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Posts posted by Athor

  1. bug confirmed on 10309 scriptdev2 1755 no patch

    had 2 dk player complaining about char not saved after leaving game - same dberror.log report than above & changing rune solving issue.

    2010-08-08 03:03:19 SQL: INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, caster_guid, spell, stackcount, remaincharges, basepoints0, basepoints1, basepoints2, maxduration0, maxduration1, maxduration2, remaintime0, remaintime1, remaintime2, effIndexMask) 
    ('64670', '64670', '53362', '1', '0', '-4', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '1')
    2010-08-08 03:03:19 SQL ERROR: Duplicate entry '64670-53362' for key 1

  2. hello

    Was allready reported sry cant find thread back.

    Is core problem with teaching spells witch learn also riding skill - bug is you cant learn this spells when you allready know related riding skill.

    dirty work around is replace with learn spell http://www.wowhead.com/spell=33943 at trainer list but there is lot of spells like this such as http://www.wowhead.com/spell=13820 where you should replace with 13819 etc...

    Maybe core process could check if player allready have skill learn only spell.

    thank you :)

  3. Could be done with EventAI and action 41

    EventAI need this

    ACTION_T_SEND_SCRIPTS for send its own scripts table

    ACTION_T_TARGET & EVENT_T_TARGET possible define a target such as spell_script_target table to trigger event such as EVENT_T_SPELLHIT

    then allow interact scripts between npc (talk, move, etc...) allow boss script to respawn GO type chest, doors on death, encounter start etc...

    would be much less work to do for scriptdev2 team.

  4. hello :)

    To MOVE_TO or EMOTE npc work fine with quest_end/start_scripts

    INSERT INTO `quest_end_scripts` (`id`, `delay`, `command`, `datalong`, `datalong2`, `dataint`, `x`, `y`, `z`, `o`) VALUES 
    (10000, 4, 3, 0, 5000, 0, 7873.62, -1399.65, 1534.06, 2.89119),
    (10000, 10, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    But same script with gossip_scripts return errors

    2010-01-30 01:46:00 ERROR:SCRIPT_COMMAND_MOVE_TO call for non-creature (TypeId: 4), skipping.
    2010-01-30 01:46:05 ERROR:SCRIPT_COMMAND_EMOTE call for non-creature (TypeId: 4), skipping.

    any setting to define correct target/unit somewhere i could have missed ?

    thank you :cool:

  5. confirmed - also if player logout from this zone return server.log errors after server restart like

    2010-01-30 02:07:25 ERROR:Player (GUID: 57428) has broken zone-data
    2010-01-30 02:07:25 ERROR:Player (GUID: 9183) has broken zone-data
    2010-01-30 02:07:25 ERROR:Player (GUID: 35222) has broken zone-data
    2010-01-30 02:07:25 ERROR:Player (GUID: 48151) has broken zone-data
    2010-01-30 02:07:25 ERROR:Player (GUID: 54052) has broken zone-data
    2010-01-30 02:07:26 ERROR:Player (GUID: 55356) has broken zone-data
    2010-01-30 02:07:26 ERROR:Player (GUID: 53321) has broken zone-data
    2010-01-30 02:07:26 ERROR:Player (GUID: 56925) has broken zone-data
    2010-01-30 02:07:27 ERROR:Player (GUID: 68189) has broken zone-data

    All this char were at Krasus landing - a single .namego #char_name few yard away in Dalaran solved this


  6. [8997] confirm summoned version not working - if manually spawned with .npc add works fine repair/vendor/banker

    same with own gossip_menu_id settings at db - works only for spawned one (click on summoned gossip menu does nothing)

    also summoned version not apply aura from creature_template_addon / spawned version have it.

    should have this aura in db http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=68054

    DELETE FROM `creature_template_addon` WHERE (`entry`=35642);
    INSERT INTO `creature_template_addon` (`entry`, `mount`, `bytes1`, `bytes2`, `emote`, `moveflags`, `auras`) VALUES 
    (35642, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '68054 0');

    tested without aura settings too for same result.

  7. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the fix add?

