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Linker Errors VS2008

Guest xarly

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Compiling a source for SD2, i get some LNK2019 and LNK2001.


error LNK2001: external symbol "class Aura * __cdecl CreateAura(......

error LNK2019: external symbol "public: __thiscall ObjectMgr::ObjectMgr(void)

error LNK2019: external symbol "struct SpellEntry const *

Source functions are there, in SpellAuras.h ObjectMgr.h etc..., I can see the definition just with a mouseover.

I wonder why some functions can be found in mangosd.lib and some others, like these, sd2 is not able to find.

Do you know a way to fix this?

Thank you

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Thank you Vladimir

I'm going crazy, really. I'm tryin to compile rsa's SD2. He compiles with gnu c in Linux and I with VS2008 in Windows

Can be possible that gnu C could compile this?? I know this isn't a MaNGOS problem but grant me a question, If I cannot compile with VS because those functions are not exported, with gcc should be the same result, isn't it?

Thank you again

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