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ive learned that im dumb on sql updates ! HELP !

Auntie Mangos

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Good Day Brainstorm,

Please read the forum post below, all the answers are within:


Ehm so in otherwords what u are trying to tell me is that im suposed to update with another higher nr of version ?

ive read that post over 5 times and still dont get what it says to do..

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  • 41 years later...

Hi and thanx for looking in !

Ive got error starting my server and i realy dont know

howto fix this.

i have read the instruction but i gues im to dumb to understand.

can someone maby help me uppdate my data base to the newest ?

or maby send me one big file that has the newest.

here is the errors:

2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:SQL: SELECT required_11234_01_mangos_command FROM db_version LIMIT 1
2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:query ERROR: Unknown column 'required_11234_01_mangos_command' in 'field list'
2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:The table `db_version` in your [WORLD] database indicates that this database is out of date!
2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:
2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:  [A] You have: --> `10537_01_mangos_command.sql`
2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:
2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:  [b] You need: --> `11234_01_mangos_command.sql`
2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:
2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:You must apply all updates after [A] to [b] to use mangos with this database.
2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:These updates are included in the sql/updates folder.
2011-03-19 10:37:43 ERROR:Please read the included [README] in sql/updates for instructions on updating.

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No! Use your brain, starting with going to the right forum part called "Installation, configuration & upgrade". There you will find multiple tutorial, also for updating a database. You can also use a search engine, this is really the most frequently error ever, you will found thousands of threads about it, all with the same solution.

And please notice, this is a software developer forum, not a user help desk, no one here will present you a one click solution for your individual problem.

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im asking for help to get help !?

is that so hard to understand ?

ive tryed read all the guides but cant figure it out

i have the db required version for mangos


ive tryede to find it and i found it but it gives me error so i cant uppdate it PLEASE HELP

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im asking for help to get help !?

is that so hard to understand ?

ive tryed read all the guides but cant figure it out

i have the db required version for mangos


ive tryede to find it and i found it but it gives me error so i cant uppdate it PLEASE HELP

Now i come pass that by skipping the file and taking another newer..

no my problem is 11117_02_characters_world.sql

it gives me errors

the dm charecter database require it it says

and its the only one that exists...

i get this :

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10503_02_characters_gameobject_respawn required_10568_01_characters_character_tutorial bit

Error occured at:2011-03-18 21:16:52
Line no.:2
Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist

CREATE FUNCTION `ConvertAuras`(`auras` varchar(1024))
RETURNS varchar(1024) CHARSET utf8
 DECLARE startp INT;
 SET @k = 0;
 SET @tmp = '';
 SET @startp = 1;
 SET @pos = LOCATE(' ', auras);
 DELETE FROM temp_auras;
 WHILE @pos > 0 DO
   IF @k = 0 THEN
     SET @curr = SUBSTR(auras, @startp, @pos - @startp);
     IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT spell FROM temp_auras WHERE spell = @curr) THEN
       SET @tmp = CONCAT(@tmp, @curr, ' ');
       INSERT INTO temp_auras VALUES(@curr);
     END IF;
   END IF;
   SET @k = 1-@k;
   SET @startp = @pos+1;
   SET @pos = LOCATE(' ', auras, @startp);
 SET @tmp = RTRIM(@tmp);
 RETURN @tmp;

Error occured at:2011-03-18 21:38:32
Line no.:147
Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mysql.proc' doesn't exist

ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_11117_01_mangos_world_template required_11169_01_mangos_mangos_string bit

Error occured at:2011-03-18 21:39:27
Line no.:2
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_11117_01_mangos_world_template' in 'db_version'

ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10503_04_mangos_gameobject_respawn required_10537_01_mangos_command bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 14:46:28
Line no.:1
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10503_04_mangos_gameobject_respawn' in 'db_version'

ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10503_04_mangos_gameobject_respawn required_10537_01_mangos_command bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 14:52:09
Line no.:1
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10503_04_mangos_gameobject_respawn' in 'db_version'

ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10503_04_mangos_gameobject_respawn required_10537_01_mangos_command bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:25:06
Line no.:1
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10503_04_mangos_gameobject_respawn' in 'db_version'

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10503_02_characters_gameobject_respawn required_10568_01_characters_character_tutorial bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:30:52
Line no.:1
Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mangos.character_db_version' doesn't exist

ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10679_01_mangos_npc_vendor_template required_10679_02_mangos_creature_template bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:32:55
Line no.:1
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10679_01_mangos_npc_vendor_template' in 'db_version'

CREATE FUNCTION `ConvertAuras`(`auras` varchar(1024))
RETURNS varchar(1024) CHARSET utf8
 DECLARE startp INT;
 SET @k = 0;
 SET @tmp = '';
 SET @startp = 1;
 SET @pos = LOCATE(' ', auras);
 DELETE FROM temp_auras;
 WHILE @pos > 0 DO
   IF @k = 0 THEN
     SET @curr = SUBSTR(auras, @startp, @pos - @startp);
     IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT spell FROM temp_auras WHERE spell = @curr) THEN
       SET @tmp = CONCAT(@tmp, @curr, ' ');
       INSERT INTO temp_auras VALUES(@curr);
     END IF;
   END IF;
   SET @k = 1-@k;
   SET @startp = @pos+1;
   SET @pos = LOCATE(' ', auras, @startp);
 SET @tmp = RTRIM(@tmp);
 RETURN @tmp;

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:42:26
Line no.:42
Error Code: 1146 - Table 'mysql.proc' doesn't exist

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status required_11117_02_characters_world bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:47:02
Line no.:1
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status' in 'character_db_version'

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status required_11117_02_characters_world bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:47:38
Line no.:1
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status' in 'character_db_version'

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10254_01_characters_auctionhouse required_10312_01_characters_character_aura bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:48:25
Line no.:2
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10254_01_characters_auctionhouse' in 'character_db_version'

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10503_02_characters_gameobject_respawn required_10568_01_characters_character_tutorial bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:48:30
Line no.:2
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10503_02_characters_gameobject_respawn' in 'character_db_version'

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10664_01_characters_arena_team_stats required_10862_01_characters_mail bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:48:39
Line no.:2
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10664_01_characters_arena_team_stats' in 'character_db_version'

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10862_01_characters_mail required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:48:45
Line no.:2
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10862_01_characters_mail' in 'character_db_version'

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status required_11117_02_characters_world bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:48:51
Line no.:2
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status' in 'character_db_version'

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10862_01_characters_mail required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:49:43
Line no.:1
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10862_01_characters_mail' in 'character_db_version'

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status required_11117_02_characters_world bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:51:41
Line no.:1
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status' in 'character_db_version'

ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status required_11117_02_characters_world bit

Error occured at:2011-03-19 15:54:20
Line no.:1
Error Code: 1054 - Unknown column 'required_10973_01_characters_game_event_status' in 'character_db_version'

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You're trying to apply an update to the wrong DB. Only apply the ones with mangos in them to the world db.


im not so bad on this that i dont know that..

And no im not doin that..

i update mangos for mangos and charecters with charecters..

and i got errors anyway

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