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Bug Comments posted by Morvael

  1. Attempted fix by removing the spell "Hauted Spirits" from "Haunted Servitors" in SFK.

    -- Haunted Servitude Spell in SFK
    -- Who casts it?
    SELECT * FROM wowzerov1world.creature_template_spells WHERE spell1 = 7057 OR spell2 = 7057 OR spell3 = 7057 OR spell4 = 7057;
    SELECT * FROM wowzerov1world.creature_template WHERE entry = 3875;
    -- Removal script
    -- UPDATE wowzerov1world.creature_template_spells SET spell1 = 0 WHERE entry = 3875;
    -- Reinstatment script
    -- UPDATE wowzerov1world.creature_template_spells SET spell1 = 7057 WHERE entry = 3875;

    However, the debuff was still applied???? Even after a server restart.

    Once the group made it past the courtyard / kitchens section and there were no more "Haunted Servitors", a zone out and back into the instance cleared the combat flag and the issue didn't reappear.

    From this it would seem that the issue is with:



  2. Updating with more info + reproduction steps:

    This issue seems to be far more wide ranging than the original report, and is present regardless of the Loot mode (eg, Need before Greed, Free for All), and is in fact reproducible when not in a group.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Kill a mob

    2. Open the loot window, if there are 3+ items of loot take the top one

    3. Close the loot window, then reopen it

    4. Attempt to loot the item at the top: "Item is already looted"

    5. Attempt to loot the second item in the list: Success


    The issue appears to be that for each mob each position in the loot window can only be looted once. Therefore once item at position 1 has been looted reopening the loot window reorders the items and it can't be looted again.


    While solo this isn't really an issue - just loot from the bottom up

    In a group this is a major issue with FFA loot, and more importantly with Quest Items which are largely un-lootable

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