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Posts posted by asumos

  1. Hey guys,

    im new here and i dont know how to do this..

    I have the most recent Mangos-zero compile - its working and cools but i need to add playerbot to it.

    How can i do it?

    I have linux debian 5 running.

    how can i download https://github.com/blueboy/portalzero.git and where do put it?

    and what then?

    i personally find this the easiest way ( others may object and have their own way but )

    after you clone mangos zero goto the directory just made via clone 'cd server'

    then just type git pull git://github.com/blueboy/portalzero.git

    this will download and merge the code into the same branch all at once, when that is complete you can either compile or ad sd0 if you havnt done so already

  2. they should all be there the file is very large and takes some time to import all the information if you are missing data either the transfer was cancelled or timed out you may need to delete the information and try again

    personally i recommend using the mysql command line instead of things such as phpmyadmin

    upload the sql file somewhere on the server and while in the same folder as the sql use this line

    mysql -p'YOUR PASSWORD HERE' mangos < UDB_0.12.2_mangos_11792_SD2_2279.sql

  3. what version of Db are you using? knowing that helps to know which update you need to apply to the db

    for example UDB Pack 401 ( is mangos 11376 ) so we know that we start patching mangos db in order starting from 11385_01_mangos_creature_template.sql

    same applies to the characters / realmd db's

    if you dont know there is a table that shows which version your db was last updated to

    open table db_version the line that says require_##### is the last update used so move onto the next update

    and make sure the update sql you are applying is going into the right db

  4. Hey guys,

    I'm sorry if it's a stupid request, but I'm still using Navicat for Servers and couldn't find scriptdev2.sql for 3.3.5a anywhere.

    I mean the complete one, I've tried to get some into my Navicat Databases but they're just doing a LOT of errors.

    So, could someone of you maybe share it somewhere so i could download it?

    Thanks for your help.

    in your mangos folder browse to src\\bindings\\ScriptDev2\\sql

    mangos_scriptname_full.sql is the full sql file for the mangos db

    scriptdev2_script_full.sql is the full sql file for the scriptdev2 db

  5. ScriptDev2 has moved to git finally, the svn may be out of date.

    you can find the repository at https://github.com/scriptdev2/scriptdev2

    To proper clone the git repo, you must delete the old ScriptDev2 directory.

    to clone the ScriptDev2 Repository git://github.com/scriptdev2/scriptdev2.git into the directory ScriptDev2 within <MaNGOS>/src/bindings

    You can also easily use the Git-bash to do so: Open "Git Bash here" in <MaNGOS>/src/bindings and type

    $ git clone git://github.com/scriptdev2/scriptdev2.git ScriptDev2

  6. easiest way of fixing that is opening the realmd database and edit the sql table gmlevel to have a default of 0

    that error looks to me to appear because the table does not have a default vale set already, so by setting it to be 0 by default any users created via your website will be normal users and that error should disappear

    the other option which is not as easy is to open the registration script and add in the information for gmlevel sql upon new account being created

  7. you might also want to check your router configs and make sure its porting the ports required for mangos to your pc's internal ip

    example being:

    if your router assigns your pc to ip make sure port forwarding of both mangos realmd and mangosd ports are sent to ip

    the two ports by default are 3724 and 8085

  8. many distros of linux ( including my fav flavour being centos ) do not include a repo for cmake so for those that dont know how here are the commands to install cmake

    as of this post the latest is 2.8.4.

    to get cmake install file

    wget [url]http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.4.tar.gz[/url]

    unzip cmake

    tar xzf cmake-2.8.4.tar.gz

    after changing directory there only three commands needed to install cmake, run each line individually ( dont forget the period infront of the bootstrap command )

    make install

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