, Configuration & Upgrades that explain this very well.

What operating system are you using?

Edit: I will note however that SD2 has a broken script due to MaNGOS revision 10156, so you may want to use MaNGOS 10155 until SD2 can catch up to the changes, but this is only relevant if you plan on using ScriptDev2

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That part is cleary described in all of the guides, since you said you think your server is running linux, you'll want to refer to the guide [GUIDE] Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS/RHEL Install Guide starting from Step 6

Edit: The World Database portion of that guide is out-dated here is a snip from my 90% finished guide I'm working on

cd ~ ;
mkdir udb ;
cd udb ;
svn co [url]https://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/unifieddb/trunk/[/url] ;

svn may return a prompt stating that the certificate is untrusted, you can temporarily or permanently accept it

unzip trunk/Full_DB/UDB*.zip -d trunk/Full_DB/ ;
echo 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mangos; \\
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mangos.* TO mangos@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION;' | mysql -uroot -p[b][color="RED"]<MySQL Root Password>[/color][/b] ;
mysql -umangos -p[b][color="RED"]<MySQL MaNGOS Password>[/color][/b] mangos < trunk/Full_DB/UDB*.sql ;

Note this snip of code is intended for FreeBSD but should work on any linux distro as long as you have subversion and unzip installed

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  • 40 years later...

Yes, as the title says, I'm wondering how to Update a server to a latest patch. E.g. 3.3.5

Firstly, if there is anyone that can help me out, can you tell me what programs I need to install and step by step or tutorial's on how I can actually update it.

I'm a newbie at developing but I wish to continue and to use it later on in life. Just wondering if anyone can help me with the problem on Updating.



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Well, the thing is. I'm not the owner of it, I actually use webmin for it to acess server/server files, I do believe the operating system is Lynux -

It says:

You need update DBC files.

You need regenerate .map/vmap files.

However, I do not know how to do that.

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Well, the thing is. I'm not the owner of it, I actually use webmin for it to acess server/server files, I do believe the operating system is Lynux -

It says:

You need update DBC files.

You need regenerate .map/vmap files.

However, I do not know how to do that.

As antiroot told you, there are many guides, read them before posting.

If you would have read any compiling/installation guide,

then you'd know what "DBC files" and map/vmap files are,

and what to do.

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That part is done on your client computer not the server. In the MaNGOS repository theres a directory called contrib which has the files you need.

You need to place the ad.exe, vmapextract_v2.exe, vmap_assembler.exe, splitConfig.txt, makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat files in your game client's installation folder and execute ad.exe and makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat

Afterwards you will have directories named dbc, vmaps, maps you will need to copy these new directories to your MaNGOS server's data directory

Edit: I'm only posting this info because you said your server is remote, and some of the guides don't clearly tell you that you these files MUST be generated on the client not the server

Edit 2: One thing that the guides do not state, as far as i've read, if ad.exe does not run and complains that its corrupt or something similar, you need Microsoft's Visual C++ Redistributable Package (Google for it) not sure if it matters if its 2005 or 2008 on your client computer

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The ad.exe and other executables are pre-compiled for windows and you will not need to to compile them yourself. You can download the files from your server to your client or from the git repository to your client.

Run it on my PC, AD.exe etc.

Then copy maps / db files back into server?

The rest of that sounds like you understand what you need to do. Just make sure to copy the folders in to your MaNGOS Data directory

Edit: Using Filezilla in SFTP mode would be an easy way to get the executable files from your server to your client, and then also be able to push the newly generated files/directories from your client onto the server

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The whole guide is for installing a brandnew fresh server, however parts of it can be used for updating. which if you already have UDB+scriptdev2 in your database than all you need to do is apply your mangos patches until you are at the correct version

Theres a collumn in mangos.db_version that tells you which version your database has, just keep applying your sql updates until its correct

Edit: From your second post in this thread i assumed you had the current core compiled and you were only needing the data files, did you compile a new core or do you still need to do that?

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PSDB is an alternate worlddatabase, so even tho its not UDB you do have a world database installed

So all you need to to do is download/compile a new core (if you have not done so yet) and apply the sql updates to get the database upto date.. If you still need the source for the new core go with revision 10155 like i said in my second post since scriptdev2 has not caught up with the changes yet (hopefully they will in a day or two)

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when you use git to fetch the newest mangos source theres a folder called contrib that has the exectuables in their appropiate sub folders, the updates will be in a folder called sql/updates/

for example after you do the following

cd ~

git clone http://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

cd ~/mangos/

from here you will find contrib at ~/mangos/contrib

and sql update at ~/mangos/sql/updates

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