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Posts posted by DarkOppressor

  1. I've run into a wall using this method. I used valcriss' wowregeneration tool to download the 4.3.4 client (enUS). I got the Wow.exe from the .mpq and edited its version. I downloaded the recommended repair.exe. The repair.exe detects the correct version, but it times out downloading backgrounddownloader.exe every time. Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a workaround?

    I also tried downloading all of the patches manually using WoWWiki's patch mirrors list, but hit another wall because the enUS PC version of the 4.3.0 patch is apparently not available anywhere (I didn't notice this until I had downloaded all of the patches from 3.whatever.comes.on.the.wrath.DVD to 4.2.2!)

    I then tried simply downloading the full client itself that someone had packaged up, but that was enGB, and ad.exe exploded when trying to extract the maps anyway.

    This client seems unattainable!

  2. @xeross155 Thanks for the response! The server has been running for many hours, and no items have shown up. I can see it trying to insert things into 'auction' in the server logs. It is here where it keeps showing the 'moneyTime' error. I'm guessing that is why nothing is showing up? The moneyTime column isn't documented on the mangos wiki, so I have no clue what it is for. Is it some special addition of AHBot? Either way, is there any way to fix this?

    I should also mention that the bot is BUYING items perfectly. So no problems there, as far as I can tell. But it won't SELL things at all now.

    EDIT: I noticed that when I make my own auctions at a Horde AH, it has a houseid of 1. But the AHBot doesn't put anything in that houseid. It used 2, 6 and 7. What's up with that?

    EDIT AGAIN: Ok, so I've been looking at the source for the bot, and it seems that moneyTime in the database represents the time left until a successful auction is sent to the winner, and the money is sent to the seller. However, from looking at the database and server logs, it is trying to set moneyTime to some insanely high number right when the auction is created, so all of the bot's auctions are counted as "already sold." I'm currently perusing the source trying to figure out why this is happening. I'm pretty sure I understand what is happening in the source, and it seems weird that it isn't working.

    One other thing I noticed about moneyDeliveryTime (the variable in the source that becomes the moneyTime data entry). It is a time_t. That is either a 32-bit or 64-bit integer, depending on whether you have '_USE_32BIT_TIME_T' defined. I'm assuming it is a 64-bit integer for this project? Anyway, it is always casted to a uint64 when actually being written to the database. However, in AuctionHouseMgr::LoadAuctions(), I noticed this line: auction->moneyDeliveryTime = fields[7].GetUInt32();

    Could that be a problem?

    I managed to fix it, but it was a hacky not-really-a-fix. I just told it to always save a 0 instead of moneyDeliveryTime into the moneyTime data entry. Items now show up, and can be bought out, but this breaks bidding, and the bot always wins bids on its own stuff. Woo!

    EDIT: Uh oh! I have also noticed that some items randomly get deleted after being purchased from the AH bot.

  3. I hope this is a good place to ask this, but: I've managed to compile mangos, and got a server up and running, but I don't have a clue how to take your patch, and apply it to the code (which is what I figure I need to do to have an AH bot).

    So, I've downloaded a source tarball from here: https://github.com/antiroot/mangos/tree/new_ahbot_finetune

    My guess is that I need to somehow take this, and merge it with the mangos source, and then compile the whole thing. Is that correct? If so, how do I do that?

    Finally, how do I know which revision of mangos this is compatible with?

    EDIT: Ah! You just compile it. Well, never mind then, I figured it out :-)

    Now I have a new question. I've got it compiled, configured, and running. However, only one item actually showed up on the AH. I bought it, and that was that. It did populate the Auction table in the Characters with around 7000 items, but I guess that doesn't make them show up? Have I done something wrong?

    I noticed that I didn't find anything about needing to update the database. Is there some database entry I need to make for the bot? I assume since SOMETHING showed up on the AH, it must at least somewhat be working.

    EDIT Again: Aaaand maybe I should have read above in this thread more closely, as perhaps this question was just recently answered. Is this the same deal as Rog360's question? If so, how long should I have to wait before the AH becomes useful? And am I correct in not messing with the database at all when adding the bot?

    Yet another edit: I am seeing a fairly frequent error in the server log: "SQL ERROR: Out of range value for column 'moneyTime' at row 1" Should I be concerned by this?

    Edit again: Ok, so I noticed that the itemowner for all of the auction entries is '4294967295', which is obviously not the guid of any characters on the server. Is this just the way it works? When it needs to look at the item's owner, does the server redirect that request to some AH Bot code or something?

  4. I'm probably showing my ignorance here, but what exactly is this? I've managed to compile mangos, and I've got a server up and running.

    I just found this on the forum today (along with an Auction House Bot, which I gather doesn't work right now?), and it sounds awesome! Is this a branch off of the mangos code? Or a patch of some kind? Or something else? My main question is: how can I get this setup? Thanks!

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