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[fixed]Kingdom ahead!


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Hello everybody,

I would very much appreciate some help for opening my server via DynDNS.

I tried with no succes using no-IP and finaly saw that I have a configuration for DynDNS on my modem so I'm trying again with DynDNS…

- DynDNS is up - green condition

- changed the adress on SQLyog

- added a new line in Windows/System32/drivers/etc/host

- for the realmd of my client. I understood I have to keep « set realmd »  on my computer and have «  set realmd monserveur.dyndns-server.com » for an outside computer.

With the realmd at, I can connect via my computer to the kingdom screen, but impossible to enter the kingdom.

Checked « log » on DynDNS Updater, I have the following informations:

03-20-2011 11:20:14 - Updater: Service started.

03-20-2011 17:06:40 - WINHTTP: The request timed out.

03-20-2011 17:06:44 - GetHostList: WinHttpSendRequest failed. Unable to send the request to the HTTP server.

If you have an idea it would be great!





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Thank you Patman!

It's getting better! I have connected in the game with the realmd monserveur.dyndns-server.com on SQLyog!

But my wife can't connect with here computer:(

On here computer I have changed the realmd of here client in:

set realmlist monserver.dyndns-server.com

Something else to be done for here to connect?

This is milles away from programing I know. Thanks for helping.

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To clarify what Schmoozerd has said:

If anyone is trying to log in to your server and they are at home with you, then they will need to set their realmlist.wtf file to the LAN IP of your server, not the internet address you chose with DynDNS. This is assuming all the computers in your home are all connected to the router and do not have separate modems for connecting to the internet.

Commonly, your LAN IP should read something like, but it can be whatever you chose when setting up your Local Area Network, also called a Home Network when using Windows. Also make sure you do have a static IP assigned for your server. Otherwise, the router can change your LAN IP every time you boot your server.

Your network may be configured like this:

Router -
Server -
Computer #1 -
Computer #2 -

...and so forth.

Set the HOSTS and realmlist.wtf files for the server and each client computer accordingly.

If you are trying to also play on the same machine that your are running MaNGOS, you would set your realmlist to the local loopback address for that client, which is It is not recommended you run both the game client and server together on the same machine, but it can work if there are very few people also logged in to your server.

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you might also want to check your router configs and make sure its porting the ports required for mangos to your pc's internal ip

example being:

if your router assigns your pc to ip make sure port forwarding of both mangos realmd and mangosd ports are sent to ip

the two ports by default are 3724 and 8085

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Thanks for your help guys!

Unfortunatly my IP is not static. This is why I am using DynDNS services.

Going to try anyway to make this work! Alone on my server is not an option!^^

If I understood proper, I have to give mangos realmd the path to my local IP and have my wife's computer realmist set on this same local IP.

On SQLyog I have made the following changes :


So one can connect to my server outside via DynDNS and my wife via the local IP.

My client realmist dosent change; it's : set realmlist

Client realmist of my wife should be :set realmist (our local IP address)

Does that seems right to you?


p.s. We wont be more than 5 to connect to this server... hopefully it should work^^

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Some general information, which should help you set it up correctly for all clients you wish to play with...

In the realmd.realmlist table:

  • The second entry is not necessary (and also incorrect - you can't have 2 realms with the same id).
  • The address must be resolvable by internal and external clients (qorwynn.dyndns.org)
  • The port and id must match the values in your mangosd.conf

On client hosts:

  • On all client computers, realmlist.wtf should say set realmlist corwynn.dyndns.org
  • On client computers on your LAN, modify the hosts file so that qorwynn.dyndns.org resolves to
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You could also check if your router has an option called NAT Redirection or NAT Reflection (same thing just 2 different names)

basically redirection allows your internal LAN clients to access your port forwarded services via your router's WAN interface (ie: your public IP / domain name) without the need of editing the host files

Most routers i've seen have this feature, and a few will have it but it will be disabled. but there are still some that just completely don't support it and you will have to edit the host file as faramir118 stated

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