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Posts posted by rogermangos

  1. All of that looks correct (the NULLs are there because either they aren't used in MM yet, or you have filled in the fields). I'm not quite sure why it is failing, at this point. Can you attempt to save your settings and then check the Error Log for me again? Fill in all of the fields in Setup (even if they're dummy values).

    Here you are. Keyed in and tried to save all settings in Setup, and below is the log.


    By the way, I have my site on external ip now, you may want register an a/c and try it. it might help.

  2. If you haven't played with MySQL permissions and the password you used is correct in the web.config, then root should have full control.

    Open up the micromanager database with SQLyog or what ever you use. Look at the 'configuration' table. Are there any values there? How about the 'globalconfiguration' table? In the 'globalconfiguration' table, there should be some default values (e.g. ID = 1, DefaultRealmID = 1...).

    This is my configuration table by default, I havent played it manually yet, Do i have to ?


    for globalconfiguration, I noticed that my db field are "null", are i suppose to change it manually??




  3. Ingame mail is extremely risky so it isn't implemented. When it is implemented, it will only function while the realm is offline.

    The only functionality requiring MaNGOS to be run as a Windows Service is the Tools -> Service Control page.

    That's weird, Most of the function of the site works ok with some minor defects. It might be my own fault, when I try save setup, looks like no effect.

    Realm online status not displayed as shown in photo below. and the level of characters is displayed wrongly also.


    I have checked log of site, do you think the defects are anything to do with those errors?


  4. I'll have to export a new base copy of the database to make it easier. Seems like that is a pain-point :)

    Yes, Please, I followed exact sql order as instructed above, I 'm able to get login screen, but when try to login i got this


    Please sort out code version respect to sql version like udb did. Jumping here and there apply sql is really a pain in ass.

  5. I was getting that too. Google the error and you'll find a page that guides you through some changes you need to make to a config file of ISS to get around that

    Well, I did try lot of solution provided by google 's results, such as relocate web folder to wwwroot, change IIS_IUSR account to proper rights, make sure physical dir is correct, etc, so far, none of them worked for me.

    And I did read through .docx installation instructions, that's why i'm here to see if i can get luck.


    ok, problem defused.

    Reinstalled ASP.NET, problem solved.

    Thank you.

  6. In Player.cpp, add the comments here:

    void Player::UpdateZoneDependentAuras( uint32 newZone )
       // remove new continent flight forms
       if( !isGameMaster() &&
           GetVirtualMapForMapAndZone(GetMapId(),newZone) != 530)

    In Spell.cpp add the comments here:

               case SPELL_AURA_FLY:
                   // not allow cast fly spells at old maps by players (all spells is self target)
                   if(m_caster->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER)
                       if( !((Player*)m_caster)->isGameMaster() &&
                           GetVirtualMapForMapAndZone(m_caster->GetMapId(),m_caster->GetZoneId()) != 530)
                           return SPELL_FAILED_NOT_HERE;

    The code is no longer in player.cpp? anyone know where it went?

  7. The thing that makes me laugh is how they try to make it sound like they have all the rights for the server.

    They say it's no "Pirated copy", and there are restictions like you can only install it on one server,

    you are only allowed to have a set numbers of accounts.

    And they see it as an "emulator".

    But that's the google translator,

    but I have found it to be quite useful sometimes,

    not that good on the grammar, but good enough.

    I really hope noone purchases their services.

    Not that hard to google after "Mangos",

    second answer from google is to getmangos.eu.

    And I really hope,

    if blizzard takes any actions against those sites,

    Mangos does not suffer from it.

    But from what I understand,

    they try to make it sound like they have been given the rights to sell it from mgcore.com,

    and mgcore.com compiles the source from git, and supplies dbc and map files with that.

    Damn, I have really learned a lot today. Didn't even know mgcore.com or similar existed.

    It's like I googled myself into knowledge, again...

    Ya, you basically interpreted it correctly.

    Though mangos is under GPL and can be retrieved for free, however, there are large portion of Chinese could not read or not proficient in English, Most of them dont even know how to use git to get mangos, from there, mgcore just took that advantage to provide Chinese copy and gain profit. Further more, Chinese client is a bit different from enUS and Europe version, it has been altered by agent to add more security measures, so, pure mangos cant be used for chinese version to connect, some modification has to be done. Most ppl simply dont have sufficient knowledge to do that.

  8. I'm playing with it, no guarantee it will lead to something useful. I dont have much time to spend at coding.

    I explore a zone and portal concept, where the grid is sliced into connected free-move zones (rectangles with no obstacles). Hopefully this could lead to acceptable live A*, perhaps better random movement too.

    I'll post more info if/when I have something useable.

    Cool, Cant let this beautiful things slip away. Looking forward progress on this.

  9. Thank you! I figured it out.

    Now I added another remote for ahbot.

    git remote add ahbot git://github.com/Paradox/mangos.git

    git reset --hard origin/mangos-0.12

    git pull ahbot master

    I got 2 conflicts coz ahbot 's master is developed for mangos master previously known as 303, :( Any idea how to compare and merge the file manually? I tried to use git diff , and read git diff help, and still in doubt, Guess I have to wait ahbot for their 0.12 branch launch.

  10. Ok, I 'm a bit confuse now.

    Let's say I'm going to add ahbot on top of mangos-0.12 branch.

    I should do:

    git branch mangos012 8edbff

    //This is the mangos-0.12 rev6948 hash

    //now, apply ahbot

    git pull git://github.com/Paradox/mangos.git master

    //Hmm, at this moment, I got 2 conflicts errors. I'm thinking to use previous commit of ahbot to resolve it, but i 'm not sure about which hash, also, I'm confused what git commands to use to apply it into my created branch. Any help would be appreciated.

    I also wonder, "git pull" command syntax suppose to be "git pull remoteURL branchLOCAL" ?? I tried "

    git pull git://github.com/Paradox/mangos.git mangos012

    ", why it give "Couldnt find remote ref" errors???

    I'm sorry if my question sounds stupid, I was making slow progress in git skill. Pls give me some input.

  11. This took months to go from original demo from Ralf to this status, but there is nothing to be added to core yet.

    This is not realy a patch, but some external tools to generate move maps and see them + a nav mesh generator and viewer Derex made alone.

    In order to check this set, I did generate all move maps for map 0, 1, 530 and many instances. I can upload them if you want since it took days of CPU to generate.

    Pls upload it, I want give it a try.

  12. IMHO, those who want to see this should stop trying to tell others what to work on.

    haha, true, but dont you think by voice out this, Devs will realise how many ppl are anticipate this patch so that they will have more motivation to speed up this worth well doing patch.

  13. Imho, All devs should stop what they are doing now and start to work on this revolutionary improvement since mangos born.

    This patch will elevate mangos a blzz standard mmo server. After this done, You can call it mangos 3.x already.

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