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Posts posted by Kimerita

  1. Mangos Version: 11100

    Custom Patches: Kero99

    Database Name and Version : ytdb

    How it SHOULD work: When Lifebloom expires or is dispelled, the target is instantly healed.

    How it DOES work: it works fine with dispel, but it don't works with Spellsteal (Spellsteal should use the dispel mechanic)

  2. Mangos Version: 11100

    Database Name and Version : ytdb

    Custom Patches: Kero99

    How it SHOULD work: Fear, like other stuns, should reduce its duration with talents or skills like Mage Armor.

    How it DOES work: It don´t reduce the duration with any talent reducer or skill.

    It only happens with Locks Fear. The fear of the warrior and the fear of the priest works fine.

  3. By Xtremekiller (1·20) on 03/08/2009 (Patch 3.0.9)

    Effectively means it breaks after x damage, which isn't much at all, you'll get about one shatter combo off or maybe two scorches if your lucky.

    It's all i founded about how much damage you can give to the taarget to break freeze.

  4. Mangos Version: 11100

    Database Name and Version : ytdb

    Custom Patches: Kero99

    How it SHOULD work: frozen targets from frost nova, frost bite or similar abilities or effect sholud be under freeze a certain amount of time and damage (about 2-6ks, i don´t know exactly but it's not constant)

    How it DOES work: any damage applied to the target unfreezes them

  5. Hi, at first sorry about my english.

    Mangos Version: 11100

    Database Name and Version : ytdb

    Custom Patches: Kero99

    How it SHOULD work: Each time Arcane Blast is cast, the damage of Arcane Blast and Arcane Explosion is increased by 10%, Arcane Blast casting time is reduced by 0.1 sec, and Arcane Blast mana cost is increased by 150%. Effect stacks up to 4 times and lasts 6 sec or until any Arcane damage spell except Arcane Blast or Arcane Explosion is cast.

    How it DOES work: It has two problems: Arcane Missiles don´t eat its loads (but benefits from its effect) and Arcane Barrage otherwise ago: it eats its loads but don't benefits from its effect.

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