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Changing custom items?

Guest robindude

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Having some issues with custom items. I've gone into WoW-V in an attempt to create several items (specifically shirts that give massive stat bonuses so that two people can take on dungeons and raids). I can create the item just fine, and it goes in (with the much noticed problem that the icon in the bag doesn't look right, but I think there's another thread about that somewhere), the problem comes when I want to EDIT the thing, or make a second one.

I created an item that fives 52 spell power. This turned out not to be enough, so I created a second item, identical to the first save for the name, entry ID, and, of course, spell power (to 300). This seemed non-functional. The damage done by spells wearing the first item was the same as ones using the second. This happens even if I eliminate the line in Navicat and replace with a new one. And yes, each time I'm restarting the server.

On a related note, at one point I created an item with increased attack power. I then went back and changed the number. While the actual attack power was changed (according to the Character Sheet), it didn't change on the display text for the item. Any clues here?

If it matters, I'm using a relatively new compile of Mangos (compiled late December) and the UDB database from that time, so things are at most a month old right now.

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