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Posts posted by Triplex

  1. yes client is able to display 255 or 254 (not sure..) mails, there is no way to allow more.

    On official when you have more than 255 mails in mailbox and you did read all first 255 you will still see envelope near map that you have new mail. You have to delete some mails to be able to see other. There is hidden timer on client, when he sends CSMG_MAIL_LIST or reads mails from latest cache - SMSG_MAIL_LIST_RESPONSE.

  2. if i can request feature from you to add to your patch. It would be saving pet ids in battlegrounds - there are many conditions when pet is / isn't respawned after player is respawned by ressurection system in battleground. And patches that were here on mangos forum just added special variable to player class (last_pet_used_id) - but it is not correct, maybe we can use some other player's class variable - like lastsummonedpet or how it is called to respawn CORRECT pet after ressurection in bg.

  3. I don't want to show off, but i think we created better bg queue system... :cool:

    There were many things that we decided that some people would not agree. For example new BG instance is created when there are at least minimum players in queue from each faction - some would object it is better to start when there are at least maximum players of both factions...

    There are 2 possible config options for bg queues behaviour in mangos.conf file. Default is much easier and allows bgs to be very unballanced, but the other value of option should keep bgs ballanced as much as possible.

    From my point of view bg queues don't require any big changes...

  4. Hi,

    i recently optimized guild loading. But there was always problem that mangos run few querries for each guild and it caused slow startup.

    So i got an idea, to load all guilds data from database in 4 selects.

    And then guilds were loaded 2 seconds later, after those 4 querries were executed.

    Patch is tested, it doesn't change almost anything so it should work without problems.

    Please test it and report here..

  5. You should check your database for

    CREATE TABLE `guild_rank` (
     `guildid` int(6) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
     `rid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL,
     `rname` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
     `rights` int(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
     `BankMoneyPerDay` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
     PRIMARY KEY  (`guildid`,`rid`)

    There is no way to have 2 ranks with same rank_ids (`rid`) for one guild.

    Or you use some old patch, that breaks function of guild ranks.

    If you delete that table, all guilds will be disbanned, so you have to update its structure!

  6. hello,

    this is my second and i think last patch of guild loading process.

    patch file is available here:


    Patch is tested, but i didn't test all the changes.

    Patch will be commited in next 2 or 3 days so pls post some test reports.

    First server startup will take longer time than usually (i changed guild_rank table structure - every record must be updated). If you don't want long start you can execute command:

    UPDATE guild_rank SET rid = rid -1;

    But next startups will be faster.

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