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Posts posted by Thyros

  1. Just few remarks about the changes:

    • * in HomeMovementGenerator in call for SendMonsterMoveByPath() - path.getPathPointer() call to get path start is redundant - we just generated it, its always 1.

    • * You still kept and using totally redundant PathInfo::isPointInPolyBounds(), any particular reason?

    • * In PathInfo::BuildPath, why checking isPointInPolyBounds? if last poly in path is the poly we need - we don't have to check anything. We already did while getting the reference to last poly.
      * Inside TargetedMovementGenerator::_setTargetLocation : that dist calculation is partially redundant (the first interval len), since point path will always contain at 0'th position out current position. pointPath.GetTotalLength can do this calculation.

    • * Unit::SendMonsterMoveByPath() : why not including cases for path shorter than 3 points, stop case? in middle points calculation :Path[start] will always be our current location. And /2 is slower than *0.5 :) very likely to be optimized out, but still.
      * About using UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS instead of SplineFlags, I'd ask TOM_RUS about this one, its his packet structure. That way of sending may refer to more than just taxi paths.
      * Ay particular reason for not including WaypointMovementGenerator? Do you think, we don't need it?

    Other than that, it looks just fine :)

    Take care.

    hey qsa can you update your patch with last changes from faramir?

  2. Found a bug at the last minute, been trying to find/fix it. I found one for sure, just not sure if it's what was causing the problem...

    Good news is that I enhanced the .debug mmap path command - it now places a marker at each point along the path!

    and when push you the changes, i wait of this...

  3. Do You want the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth and Choppers (Mechano-hog and Mekgineer's Chopper) to works like mount+vehicle,

    then use zergtmn's vehicle patch + part from Rage Hunter's vehicle patch (in exactly for VehicleSpellInitialize)

    (of course will works for Invite friends and Groups only!)

    Download links:

    for MaNGOS rev. [10072]: http://filebeam.com/42b815e75343d5ac39bf6e4872d62753

    and for MaNGOS rev. [10074]: http://filebeam.com/eade7a7f61985550088c9dc465f67a91


    Do not forget to import from folder 'sql' the files: vehicle.sql and vehicle_test.sql in the database 'mangos'


    Some of the quests with vehicles need script for a proper works,

    but for now You can use hack for DK quest 'Into the Realm of Shadows':

    -- ytdbase only!
    UPDATE creature_template SET unit_flags = 32768 WHERE entry = 28782;
    UPDATE quest_template SET SrcSpell = 52693 WHERE entry = 12687;

    Thanks to zergtmn and Rage Hunter (they are from ru-mangos.ru forum)

    traponinet: Have you Tested this new patch?

    Cartman: this patch is not comaptible with the old, the old must you revert ^^

  4. New generator doesn't need any parameters. Just put it in the same directory as the 'maps' and 'vmaps' folders, and it will do the rest.

    I made it ignore maps 0, 1, 530, 571, and some others. You'll have to edit the MapBuilder::shouldSkipMap method if you want to change that behavior (or wait for me to make them configurable at runtime)

    no, you're doing it right.

    2 bugs:

    • * debug commands don't do reference checking
      * I stated earlier there's a tile coord mismatch error caused by generator. This is it (I think)

    I'll fix the first problem, should be easy.

    The second one might not be as clear as I'm hoping, we'll see. But it will require new mmaps.

    and where is the change i see not on your repo.

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