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Posts posted by Theolen

  1. Hello,

    Noticed starting with the quest for my BELF hunter that tamed pets move at a walk speed only and cannot keep up with hunter. Haven't played BELF hunter yet on private build but NELF pets appeared to be working correctly a few patches ago. Haven't followed up with other races to see if the problem is race-independent.


  2. I noticed that after I reached 150+ mining that I cannot increase mining anymore from nodes. I can only achieve it through smelting.

    I also noticed that when I hopped toons and tried to skin, skinning isn't working either. I have the newest MaNGOS version (can't remember off the top of my head, i'm at work) that I downloaded yesterday + SD2 + ACID and UDB.



  3. Correction...it is working for mobs that yeild xp. I ran deadmines at lvl 30 with Blessing of Sanctuary and no mana was ever returned. So just for kicks, I made an instant lvl 60 paladin (prot) with decent gear and killed 58+ trash mobs and suddenly it was working again. I then hopped back on my level 30 paladin and found that mobs my level returned mana. I was under the impression that in the retain version, Blessing of Sanctuary returns mana regardless of level.



  4. I downloaded/compiled a new version of MaNGOS, ScriptDev2, ACID and UDB today. Basically, fresh server--the best I have ever experienced too. I just had a couple of questions:

    This is a two part: When a character levels with BoA items on, it doesn't fill it's health all the way upon leveling. It would appear that the reward of having full health/mana upon leveling it performed before the stat increase from the BoA items leaving a "hole" in health and mana. Of course, in time, the health and mana fill back up to 100%.

    Also, I find that trinket benefits of + 2/4% health/mana doesn't occur when killing a mob at your level. I assume the same is for a honorable kill.

    Another thing: mobs tend to die below the surface or a few feet in the "air". This is more apparent with a caster/hunter than with a melee.

    Does anyone have any known resolutions to these 3 problems?


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