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Posts posted by Ntsc

  1. Read the quote NTSC. It's to test the patch, after health % will be removed from conf and this system will not be used by core. It's for SD2.

    Btw, since you are back, please put efforts to move AI to core.

    Haha my apologies. I've been trying to catch up on everything and I tend to skip over things =\\

    Anyway I do think that it should be placed in the core and defined by a database field. EventAI is much slower than any simple HP check you can do in the MaNGOS core (its so bloated ugh). I just wanted to make sure there was a way to "override" it if needed.

  2. So this patch makes:

    • * When mob health is < at value configured in conf it will either

      • * Flee for 7 seconds if no assistant is around
        * Flee to the nearest assistant if one is found

    Hmm only problem I have is this "Flee at Health < value in conf".

    Some creatures flee at different percent (ACID shows ~6 scripts currently with large variation on Flee Percent). select * from eventai_scripts where action1_type = 25;

    Additionally some creatures should flee at full hp when they get in combat. The best example of this is the birds (Wild Sparrowhawk) on top Twilight Ridge (creature id = 22979). This is official behavior and is actually extremely frustrating because they are Red-Aggressive, keep you in combat when they are fleeing, and aggro more mobs...who end up fleeing the moment they are put in combat.

    Perhaps what is better is allow DB developers "override this value" in db. For example by default field can be NULL or 0 which means use Config value. If there is a value in this field then creature will flee at specified percent of hp.

  3. Not entirely correct, Mangos does not send anything but a notification about aggro, nothing read from any dbc, nor does it control anything except sending the below.

    Ah lol, I always thought we sent the sound id in that op code...oh well, I guess that makes it another "reaction" done client side.

    Damn, Ntsc... what happened to the days when we were the ones teaching NoFantasy how MaNGOS worked, now it's the other way around... :)

    Haha, I must be losing my touch with MaNGOS. It has been a while since I've even compiled it let alone coded for MaNGOS.

  4. Are you sure? I remember a situation some time ago when I was playing a male character and had female sounds ... some debug command solved it at that time.

    Your character was female but your model was still male. Client says - hmm ok play female sounds but you still see a male character. I don't know if MaNGOS has fixed this exact issue but that is exactly what was happening.

    At one time this happened when you were drunk (ironically enough) because the "drunk bits" were near the male / female bit and MaNGOS wasn't handling it correctly.

    Not all sounds are client-controlled; player emotes and mob messages are DB or script controlled- but the examples given above are client controlled.

    Just to continue a little bit here. The aggro sound played by mobs is actually MaNGOS controlled and uses a DBC file to figure out what sound op code to send to client (the mrgrrlglgl from murlocs for example).

    Death sounds and all attack, spell sounds are done by the client when animations are triggered.

    Generally DB or Script only have to write code to play very special sounds such as creature speeches or doors unlocking.

  5. Well as I said in that quote there we probably have the WALK_MODE flag labled wrong. It is probably RUN_MODE.

    And as I also said I think that Creatures are not effected by it at all. Only players. Creatures movement animation and speed are based on the time given to them in the movement packet. Distance/Time = Speed.

  6. Actually official's "Frozen Account" is just another term for de-activated. At least in the US Realms it is impossible to chose to "Freeze your account".

    Accounts are active until their payments have run out. So if you cancel your account right now but have 14 days still payed for the account will remain active until those 14 days runout at which time it will become "Frozen".

  7. I think that SSE and other optimizations are disabled for compatibility with all compilers and platforms (x86 and x64).

    SSE 1 is enabled because Vmaps require it. I don't think there is anything preventing you from enabling the other optimizations.

  8. Honestly I don't know the new names. I haven't updated in a while now and probably won't be coding for a few months since Wrath was just released where I live =P

    The sanctuary zones may be implemented somewhere else in code. I do not know where but I can give you an example of something else that was implemented like this. NPC water walking for example was hard coded in the BuildMovementPacket (Object.cpp).

  9. I personally find no reason for backwards compatibility. All clients provide both old and new content. Only things that really change are player spells and abilities.

    It is actually possible to implement client backwards compatibility but you'd be making a multiple client compatible server which would require a lot of "hacks" and "workarounds". It is also a lot of useless work that provides no real benefit as older client does not have any features that have been "taken out" beyond player spells/talents.

  10. Kind of a scripting question. It depends on what command you want the Item/NPC to use. I think it would be fine to ask here as some of the GM commands aren't possible from the 3rd party script library (singleton problems).

    I think changing level is simple. Something like Player->GiveLevel(int); That is possible from 3rd party script library.


    I think that the first is the items being displayed to other players and on the select character screen. It is an array of structures that lists item display ids and enchants. I don't know the structure off the top of my head.

    Virtual Item info, I think that is what you see when you press C and open the character pane. Same thing, an array of structures with item info and enchants (also includes gems?).

    Gameobject state should be fairly obvious. It is a 32bit integer with the "state". Alive, dead, open, closed, activated, etc. I don't know the states but I'm sure they are defined somewhere. They may be specific to the game object (ex only doors can be open, only lights can be activated).

    As far as your code there may be more to a sanctuary than that simple check. Try looking around the code for more. If there isn't then maybe you have the zone ids wrong. ZoneID is not the same as AreaId.

  12. I've posted this plenty of times...

    Official does NOT prefix the creatures name in monster text emotes. There are some monster text emotes that do not even have their name in them.

    All monster text emotes should be forced to use %s for their name if they would like to use it or simply leave that out if they do not.


