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Posts posted by jilinge2

  1. When I run ./ExtractResources.sh, after running for a while, these error messages appear.

            __  __      _  _  ___  ___  ___      
           |  \/  |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __|  
           | |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \  
           |_|  |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/ 
           Movement Map Generator for MaNGOSTwo
        For help and support please visit:            
        Website / Forum / Wiki: https://getmangos.eu  
     'vmaps' directory is empty or does not exist

    There are many files in the folders Buildings, dbc, maps. But the folders mmaps, vmaps are empty. 

    Then I used EasyBuild to extract map data in Windows system. Then copy it to Linux. Run mangosd to get an error message:

    Initialize DBC data stores...
    Found DBC files for build 13507 but mangosd expected DBC for one from builds: 12340  Please extract correct DBC files.


    version: 3.3.5(12340)



  2. I encountered a minor BUG, but of course it doesn't affect the game.
    I only did a few missions in the game. Only the name of the original equipment of the new character has not been localized, it is still in English, everything else is normal (quests, NPC names, goods, equipment acquired by quests, etc.).

    I looked at the localization SQL file and it has the translation.

  3. Hello,

    I got this error on my fresh installed MaNGOS Zero server:

    MySQL client library: 5.7.36
    MySQL server ver: 5.7.36-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 
    The table `db_version` indicates that your [World] database does not match the expected structure!
      [A] You have database Version: 22
                          Structure: 3
                            Content: 3
                        Description: Implement_Mount_Spell_24576
      [B] The core needs database Version: 22
                                Structure: 4
                                  Content: 1
                              Description: Fix_messages_for_areatrigger
    You must apply all updates after [A] to [B] to use MaNGOS with this database.
    These updates are included in the database/World/Updates folder.
    Wait 10 secs for continue.
    [**************************************************] 100%  
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)


    But the latest version in GitHub is Rel22_03_004_Update_conditions_comments.sql

    when I update Rel22_03_004_Update_conditions_comments.sql 

    ===== Status =====	===== DB is on Version: =====
    * UPDATE FAILED *	Implement_Mount_Spell_24576


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