    Set creature_ai_texts.emote datatype to smallint allow play emote with id>255

    Currently field emote datatype tinyint(3) only allow playemote with emoteID up to 255

    If try to input emoteID>255 like 430 for example , field value will be automatically set to max allowed value 255 . Then you will have a db error report at server start like

    2009-08-27 11:33:40 CreatureEventAI:  Entry-XXXX in table `creature_ai_texts` has Emote 255 but emote does not exist.

    For which repository revision was the patch created?

    Done on 8413

    Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.

    none found

    Who has been writing this fix? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.



    ALTER TABLE `creature_ai_texts`
    CHANGE `emote` `emote` smallint (5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0';

  8. thank you NoFantasy it works fine

    did on backup from core 6888 - last patch included 2008_12_03_01_character_guild_member.sql

    step 1)

    * run core 6888

    * go ingame

    * create hunter char

    * learn Mail .learn 8737

    * .additemset 651 http://www.wowhead.com/?itemset=651

    * add gems

    2 red i33133 i33134

    2 blue i34256 i33137

    2 yellow i33143 i33144

    1 meta 25901

    *put in socket, log out, restart server still on 6888 no pb, gems correctly show etc...

    step 2)

    *upgrade char db to 7067_03_characters_character_spell with normal core sql files

    *run it with core 7067_03_sd2_838 gems messed up and not show in correct socket etc... bug confirmed

    reistall fresh char db backup & redo full step 1)

    on step 2) edit 2008_12_22_19_characters_item_instance.sql and replace :

    ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_2008_12_22_18_characters_characters required_2008_12_22_19_characters_item_instance bit;
    UPDATE item_instance SET data = REPLACE(data,'  ',' ');
    UPDATE item_instance SET data = CONCAT(TRIM(data),' ');
    UPDATE item_instance SET data= CONCAT(
     SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',30),' ',-30),' 0 0 0 ',
     SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',60),' ',-60+30),' 0 ')
    WHERE SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',60) = data AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',60-1) <> data;
    UPDATE item_instance SET data= CONCAT(
     SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',30),' ',-30),' 0 0 0 ',
     SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',60),' ',-60+30),' 0 ',
     SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',134),' ',-134+60))
    WHERE SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',134) = data AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',134-1) <> data;


    ALTER TABLE character_db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_2008_12_22_18_characters_characters required_2008_12_22_19_characters_item_instance bit;
    UPDATE item_instance SET data = REPLACE(data,'  ',' ');
    UPDATE item_instance SET data = CONCAT(TRIM(data),' ');
    UPDATE item_instance SET data= CONCAT(
     SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',54),' ',-54),' 0 0 0 ',
     SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',60),' ',-60+54),' 0 ')
    WHERE SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',60) = data AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',60-1) <> data;
    UPDATE item_instance SET data= CONCAT(
     SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',30),' ',-30),' 0 0 0 ',
     SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',60),' ',-60+30),' 0 ',
     SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',134),' ',-134+60))
    WHERE SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',134) = data AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(data,' ',134-1) <> data;

    *run it with core 7067_03_sd2_838 gems correctly match with socket.

  9. hello & thanks for tuto, worked fine till now

    but i can't pull Alterac on last mangos master 6872 (fresh source) - any fix in this case ? thanx

    Welcome to Git (version

    Run 'git help git' to display the help index.

    Run 'git help <command>' to display help for specific commands.

    $ git remote add balrok git://github.com/balrok/mangos.git

    $ git pull balrok alterac

    remote: Counting objects: 867, done.←[K

    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (289/289), done.←[K

    remote: Total 775 (delta 647), reused 580 (delta 486)←[K

    Receiving objects: 100% (775/775), 178.58 KiB | 29 KiB/s, done.

    Resolving deltas: 100% (647/647), completed with 51 local objects.

    From git://github.com/balrok/mangos

    * branch alterac -> FETCH_HEAD

    error: Entry 'src/game/AggressorAI.cpp' not uptodate. Cannot merge.

    fatal: merging of trees 41ce6ccd7291d4a222794b715e389d6fed8495f9 and 2e08f5699c4

    4ef6030188bf99829b0fe9b28b4eb failed

    Merge with strategy recursive failed.

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