    "%s runs away in fear!"

    "The walls begin to crumble!"

    The first would be displayed as "Ntsc runs away in fear!" while the second one should be displayed as "The walls begin to crumble!" with no name prefixed. This also allows users to do things like "%'s mana is low". I think there are a few emotes like this.

  13. I'm curious how 3rd party script libraries like scriptdev2 work with Multithreaded maps. Could you please PM me a crash or two (truncated for only the relevant information).

    I can't really see how SD2 would be crashing more or less often with multithreaded maps as all scripts that "share information" are on the same map and thus should be in the same thread. Of course I haven't done much research into how the threads are implemented so I might be missing something.

  14. I would just like to comment that both SVN and GIT have their uses. One isn't really superior to the other as they are built for different purposes.

    SVN is great for something like the official client. You can easily see changes and move backwards and forward. It is great for linear development.

    GIT is great for open source projects since multiple people can develop at the same time and not lose their progress. It is better suited for non-linear development.

    Personally I preferred SVN as it suited my style of development. I would hardly ever use patches written by someone other than me so a non-branching system like the old SVN worked great for me. The version numbering system allowed normal users to use the "unstable source" without much worry since we could ask them what revision they were using.

    On a related note: I always felt my job was not to be a patch reviewer but to do my own coding and accomplish my own goals (primarily creature AI).

  15. No. The Beta is the expansion. It doesn't really patch overtop of your existing install. You can get it by going to http://www.<you know where>.com/downloads/clients/pc/beta-downloader-enUS.html

    It will automatically update to the latest build when you try to connect. You can just type in whatever you want for username and password to get it to update (client version checking and updating happens before account authentication).

    It doesn't require any registration or active account to download to all so linking to it shouldn't be a problem.

  16. If you are going to release something as open source or on the internet it is way easier to simply release it under GPL or some other license and provide a copy of that liscense with it. Do not expect some sort of autobinding license to take place as I doubt you would be able to fight something like that in courts outside of the US (mailing yourself a letter may not hold up in non-US courts).

    Anyway this is way off topic now and if he has lawyers I'm sure they'll know more about this issue than we will.

    [Own tools vs Premade.]

    Obviously it will take longer time and more effort to create a game from scratch compared to creating it with already complete engines which already are designed to be easy to use. So if you're going for creating a full game (server & client) by yourself without using one single other framework/tool then you must have a very big team with very talented/experienced coders/designers/etc, which will cost a lot of money.

    You will be using tools that are made by someone else. If you think that you can write all your own tools you clearly are mistaken and haven't attempted to create a game yourself. You'll likely want to use 3d models made by Maya or some other current 3d modeller. You'll want Mp3 support so your music doesn't take up 500mb. You'll want to use 3d in your game meaning OpenGL or DirectX. You will also probably want a wrapper for OpenGL or DirectX as it is a real pain to write your own methods for drawing a 3d mesh (non-X format) to the screen.

    Most of these libararies are free to non-commercial games but some are not. FMOD is a great example of a free to non-commercial product. Official client uses it so it is a very well known audio library that works amazingly well under many circumstances. While the Crysis engine is a 3d engine that isn't free. You have to pay great sums of money to liscense it for you game (it works off of DirectX).

    In this modern age it is just something you have to live with.

  17. Visual Studio Team Suit's profiler is pretty detailed. It provides you with 2 basic methods.

    Sampling - A profile technique that involves taking snap shots at preset intervals of whatever format you want (CPU cycles, MsTime, PreformanceCounters, FPU FLOPS, whatever you want really). You can do it in whatever intervals you want as well. Every 50,000 Cycles to every 5 billion.

    Instrumentation - Inserts diagnostic probes into code. Collects A LOT of detailed data. Like seriously more information that you'll know what to do with.

    Native Profilers have been around for a long time. I'd be surprised if there were less options in a native profiler than there are in .NET ones considering that .NET is eventually handled with native code.

  18. So there is no easy possibility to measure the CPU usage between specific code parts? I saw code examples on Google which I tried, but the problem was that it only showed the CPU usage before the login. This profile solution would be of course very useful, I use already a process explorer to see the single threads and some more information's. But when it show stuff like the "ntdll.dll" need X CPU then it don't help me much.

    Nope, not really. On Windows XP (which is what I used durring that profile) Ntdll.dll is the "system idle process". You WANT that to eat up more CPU cycles as it means your program is spending more time idle. Kernal is generally your gui / windows, and the other "unknown dlls" are pretty easy to figure out.

    Profilers are able to see across threads by the way. They can measure which threads are eating up the most cpu time etc.

  19. The biggest problem I've had with trying to profile mangos is the fact that you need a lot of testers to see what is really the problem. What may be the "slowest" part of the code for 5-10 testers may be completely different than the "slowest" part for 500-1000 testers. It also depends how spread out the players are, if all grids are loaded, how many creatures are loaded, how many spells are casting, etc.

    Here is a picture of profiling I did...well a long time ago.


    This is an example of what profilers will output. You have to understand what this information means in order to use it for anything. In this case it is showing that __allshl is taking up 19.75% of recorded execution time. This was caused by a bit shift on a 64 bit value. I don't remember exactly how it was changed but the output after the change looked like this.


    Looks like a good preformance increase though you'll notice there are far less samples taken in the second profile. What if the testers weren't doing the same things as before? When it comes to profiling you really should use machines to replicate the exact circumstances for each profile (which may be nearly impossible with MaNGOS).

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