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Posts posted by killsakiller

  1. I was wondering if there is any interest or demand for a Bot system that would allow players to play Arenas and BGs against/with bots. I know this would be useful for people like me who run low pop server and would love 2 play BGs and Arenas. I am considering starting a system or helping out with one depending on the response so let me know what you ppl think! thanks!

  2. @ djericphillips, that worked perfect thank you! this coming weekend I will dig around to see if i cant figure out why they wont take quests. I am assuming it has something to do with the packet sent to the client when they take and turn in quests. This is a great mod and has help me and the few players on my server play when no one else is around!! Keep up the great work!

  3. The current issue arises in the Chathandler.cpp not Characterhandler.cpp, I am not having any issues with that file, just the ChatHandler.cpp, I can manually edit the file to include the code from playerbot pull, but then I cant add more patches via get pull, (probably just my lack of knowing git). I have noticed that since I have had to start adding the code manualy, my bots do not accept or turn in quests that are available to them. My main concern is that I may not be putting the code in properly or something, because turning and picking up quests worked fine for me before this unless the bot had to choose an award, that has never worked for me since I had started adding this patch to my server.

  4. Anyone else getting this when they try to do a pull into the latest version of mangos repo?

    $ git pull git://github.com/playerbot/mangos.git master

    remote: Counting objects: 1131, done.

    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (341/341), done.

    emote: Total 979 (delta 802), reused 787 (delta 638)Receiving obj

    /979), 316.00 KiB | 117 KiB/s

    Receiving objects: 100% (979/979), 340.75 KiB | 117 KiB/s, done.

    Resolving deltas: 100% (802/802), completed with 47 local objects

    From git://github.com/playerbot/mangos

    * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD

    Auto-merging src/game/CharacterHandler.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Chat.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Chat.h

    Auto-merging src/game/ChatHandler.cpp

    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/ChatHandler.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Creature.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Creature.h

    Auto-merging src/game/Group.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Player.cpp

    Auto-merging src/game/Player.h

    Auto-merging src/game/WorldSession.cpp

    Auto-merging src/mangosd/mangosd.conf.dist.in

    Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

    how can I resolve this?

  5. Ok I am still having problems. I setup a second server just for testing this and I still can't get AHBot to buy anything, I am hoping I just overlooked something really simple. First off the AH is being populated with items so I know that AHBot is Running. I am the only one other than the Auctioneer bot with items in the AH. I adjusted the config to unbalanced values just to see if it would buy anthing.

    These are my settings from the mangosd.conf

    AuctionHouseBot.EnableSeller = 1

    AuctionHouseBot.EnableBuyer = 1

    AuctionHouseBot.Account = 8

    AuctionHouseBot.GUID = 10

    AuctionHouseBot.VendorItems = 1

    AuctionHouseBot.LootItems = 1

    AuctionHouseBot.OtherItems = 1

    AuctionHouseBot.No_Bind = 1

    AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Picked_Up = 0

    AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Equipped = 1

    AuctionHouseBot.Bind_When_Use = 1

    AuctionHouseBot.Bind_Quest_Item = 0

    AuctionHouseBot.ItemsPerCycle = 500

    AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForSeller = 0

    AuctionHouseBot.UseBuyPriceForBuyer = 0

    and here is my SQL Dump

    ('2', 'Alliance', '7500', '10000', '8', '24', '1', '26', '12', '10', '1', '0', '0', '3', '10', '27', '8', '2', '0', '0', '100', '150', '150', '250', '800', '1400', '1250', '1750', '2250', '4550', '3250', '5550', '5250', '6550', '70', '100', '70', '100', '80', '100', '75', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '20', '20', '20', '2', '1', '1', '1', '100', '100', '100', '100', '100', '100', '100', '1', '100');

    INSERT INTO `auctionhousebot` VALUES

    ('6', 'Horde', '7500', '10000', '8', '24', '1', '26', '12', '10', '1', '0', '0', '3', '10', '27', '8', '2', '0', '0', '100', '150', '150', '250', '800', '1400', '1250', '1750', '2250', '4550', '3250', '5550', '5250', '6550', '70', '100', '70', '100', '80', '100', '75', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '20', '20', '20', '2', '1', '1', '1', '100', '100', '100', '100', '100', '100', '100', '1', '100');

    INSERT INTO `auctionhousebot` VALUES

    ('7', 'Neutral', '2500', '5000', '8', '24', '1', '26', '12', '10', '1', '0', '0', '3', '10', '27', '8', '2', '0', '0', '100', '150', '150', '250', '800', '1400', '1250', '1750', '2250', '4550', '3250', '5550', '5250', '6550', '70', '100', '70', '100', '80', '100', '75', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '80', '100', '20', '20', '20', '2', '1', '1', '1', '100', '100', '100', '100', '100', '100', '100', '1', '100');

    I have tested with several differnt items, all of which have sell values i.e Gold Bar (green item) Sells to vendor for 6s I have a stack of 20 and the buyerpricegreen is set to 100. so 600 * 100 *20 = 1200000 or 120g. as you can see i have the bot bidding every min atm so and since I am the only player he should be buying my items. So yeah I dont know what is going on.

