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Noob Question: How do I patch?

Guest robindude

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I've been looking around for about four hours now trying to get this to work, but getting nowhere. I am a total noob and needed the step-by-step instructions of the install to get this thing up and running. I had it going fine, but now I'd like to update and add a third party patch, specifically the Traitor patch. I went to my git gui and updated the files, that seemed to work alright (crossing fingers, haven't compiled to check yet), but I can't figure out how to add the Traitor patch... at all. There was a we site listed (http://daviper.pastebin.org/361780) but that seems to be toast. I tried looking at the original server install which has a patch for the AHBot (which I'm not using, BTW) and to apply it to the Traitor patch. All I got were fairly uncommunicative error messages (along the lines of "this doesn't exist, you ninny"... my comp has a 'tude problem). Anyway, can someone hold my hand through this? Sorry to be so nooby. :o

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I strongly suggest to use git bash to handly anything with git.

I know it's painfull in the beginning, but git is developped to be used from this perspective, and so most git tools are only really funcitonal with git bash.

Also git bash is very very well documented (just look around in the source code management area)

You probably want to use something like "git apply < filename"

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