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Posts posted by matsunoichi

  1. I took the liberty of updating this patch for the recent commit fixing the typo 'hostil.' So far, it seems to work fine for me.

    diff --git a/src/game/ThreatManager.cpp b/src/game/ThreatManager.cpp
    index a058a8f..805dbaf 100644
    --- a/src/game/ThreatManager.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/ThreatManager.cpp
    @@ -212,6 +212,9 @@ void ThreatContainer::clearReferences()
    HostileReference* ThreatContainer::getReferenceByTarget(Unit* pVictim)
        HostileReference* result = NULL;
    +    if(!pVictim)
    +        return NULL;
        uint64 guid = pVictim->GetGUID();
        for(std::list<HostileReference*>::const_iterator i = iThreatList.begin(); i != iThreatList.end(); ++i)
    @@ -342,7 +345,7 @@ HostileReference* ThreatContainer::selectNextVictim(Creature* pAttacker, HostileRe
    //=================== ThreatManager ==========================
    -ThreatManager::ThreatManager(Unit* owner) : iCurrentVictim(NULL), iOwner(owner)
    +ThreatManager::ThreatManager(Unit* owner) : iCurrentVictim(NULL), iOwner(owner), iUpdateTimer(THREAT_UPDATE_INTERVAL)
    @@ -353,6 +356,7 @@ void ThreatManager::clearReferences()
        iCurrentVictim = NULL;
    +    iUpdateTimer = THREAT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
    @@ -452,6 +456,10 @@ void ThreatManager::tauntFadeOut(Unit *pTaunter)
    void ThreatManager::setCurrentVictim(HostileReference* pHostileReference)
    +    if (pHostileReference && pHostileReference != iCurrentVictim)
    +    {
    +        iOwner->SendChangeCurrentVictimOpcode(pHostileReference);
    +    }
        iCurrentVictim = pHostileReference;
    @@ -497,6 +505,7 @@ void ThreatManager::ProcessThreatEvent(ThreatRefStatusChangeEvent* threatRefStat
    +            iOwner->SendRemoveFromThreatListOpcode(hostileReference);
    @@ -504,3 +513,16 @@ void ThreatManager::ProcessThreatEvent(ThreatRefStatusChangeEvent* threatRefStat
    +bool ThreatManager::isNeedUpdateToClient(uint32 time)
    +    if (isThreatListEmpty())
    +        return false;
    +    if (time >= iUpdateTimer)
    +    {
    +        iUpdateTimer = THREAT_UPDATE_INTERVAL;
    +        return true;
    +    }
    +    iUpdateTimer -= time;
    +    return false;
    diff --git a/src/game/ThreatManager.h b/src/game/ThreatManager.h
    index d569480..efc753b 100644
    --- a/src/game/ThreatManager.h
    +++ b/src/game/ThreatManager.h
    @@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ class Creature;
    class ThreatManager;
    struct SpellEntry;
    +#define THREAT_UPDATE_INTERVAL 1 * IN_MILISECONDS    // Server should send threat update to client periodically each second
    // Class to calculate the real threat based
    @@ -185,6 +187,8 @@ class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC ThreatManager
            void processThreatEvent(ThreatRefStatusChangeEvent* threatRefStatusChangeEvent);
    +        bool isNeedUpdateToClient(uint32 time);
            HostileReference* getCurrentVictim() { return iCurrentVictim; }
            Unit*  getOwner() { return iOwner; }
    @@ -207,6 +211,7 @@ class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC ThreatManager
            HostileReference* iCurrentVictim;
            Unit* iOwner;
    +        uint32 iUpdateTimer;
            ThreatContainer iThreatContainer;
            ThreatContainer iThreatOfflineContainer;
    diff --git a/src/game/Unit.cpp b/src/game/Unit.cpp
    index 2725018..0e5f1e2 100644
    --- a/src/game/Unit.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/Unit.cpp
    @@ -205,6 +205,9 @@ void Unit::Update( uint32 p_time )
            delete *itr;
    +    if (CanHaveThreatList() && getThreatManager().isNeedUpdateToClient(p_time))
    +        SendThreatListUpdate();
        // update combat timer only for players and pets
        if (isInCombat() && (GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER || ((Creature*)this)->isPet() || ((Creature*)this)->isCharmed()))
    @@ -9905,6 +9908,8 @@ void Unit::AddThreat(Unit* pVictim, float threat, SpellSchoolMask schoolMask, Sp
    void Unit::DeleteThreatList()
    +    if(CanHaveThreatList() && !m_ThreatManager.isThreatListEmpty())
    +        SendClearThreatListOpcode();
    @@ -12147,3 +12152,57 @@ void Unit::KnockBackFrom(Unit* target, float horizintalSpeed, float verticalSpee
            NearTeleportTo(fx, fy, fz, GetOrientation(), this == target);
    +void Unit::SendThreatListUpdate()
    +    if (uint32 count = getThreatManager().getThreatList().size())
    +    {
    +        sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Send SMSG_THREAT_UPDATE Message" );
    +        WorldPacket data(SMSG_THREAT_UPDATE, 8 + count * 8);
    +        data.append(GetPackGUID());
    +        data << uint32(count);
    +        std::list<HostileReference*>& tlist = getThreatManager().getThreatList();
    +        for (std::list<HostileReference*>::const_iterator itr = tlist.begin(); itr != tlist.end(); ++itr)
    +        {
    +            data.appendPackGUID((*itr)->getUnitGuid());
    +            data << uint32((*itr)->getThreat());
    +        }
    +        SendMessageToSet(&data, false);
    +    }
    +void Unit::SendChangeCurrentVictimOpcode(HostileReference* pHostileReference)
    +    if (uint32 count = getThreatManager().getThreatList().size())
    +    {
    +        sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Send SMSG_HIGHEST_THREAT_UPDATE Message" );
    +        WorldPacket data(SMSG_HIGHEST_THREAT_UPDATE, 8 + 8 + count * 8);
    +        data.append(GetPackGUID());
    +        data.appendPackGUID(pHostileReference->getUnitGuid());
    +        data << uint32(count);
    +        std::list<HostileReference*>& tlist = getThreatManager().getThreatList();
    +        for (std::list<HostileReference*>::const_iterator itr = tlist.begin(); itr != tlist.end(); ++itr)
    +        {
    +            data.appendPackGUID((*itr)->getUnitGuid());
    +            data << uint32((*itr)->getThreat());
    +        }
    +        SendMessageToSet(&data, false);
    +    }
    +void Unit::SendClearThreatListOpcode()
    +    sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Send SMSG_THREAT_CLEAR Message" );
    +    WorldPacket data(SMSG_THREAT_CLEAR, 8);
    +    data.append(GetPackGUID());
    +    SendMessageToSet(&data, false);
    +void Unit::SendRemoveFromThreatListOpcode(HostileReference* pHostileReference)
    +    sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: Send SMSG_THREAT_REMOVE Message" );
    +    WorldPacket data(SMSG_THREAT_REMOVE, 8 + 8);
    +    data.append(GetPackGUID());
    +    data.appendPackGUID(pHostileReference->getUnitGuid());
    +    SendMessageToSet(&data, false);
    diff --git a/src/game/Unit.h b/src/game/Unit.h
    index 20c1754..33547b6 100644
    --- a/src/game/Unit.h
    +++ b/src/game/Unit.h
    @@ -1142,6 +1142,11 @@ class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC Unit : public WorldObject
            void SendMonsterMove(float NewPosX, float NewPosY, float NewPosZ, uint8 type, MonsterMovementFlags flags, uint32 Time, Player* player = NULL);
            void SendMonsterMoveByPath(Path const& path, uint32 start, uint32 end, MonsterMovementFlags flags);
    +        void SendChangeCurrentVictimOpcode(HostileReference* pHostileReference);
    +        void SendClearThreatListOpcode();
    +        void SendRemoveFromThreatListOpcode(HostileReference* pHostileReference);
    +        void SendThreatListUpdate();
            void BuildHeartBeatMsg( WorldPacket *data ) const;
            virtual void MoveOutOfRange(Player &) {  };

