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Posts posted by zzeff

  1. Used the installation guide on the wiki, 

    that had me use git bash and use the links below.

    git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/server.git serverZero --recursive --depth=1


    git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/database.git dbZero --recursive --depth=1

    then used easybuilder to make the Visual Studio files.

    Used Visual Studio to compile the realmd.exe & mangosd.exe.

    Used the .bat donwloaded from the above git bash to populate the database.


    All this was done 2 days ago. I was able to get the mangosOne to work fine. Just cant get vanilla to function.


    Thanks for the help btw!


  2. That's my thought also, but I downloaded everything for the database and server two days ago. Also the error says, expecting 14 and DB is 18... Makes me think the server is outdated, which is strange cause that was downloaded 2 days ago with the database.

    FYI this is the query for the db_version table.

    version structure content description comment
    21 16 18 campfire radius update Base DB Install from 21000_01 to 21.16.18
  3. Hi, I'm having issues loading mangosd.exe. The world loads and then spams errors. I set the config log level to 0 and the console still just spams errors. I'm not able to create an account to see if I can log in because the console spams these errors Any ideas?

    2019-09-18 18:18:59 ERROR:Creature (Entry: 4692 Guid: 28007) have invalid faction template id 0
    2019-09-18 18:18:59 ERROR:Creature (Entry: 2409 Guid: 4209) have invalid faction template id 0
    2019-09-18 18:18:59 ERROR:Creature (Entry: 4726 Guid: 28819) have invalid faction template id 0
    2019-09-18 18:18:59 ERROR:Creature (Entry: 265 Guid: 4195) have invalid faction template id 0
    2019-09-18 18:18:59 ERROR:Creature (Entry: 4692 Guid: 28007) have invalid faction template id 0
    2019-09-18 18:18:59 ERROR:Creature (Entry: 4697 Guid: 28227) have invalid faction template id 0
    2019-09-18 18:18:59 ERROR:Creature (Entry: 4692 Guid: 28007) have invalid faction template id 0
    2019-09-18 18:18:59 ERROR:Creature (Entry: 4692 Guid: 28043) have invalid faction template id 0
    2019-09-18 18:18:59 ERROR:Creature (Entry: 4726 Guid: 28819) have invalid faction template id 0

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