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[fixed][Bug] Wrong reset time for Heroic Dungeons

Guest sytaria

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Hello :).

Mangos Version: 10348

Custom Patches: a few ones, but not related

Database Name and Version : UDB 392

How it SHOULD work: Heroic Dungeons should reset after 24 hours max.

How it DOES work: Heroic Dungeons reset after a week.

If anyone has a clue about this (or if this is normal :o ), please help us.



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It seems to have a few constant expiry dates it's pulling out from somewhere. They are:




It's also failing to assign instance reset times ("instance locks are scheduled to expire in ."), which may be the cause of this problem?

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Just a few notes :

InstanceSaveMgr.cpp, line 233 and 640 :

uint32 period =  uint32(mapDiff->resetTime / DAY * sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_RATE_INSTANCE_RESET_TIME)) * DAY;
uint32 period = mapDiff->resetTime * DAY;

When you replace that by something constant like :

uint32 period = 5 * DAY;

All works correctly.

So I think there's something wrong with mapDiff->resetTime...but it's DBC data :/

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have this problem occured after switch to 3.3.5a? If yes, then maybe that blue guys changed DBC values for reset time of instances (mapDiff->resetTime) from number of days to something different, like number of hours, or minutes? Maybe this is where this huge numbers come from.

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no, the DBC file are ok as far as I can see - 1day or 1 week in seconds

also the config float is correct with default == 1, and if not set I think it will be 0.0, so the period will be set to 1 DAY (line 230, which also is correct I think

I think you must focus on any "-" calculations in the different places there is something to reset time related, like

ScheduleReset(true, resetTime - resetEventTypeDelay[event.type], event);

resetTime might be zero for some dungeons, so there might be a check missing

Edit: If I am not mistaken, the code in line 640 should also be modified along the config Var

Edit2: line 640 is _wrong_ in any case: uint32 period = mapDiff->resetTime * DAY;

with the 5man hero we multiply DAY*DAY as period, instead of DAY ;)

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Hmmm that can actually make a problem...

In that case we would have a period of 7 464 960 000 seconds, instead of 86 400. A bit too much :)

-    uint32 period = mapDiff->resetTime * DAY;
+    uint32 period = uint32(mapDiff->resetTime / DAY * sWorld.getConfig(CONFIG_FLOAT_RATE_INSTANCE_RESET_TIME)) * DAY;


Or at least :

-    uint32 period = mapDiff->resetTime * DAY;
+    uint32 period = mapDiff->resetTime;

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Bumping this caus isnt fixed.

Core Rev: 10408

Sd2: 1792

Custom Pach: Only Armory Stuff from shadez dont think this has some effect on the problem.


1) when you enter in a instance the text msg " Welcome To ( Instance Name)(5 Player Heroic). Instance Lock are Sheduled to expire in. ( Here Should Appear the time left for reset) "

1.a) The time is set at mangos.conf the hour for the instance reset. i have it at 4am so if the current time is 11pm. should say " Expire in. 5 Hours".

Photo Problem 1:


2) At raid Info Tab the time for expired time doesnt appear now, not sure if here should appear the time that we set in mangos.conf like a said if i set it to 4am maybe should appear Expired time 4am or like before the time left for reset. will confirm this latter.

3) When i use the .instance listbinds i see that the time for the instance expired is ( 341315days ) Lot of days.

Here an image.

Photo Problem 2 & 3.


Plz review this, and try to get it fixed soon as possible :(

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