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Posts posted by Kierkegaard69

  1. Your structure is ok Chasterx, if you're still getting an error from the client when trying to get to the char list check again your HandleCharEnum function, you're probably sending the wrong number of chars to the client.

    Btw one thing i couldn't figure out, is why the client reads different type of data from the char enum packet, compared to what we actual send to it. From what i saw, the client structure for the character data is actually:

    struct CharacterData
             uint64 GUID;
             CString Name;
             byte Race;
             byte Class;
             byte Gender;
             byte Skin;
             byte Face;
             byte HairStyle;
             byte HairColor;
             byte FacialHair;
             byte level;
             uint32 ZoneId;
             uint32 MapId;
             float X;
             float Y;
             float Z;
             uint64 Unk;
             uint32 CharacterFlags;
             uint32 CustomizationFlags;
             byte FirstLogin;
             uint32 PetDisplayId;
             uint32 PetLevel;
             uint32 PetFamily;
             CharacterItem Items[23]; <- 23 instead of 19 that we send
             uint32 bags_and_stuff;   <- x10

    Instead, we send 19 items and fewer bytes at the end.

    Anyway, since this is actually not a change introduced by cataclysm client (3.3.5a and possibly older clients are the same too) and since it works perfectly, no reason to change anything. Just wondering why it's working anyway.

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