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Posts posted by Deleterios

  1. OS : Debian x64

    Mangos-0.12, last rev with some custom patches

    Scriptdev2, last rev with some custom patches

    Last TBCDB

    Since 3/4 weeks, we've a spam of many CLOSE_WAIT states for our tcp connections each one or 2 days. The people connected loss connection and we must restart the world daemon to allow they to reconnect.

    netstat -tanpu | grep mangos (cut, grep mangos -c show more en more CLOSE_WAIT. I saw ~3k CLOSE_WAIT)

    lsof -n | grep mangos (cut)

  2. I have some BattleGroundEvent errors, but whitout "map = 30".

    BattleGroundEvent: missing db-data for map:562, event1:253, event2:0 ("buffs")
    BattleGroundEvent: missing db-data for map:559, event1:253, event2:0 ("buffs")
    BattleGroundEvent: missing db-data for map:572, event1:253, event2:0 ("buffs")
    BattleGroundEvent: gameobject with nonexistent guid 90107 for event: map:0, event1:253, event2:0 ("(null)")
    BattleGroundEvent: gameobject with nonexistent guid 90108 for event: map:0, event1:253, event2:0 ("(null)")
    BattleGroundEvent: gameobject with nonexistent guid 90114 for event: map:0, event1:253, event2:0 ("(null)")
    BattleGroundEvent: gameobject with nonexistent guid 90113 for event: map:0, event1:253, event2:0 ("(null)")
    BattleGroundEvent: gameobject with nonexistent guid 90118 for event: map:0, event1:253, event2:0 ("(null)")
    BattleGroundEvent: gameobject with nonexistent guid 90117 for event: map:0, event1:253, event2:0 ("(null)")

    And that all.

  3. Mangos Version: s0326

    Custom Patches: Some customs personalizations

    SD2 Version: 1838 (adapted)

    Database Name : UDB (adapted)

    The bug appairs after recents bg modifications (backports from master) in brach mangos-0.12

    How it DOES work:

    There are many factions pop at each graveyard : 11 (Stormwind), 1216 (Stormpike Guard), 32 (Beast - Wolf. With Horde skins), 85 (Orgrimmar), 1214 (Frostwolf Clan). Ordinary, it's only 1216. And 1214 if horde take the point.

    For exemple, this graveyard (like the other) is like this :

    [vladimir: removed]

    NB : For mines, there are many (3) factions too.

    PS : My SELECT * FROM creature WHERE map = 30 (1008 total)

  4. 1. Problem only on gcc compiler.

    2. I can't explain how, but after loading go locales, all objects of GameObjectLocale in our GameObjectLocaleMap are broken or empty or not exist.

    3. Its can be temp fix because finally I cannot understand how it happened.

    In GameObject.h:

    +struct GameObjectLocale
    +    std::vector<std::string> Name;
    +    std::vector<std::string> CastBarCaption;
    // GCC have alternative #pragma pack() syntax and old gcc version not support pack(pop), also any gcc version not support it at some platform
    #if defined( __GNUC__ )
    #pragma pack()
    #pragma pack(pop)
    -struct GameObjectLocale
    -    std::vector<std::string> Name;
    -    std::vector<std::string> CastBarCaption;

    This patch works on 0.12. Thank you cyberbrest2.

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