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Posts posted by Peon

  1. Thank you for your reply.

    But yet, i have another question:

    Since i need to compile the source code, which will be modified by me when i want to change things on my server, and which will be compiled into binaries which will replace the old ones on my server, i must have the source code somewhere.

    Here it says that i must have the "./win" folder in my Mangos directory, but there's no such folder there..

    THen again, i downloaded Mangos via the wiki link, and it's there.

    I'm currently planning to help with a 1.12.1 server, so the question is: will 1.12.1 run on the latest Mangos, because the one i'm using is pretty old.

  2. only good way to learn is to read fixes from other ppl and see what they changed there.

    Where is "there"?

    I don't see any *.h or cpp or anything what VS might open, only map and dbc files.

    So the question is not HOW do i write, but WHERE do i write.

    If there are any add-ons to Mangos or similar stuff, please give me a link.

  3. So i'm absolutely new to this.

    I installed the server, everything is working, but as it happens to private servers - there's always something to fix.

    For instance, there's a quest at the orcish starting area in the valley of trials, "Lazy Peons", you gotta hit the peon with a beating stick and he wakes up, a total of 5 hits should be made.

    Where do i code? What files do i open with and where do i write the code or change it so that that peon wakes up and i won't be able to hit him 5 times repeatedly and complete that quest this way.

    This question was probably asked many times, but i couldn't find anything about where and what to code.

    If you can give me a link to those threads or some documentation, or anything where to start, and maybe this server has an API of its own and stuff, any help would be appreciated.

    Best regards.

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