    I dont know if it makes a differance, but I have playerbot installed as well.

  6. A quick question about how to auction your items. I have found that since I have enabled buyer that if I set prices on my items just as if I was on a blizzard server my items dont get bid on. So what is a good way to test to see if the buyer is working and where would i look to changing the way AHBot bids on items.

  7. Ok thank you so much for the advice and the information! This is very helpful to me and I think I will go way more the route you are suggesting. Although I dont know If I really like the Idea of Running bots, it is something I will allow my players to decide. As for the Stats I think I will tone them down to something more resonable then What I have them at which is 5*Blizzard. I will also play around with reducing HP and Damage of Elites if the players dont want to go the way of Bots, I personally dont want to, but I think they will want to. I have AHbot running on my server ATM, so from what I have read it can be tricky setting up the bots for that. I wont go on and on here about what all I am going to do as I have too much already. Thank you for all the help and your time.

  8. This goes to show my ignorance of the language and this code. I was looking at that when i did a referenced by search (using VS2008). I just assumed that DB in DBCSTORE meant database. Now that I feel the fool I could use a little point in the right direction with trying to figure out how this is calculated. The problem I am having is that as a hunter I am hitting 75 agi @ lvl 11. At that point my crit starts to drop from 10.40% at lvl 10 then at 11 it is 10.17% and as I lvl it continues to go down.

    I am starting to slowly understand more of this code as I am looking at it, but the line in StatSystem.cpp I dont understand is

    float value = GetTotalPercentageModValue(modGroup) + GetRatingBonusValue(cr);

    in the function

    void Player::UpdateCritPercentage(WeaponAttackType attType)

    I have looked at both of those function Definitions and I am having trouble putting together how the values are stored and referanced for this calculation. the *.LookupEntry(); is seriously messing with me.

    Back to Player.cpp

    GtChanceToMeleeCritBaseEntry const *critBase = sGtChanceToMeleeCritBaseStore.LookupEntry(pclass-1);

    GtChanceToMeleeCritEntry const *critRatio = sGtChanceToMeleeCritStore.LookupEntry((pclass-1)*GT_MAX_LEVEL + level-1);

    those lines are messing with me. I am just having a hard time grasping how the whole calculation is done. I have been trying to keep notes as I go, but more time I spend looking around at this code the more I just keep erasing and getting confused and running around in the same circles.

  9. Now please be a little patient with me as I am only a novice when it comes to programming. I have been playing around with mangos for a little bit now and I am trying to get a server balanced for players to be able to solo Instances if need be. So of course one of the first things I did was adjust the player stats so they are much higher than what UDB had for stats. Now the question arises. I have noticed that the crit chance on my characters is all messed up so I have been looking at the code for calculating Critical Strike. Like I said I am a novice with programming so I am looking at the code for getting the crit rate from Agility.

    float Player::GetMeleeCritFromAgility()


    uint32 level = getLevel();

    uint32 pclass = getClass();

    if (level>GT_MAX_LEVEL) level = GT_MAX_LEVEL;

    GtChanceToMeleeCritBaseEntry const *critBase = sGtChanceToMeleeCritBaseStore.LookupEntry(pclass-1);

    GtChanceToMeleeCritEntry const *critRatio = sGtChanceToMeleeCritStore.LookupEntry((pclass-1)*GT_MAX_LEVEL + level-1);

    if (critBase==NULL || critRatio==NULL)

    return 0.0f;

    float crit=critBase->base + GetStat(STAT_AGILITY)*critRatio->ratio;

    return crit*100.0f;


    So I guess I am totally lost at the point where it is pulling the data from. Simply put I cant figure out which table it is accessing for the base and ratio with the LookupEntry() function. I would appreciate any help anyone could offer. Thanks

  10. Ok perhaps this will help in the Spell.cpp file I edited the int32 Spell::CalculatePowerCost() function. Specifically the powerType switch. Below is the current code. Now when i edit the POWER_MANA case to something like say

    case POWER_MANA:

    powerCost +=( m_spellInfo->ManaCostPercentage * m_caster->GetCreateMana() / 100) /2;


    The actuall amount of mana spent when the spell is cast is reduced in half, but when mousing over the spell in the game the mana cost has not change and when you have less mana then what is stated when you mouse over the spell you can not cast the spell. Can anyone help me out with this please?

    switch (m_spellInfo->powerType)


    // health as power used

    case POWER_HEALTH:

    powerCost += m_spellInfo->ManaCostPercentage * m_caster->GetCreateHealth() / 100;


    case POWER_MANA:

    powerCost += m_spellInfo->ManaCostPercentage * m_caster->GetCreateMana() / 100;


  11. Can anyone tell me if it is possible to change the way the User interface calculates the mana cost of spells and abilities. I changed the actual way spell costs are calculated in Spell.cpp, but when i login the cost of the spells is miss calculated when viewing the spell info.

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