  2. ok...maybe i understand it wrong...but according to tankspot.com, warrior 3.0.3 threat values: heroic strike threat is calculated as: damage+259...in defensive stance, damage is multiplied with 2.073...so one hit about 500dmg will do 1295.5 threat...but it do only 759...missing 500threat, which makes tanking very hard...also battle or berserker stance have 0.8 multiplier, but one hit in battle stance (autoattack) for 200dmg do 200 threat...if i remember right...if i'm wrong, please correct me :)

    It sounds about right to me (and this list of values on WoWWiki was last updated in July, before 3.2.0), but I think this issue should be the topic of another thread. As previously indicated, this particular patch just modifies the core to send threat information to the client via the API so addons like Omen3 can work.

    Threat itself is bugged, though. I haven't yet had a chance to look at the core itself, but in the database only standard integer values are stored, not percentages or formulas; which really wouldn't make sense anyway as it seems better to calculate these things (percentages and formulas) in the core. Although, I don't know if threat from any spells or auras are actually calculated in the core at this time (haven't had a chance to look).

  3. The wild threat wackyness isn't a problem of this patch. Rather it's more likely the threat coefficients for the spells are wrong; if you know the spell id and the threat coefficient from somewhere try tinkering with the spell_threat table in the mangos database.

    Absolutely right. That was what I was getting at; that, by my observations, the issue of odd threat levels was a pre-existing condition and neither affected by, nor inflicted by this patch. But as I'm not great at programming in C++, I didn't want to say with absolute certainty as it just wouldn't be proper for me to do so without fully knowing all sides of the subject.

    I was considering going through the database to do some tinkering (and possibly even make a patch), but I don't have accurate data from retail to go by as yet.

  4. I've noticed rather wild variations in threat amounts before this patch in small groups (tank unable to maintain full aggro, abnormally high threat for healing spells (which caused my girlfriend to abstain from playing priests)), and this behavior hasn't changed after its application, so I'm not sure that this particular patch has been poorly implemented in that regard.

  5. From what I could gather (I don't read Cyrillic), the patch is derived from a Trinity Core implementation by QAston, but KAPATEJIb has ported it to MaNGOS and updated it about a week or so ago for rev. 8478+. Please correct me if I'm wrong, however.

    This works, so far, without error (r8502, ACID 0.3, SD2 1397, UDB 382, AHBot) and it's made my girlfriend very happy to boot.

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