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Posts posted by Velith

  1. Cataclysm is the dumbing down of the whole game. Most everything that I enjoyed about the game, has been condensed down to the point of being pointless. I wont waste anymore money on the new expansion. Instead I will be spending time writing code to make the mangos server even more accurate and blizz like as possible. Looking forward to learning and making friends in this community.

  2. NOW that is constructive advice your giving, thank you for that. As a matter of fact, that is exactly what I am attempting to do. Creating a server from the source is quite easy, just leaves a little to be desired on the linux platform.

    Thanks again for the informative critique...

  3. I'm not sure I understand the eighth and ninth steps, I don't understend where I should place the "dbc" and "maps" folders (on windows i place them in the same folder of mangosd.exe and realmd.exe)..


    Thanks for all your work and patience, I would be grateful if you write an Updating Guide for Ubuntu, after you finish all works for the Setup Guide....

    edit: just place the "maps" and "dbc" in the "bin" folder

    This is a working install script for ubuntu 10.04...

    # uncomment this section on a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04


    # cd ~

    # sudo apt-get update

    # sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc g++ cpp automake git-core autoconf make patch libmysql++-dev libtool libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev grep #binutils #subversion zlibc libc6 nano mysql-server unrar-free wine wine-gecko


    # Let's pull all the needed sources


    echo 'Cloning Mangos Repo'

    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git

    echo 'Cloning UDB'

    cd ~ && mkdir udb && cd udb

    svn co https://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/unifieddb unifieddb

    echo 'Cloning SD2'

    cd ~ && mkdir acid && cd acid

    svn co https://sd2-acid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sd2-acid sd2-acid


    #Time to setup mangos and patch with scriptdev2


    cd ~ && cd mangos

    echo 'Cloning ScriptDev2'

    svn co https://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scriptdev2/ src/bindings/ScriptDev2/

    echo 'Applying Patch'

    git am src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-*


    # Now to configure and compile


    echo 'Running configure'

    autoreconf --install --force

    mkdir build && cd build

    ../configure --prefix=/opt/mangos --sysconfdir=/opt/mangos/etc --datadir=/opt/mangos

    make ## Notice if you are running a dual core or quad core change this line to make -j <number of cores> ie...make -j 2 for dual

    sudo make install ## dont change it if you have a single core as it will not compile without errors.


    echo 'If you had no errors then we have a working mangos server'

    copy this script and name it something like mangos-build.sh

    chmod +x mangos-build.sh

    at the command line type


    wait for it to finish

    Hope this helps

  4. Currently I have this python script

    #! /usr/bin/python
    import commands
    import os
    from sys import exit
    # exit()
    servername = 'mangos'
    daemons = {
       'logon' : '/path/to/mangos/mangos-realmd',
       'world' : '/path/to/mangos/mangos-worldd'
    for name, path in daemons.iteritems():
       if not os.path.basename(path) in commands.getoutput('ps -A'):
           os.system('screen -A -m -d -S ' + servername + '_' + name + '  sudo -u mangos_user ./' + os.path.basename(path))
           print 'Starting ' + name
           print name + ' is already running'

    together with this cron job

      * *  *   *   *     python /path/to/restarter.py

    Now that is being helpful. Wish there were many more like you on this forum....

  5. Sorry guys, didn't mean to offend I assure you. I wanted to test out the installer, not issue another website+server in a box. This is a great project that is being developed by the mangos team. I respect their work highly. I have noticed a few people can be rather caustic, no matter what the forum. Thanks for the feed back anyways.


    PS if you actually checked out the files you would find the source code and build install script there...

  6. :)I'm new to the forum and just starting a Debian package install of the mangos server. I would appreciate it if some of you would download and test the installer I made. You can pick it up at http://sourceforge.net/projects/mangosrepacks/files/ As this is a fresh start please bear with me. I will be adding a GUI, website, and all files except client files such as maps, vmaps, and dbcs. Any feed back will be greatly appreciated. The sql files included will create the needed databases without having to sort through a ton of updates....


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