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Wiki Article Comments posted by Olion

  1. Thanks! Just a few minor notes:

    1) do not forward port 3443 unless you exactly know what you're doing. This would be a server security break if the RA console were not disabled by default;

    2) no need to change BindIP in the config file while it stays at the default value, which means, as usually, binding to every system IP found. If, perchance, you found it set to anything different (in particular,, then check the same setting in the realmd.conf file also;

    3) no need to change default value in the localAddress column of realmlist table, such change may prevent local client access to the server for some firewall settings.

  2. Just realized that the project name is misguiding. If I understand correctly, this is an editor for documentation (description) of the packets, not for the packets itself.

    Also, you have no need to port C# code to Linux. There is the .NET port "mono", containing both the compilator and the execution medium for JIT binaries. I've executed the JIT binaries generated under Win by the VS for "any CPU", on a Linux system under mono with no issue.

  3. GJ! I would like to add few remarks. All this is checked on Zero.

    • ".wp show on" (this is the actual command to show the path) takes as an argument the (db) GUID of the mob, or else the mob must be selected ingame. The visual WPs are temporary summons and will cease in 5 minutes, so they're never added to the "world.creature" table. Nothing to worry about, ".wp show off" is optional.
    • Subcommands "wp show first", "wp show last", "wp show info" can be useful too. Try "wp show info" with selected visual WP.
    • Looking within the game at the first path as an example,

    SELECT * FROM creature_movement WHERE id=97 ORDER BY POINT ASC;

    we find it containing 3-5 times more WPs than is actually required for such a simple path. The necessary points are the ones with some actions defined (in this case, the first and the last ones having a wait time). Between these two ii is enough to have 2-3 other points. Remember that extra WPs add not only the server load, but also network traffic, so avoid it as much as possible.

    Please feel free to remove this comment when/if the most substantial parts of it will be incorporated in the main text.

  4. If you have Git installed, then you have the program able to execute Linux shell scripts. Start Git console, change directory (commands "cd" and "pwd" to check) to your client directory (where wow.exe file resides) and enter "./ExtractResources.sh" without quotes. But yes, this detail must be mentioned in the guide.

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  5. The lower 32-bit part of SpellFamilyMask of affecting (spellmod) auras is contained in the Spell.dbc, while the higher 32-bit part is not. The spell override table looks usually untractable even with its own structure and no additions. But in principle, yes, info from this table can be transferred to spell override: it is an addition to the spell definition. The same applies to the spell_threat, spell_target_position and few other present spell-related tables also.

  6. The SpellFamilyName along with SpellFamilyMask are used to define the classes of spells, avoiding enumeration of all ranks, like it was done at the end of this commit. In the Spell.dbc, EffectItemType is 32-bit field, while SpellFamilyMask is kept in two 32-bit fields. 

    Of total 1309 vanilla SpellEffects applying SpellMod auras (which corresponds to slightly less than 1309 spells), only 225 have no EffectItemType data. This table is needed when either the data is missing, or the higher 4 bytes of it are required to define the SpellFamilyMask. So, it must be not much of missing data in the table.


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