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Posts posted by ecstasyversus

  1. Fri Mar 1 15:33:33 WEST 2013: Start extraction of vmaps...

    Fri Mar 1 15:33:33 WEST 2013: Extracting of vmaps finished

    Fri Mar 1 15:33:34 WEST 2013: Start assembling of vmaps...

    Fri Mar 1 15:33:34 WEST 2013: Assembling of vmaps finished

    It made the vmaps folder but nothing is in it

    It took you 1 second to do this two processes. I will assume that the buildings file is empty too or you did populate it before you make this attempt.

    You must have four new files in the WoW directory after everything is done properly (dbc, mmaps, vmaps, buildings.)

    first check if buildings file is empty or not.

    If empty or dose not exist you must create it. just create New file then rename to buildings inside your WoW directory.

    then u must specify the right path to your DATA file which is inside your World Of Warcraft directory to the vmapExtractor.exe

    How to:

    open your WoW directory, find the DATA file right click and open properties in the Target: box copy the text.

    Then go back to your WoW directory just right click on your vmapExtractor.exe and create shortcut to your desktop.

    Then go to your desktop right click on the shortcut open the properties in the Target: (there is already text there do not delete or change it just add at the end of it) -d (and right click, then paste) in the target path it should look something like this:

    example: "C:\\Games\\Worold of Warcraft\\vmapExtractor.exe" -d "C:\\Games\\World of Warcraft\\DATA"

    apply then close/OK.

    Now run vmapExtractor.exe from the shortcut. You must wait to finish the extraction.

    Now you must have buildings file full.

    Go to your WoW directory again find the vmap_assembler.exe

    right click on it and run Git Bash or open with command promote and type: vmap_assembler.exe buildings vmaps

    press enter.

    Now wait the assembler to finish.

    ...you should now have all four files full just copy them were you have compiled your server.

  2. Okay! Well, the database folder, that the guide explains how to download using git, did not contain a folder called "_tools". However, before I found this guide, I downloaded all of the primary files from the getmangos.eu Mangos Zero homepage, and the file "database_master.zip" does contain the folder you're talking about.

    I am going to start this process over using the files that I found on the Mangos Zero homepage, instead of using the files that the guide instructs you to download. If you know of a more thorough and updated guide, please let me know. Thank you for replying!

    I used all the _master.zip files from getmangos.eu and the direction from this guide on which programs to install and some info on how to build the solutions. everything works... Well as intended :P

  3. I am stuck on Step 6. I type the command into git bash "mysql_import" and it tells me the database does not exist and it failed to create. This tells me that it is not properly connecting to my database.

    I am running Windows Server 2012 and I already have an installation of MySQL Server 5.5 that works with the web sites I have hosted on the same machine. I just don't know what to change in the "mysql_info" file to get it to work.

    Edit: I attempted to append to the system path as suggested but this did not work. I appended "c:\\program files\\mysql\\mysql server 5.5\\bin"

    Edit 2: Because I am trying to install this on an existing server that is using IIS8 as well as PHP and MySQL, I cannot install XAMPP as the services it comes bundled with would confict with the services i already have installed.

    Hey jerbookins, i was stuck at the same step as u.

    it seems that the steps in this guide is for an older database.

    What i did is to follow the instructions on the file inside the database/README.md.

    Just go to \\database\\_tools run: make_full_db.bat

    right click on the newly created full_db.sql and use Git Bash to open the cmd window.

    (apply created file to mangos database) inside the cmd window run: mysql -u root -p mangos < full_db.sql

    I hope this helps.

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