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Posts posted by vanclaive

  1. No. I'm reasonably certain it was around 2.3.x where the limitation was introduced. It was definitely in place by the time of the final TBC patch. I had been working on a custom Lv.70 Naxxramas at the time (this was before I realized they were going to use Naxxramas again in WotLK) when this change came about, messing up a couple months of casual work. You'll have to go earlier, probably before the arrival of Quel'danas and the Sunwell Plateau raid instance if you're wanting access to unrestricted item creation.

  2. Unrestricted item_template creation hasn't been around since the last days of The Burning Crusade. However, it's still possible to create all sorts of database item_template entries, but there are a few catches to making such items behave in a viable way. None of these involve modifying a client, which there should never be any need for.

    As you know, adding your own entries beyond what the client is aware of/expects presents a couple difficulties.

    - 1) Weapons don't count as being weapons while being equipped. Passive attacks still function, but spells which require a weapon to be equipped won't work.

    - 2) Engineering or other Use: effects on a custom created item won't work if just dragged onto the hotbar. (You can work around this limitation with Macros, however.)

    - 3) Unequipped items in your inventory are represented by a red ? on a black background icon. Curiously enough, if you make armor like this, the icons will appear properly (matching the modelid assigned to the item) while it is equipped, if it's in a vendor, or in a quest-related dialog.

    There is, however, a library of existing database items which behave properly that you can repurpose. If a database similar to retail is used, these candidate items have become unattainable over time and are free for you to make use of. These include items from the now defunct Lv.60 Naxxramas and Onyxia, as well as a number of other special one-time only events. The limitations here are as follows:

    - 1) The model of the item you are repurposing cannot be changed. Even if you change the modelid, if the client already knows what model that item_template entry is supposed to have, it will ignore whatever you entered for a model id.

    - 2) There is a limited number of items to work with in this fashion.

    - 3) You can use "in circulation" items, however you need to take special care to eliminate where they currently appear. This can sometimes be a tricky process.

    Special Currencies

    It isn't possible to make a new special currency that works with vendor-purchaseable item. Currencies of these natures have their item_template entry referenced to the cost entries in a client dbc file and cannot be changed. You can hijack these currencies for your own use, but then you are limited to the pre-defined cost options. Doing this may also eliminate an existing currency used for other things from your game world.

  3. Honestly, it shouldn't be the concern of MaNGOS about what the client key is. The only concern should be creating server software that supports properly supplying a key to a client that expects a key.

    The content of a key is not the concern of developers, and should be outside the domain of MaNGOS server development, in much the same way databases are handled.

    MaNGOS determines structure and implementation.

    Ultimately, content is the responsibility and at the discretion of the user.

  4. Mangos Version: 10623

    Custom Patches: Cross-Faction support (Group.cpp, Object.cpp/.h, Tradehandler.cpp, Unit.cpp/.h)

    SD2 Version: 1833

    Database Name and Version: UDB 0.12.1 393

    How it SHOULD work: Invokes a persistant aura that results in a portion of damage dealt to the caster being allocated to a pet the caster controls.

    How it DOES work: Causes server process to terminate reliably. :D

    Server Log:

    Wrong spell effect in AreaAura constructor

    ../../../src/game/SpellAuras.cpp:497: Error: Assertion in AreaAura failed: false

    Stack Trace:

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell19EffectApplyAreaAuraE16SpellEffectIndex+0x80) [0x8410bb0]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell16DoSpellHitOnUnitEP4Unitj+0x33a) [0x83f2bca]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell19DoAllEffectOnTargetEPNS_10TargetInfoE+0x799) [0x83f42a9]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell16handle_immediateEv+0x3f) [0x84047af]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell4castEb+0x30b) [0x84034ab]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN4Unit9CastSpellEPS_PK10SpellEntrybP4ItemP4Aura10ObjectGuidS3_+0x10c) [0x84674fc]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN4Unit9CastSpellEPS_jbP4ItemP4Aura10ObjectGuidPK10SpellEntry+0x77) [0x8467877]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN3Pet11CastPetAuraEPK7PetAura+0xb3) [0x8346713]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN4Unit10AddPetAuraEPK7PetAura+0x46) [0x846c636]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell11EffectDummyE16SpellEffectIndex+0xd9) [0x8423a39]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell16DoSpellHitOnUnitEP4Unitj+0x33a) [0x83f2bca]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell19DoAllEffectOnTargetEPNS_10TargetInfoE+0x799) [0x83f42a9]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell16handle_immediateEv+0x3f) [0x84047af]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell4castEb+0x30b) [0x84034ab]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5Spell6updateEj+0xa2) [0x8404222]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN10SpellEvent7ExecuteEyj+0x39) [0x84048b9]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN14EventProcessor6UpdateEj+0xbc) [0x858e6ac]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN4Unit6UpdateEj+0x35) [0x8473665]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN6Player6UpdateEj+0x40) [0x83a9350]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN3Map6UpdateERKj+0x92) [0x82c0122]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN10MapManager6UpdateEj+0xca) [0x82d48da]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN5World6UpdateEj+0x182) [0x84a02e2]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN13WorldRunnable3runEv+0xcb) [0x8175b5b]

    ./mangos-worldd(_ZN9ACE_Based6Thread10ThreadTaskEPv+0x1d) [0x85738dd]

    /opt/mangos/lib/libACE-5.6.6.so(_ZN21ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter6invokeEv+0x67) [0xb7eb4c27]

    /opt/mangos/lib/libACE-5.6.6.so(ace_thread_adapter+0x11) [0xb7e60dd1]

    /lib/libpthread.so.0 [0xb76f21c2]

    /lib/libc.so.6(clone+0x5e) [0xb7563a5e]

    mangos-worldd: ../../../src/game/SpellAuras.cpp:497: AreaAura::AreaAura(const SpellEntry*, SpellEffectIndex, int32*, SpellAuraHolder*, Unit*, Unit*, Item*): Assertion `"false" && 0' failed.

    Edit: Turns out my SpellAuras.cpp had been butchered. Re-getting it remedied the problem.

  5. I know it's all new and strange and this is probably going to take time to adjust, but using the Git GUI I'm trying to get the latest changes/additions to MaNGOS and I can't figure out for the life of me how to do it. It doesn't look like it's doing anything at all.

    I'm worried that I'm going to be resigned to a life of having to delete my local repository, and then re-clone the whole of MaNGOS every time I want to compile an updated version, and this seems horribly wasteful.

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