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Bug Comments posted by MrFreak

  1. [quote=Xenithar]Wiki page is wrong. Look at the "Nullable" column. Every item is set to "NOT NULL", but they default to NULL. Another problem is that a primary key should NEVER be NULL. Base don these two facts, you would be required to put in a zero for a PK, but you should also remember that a PK should not change once set. Seems like that table is in need of a refit![/quote]

    If you set NULL as the value for a primary key it will increment the value by 1 based on the previously highest number. You have to enable auto_increment for this.

    I also noticed that the primary keys are the IDs for the realm so they are multiple times occurring. Problem is that a primary key should be unique but we got a lot of rows with the primary key value 1 so that is invalid. There should be a column called uptimeID or something like that which is the primary key. The reference on selecting or deleting stuff would happen on that uptimeID then and not anymore on the realmid which isn't unique.

    I'm unsure why the column 'starttime' is a primary key. I don't see any use for that. It should be unique but not a primary key.

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