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[BUG] Judgement of Light combined with spells 56405


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Mangos Version: 10342

Custom Patches: none

SD2 Version: 1780

Database Name and Version : YTDB 560

How it DOES work: A debuffed(with a paladin spell Judgement of Light) unit attacking the paladin with spell 56405 gets healed by 2%

How it SHOULD work: There should be no healing of the attacking unit

Sorry I cannot provide the SpellId of the Paladin's Judgement of Light, but the name is not unique in wowhead ;(

A bit more information:

Spell 56405 is an attack spell, directed at an enemy, however it has as second effect a SPELL_EFFECT_SCRIPT_EFFECT on self.

I _suspect_ that any similar spells (having an effect on self) will trigger healing of the unit in combination with the judgement, so I think this is a major bug of the paladin spell.

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Confirmed on last rev.

Temp hack in UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp :

// Judgement of Light
               case 20185:
+                    if (pVictim == this)
+                       return SPELL_AURA_PROC_FAILED;
                   basepoints[0] = int32( pVictim->GetMaxHealth() * triggeredByAura->GetModifier()->m_amount / 100 );
                   pVictim->CastCustomSpell(pVictim, 20267, &basepoints[0], NULL, NULL, true, NULL, triggeredByAura);
                   return SPELL_AURA_PROC_OK;

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