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Posts posted by kennumen

  1. ... However, not everyone wants to use playerbot ( :rolleyes: most peculiar behaviour ) ...

    *cough* *choke* say what now? I don't understand what you're saying... It simply does not compute.

    Anyway isn't that what playerbotai.conf's

    PlayerbotAI.DisableBots = 1

    or in the worst case

    PlayerbotAI.MaxNumBots = 0

    are for? ;)

    Alright, alright, I'll stop heckling you :) Good on you to provide gmguy as a standalone patch.

  2. https://github.com/blueboy/portal/blob/master/sql/playerbotai/FULL_playerbotai_characters_r7.sql

    there's currently three tables:


    115. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='PlayerbotAI TalentSpec system';

    208. ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 ROW_FORMAT=FIXED COMMENT='Persistent Playerbot settings per alt';

    I know you can't run it with an old version (table 1) but apparently you can without? However the TalentSpec system (table 2) will not have any 'auto'-allocation talent trees although you will still be able to manually grant your bots one talent at a time. There will also be no option to have some bot data persist (table 3) in between logouts, which could be countered by using macros or just plain giving the commands each time you log in your bots.

    You can play without (if you say so) but you'll be missing a few things of convenience.

  3. Nice. I've been dropping non-essential quests (haven't run across a quest series so far - that I know of) and completing essential ones (just the druid bear quest so far) with the mangos admin command ".quest complete [Quest Hlink]" (notice the dot). GMGuy would be super interesting if it wasn't just me on the server :)

    Plus it's one less branch to maintain. Woot!

  4. The pull command is an on-going item (only started it a few weeks ago). Progress can be followed here, I'm generally (too) good at updating my progress. As you've discovered and stated, at this point there is no function in it for the end-user (or anyone, really).

    PBAI mounts is not my area of expertise. I could see flying mounts being a problem. E.g. on the flying mount bombing run quest you get shortly after getting the flying mount. Used to be a staple daily for me :) You would like to have them along (in case you get dismounted). Do they 'go missing' or just follow you slowly on the ground. If the latter I would consider that a problem since they would go around aggroing tons of mobs. Anyway, log an issue on github and hopefully Blueboy will find some time for it eventually or I'll cave and take a look at it. My bots are level 14 parked before RFC until pull is working so level 70 (or did they change it to 60?) is still far off for me to get annoyed by it :P

    As for the huntress - log an issue and one of us will get around to it. If hunters really aren't working that's a big issue, but as I recall I myself couldn't reproduce this bug. Anyway, log an issue and we'll see.

  5. FULL is basically a reinstall. You'll be 100% certain it's right but you'll lose any saved settings (PBAI DB only) and any modifications you may have made to the DB structure.

    Combat orders have been fixed but not pushed. See this issue.

    Talents do not, of course, get magically reset if you use the character as a player bot. There might be a command to do so if you're near a trainer (see "help talent"). If talents have been set that aren't in the talent spec you've chosen, that could be causing issues. I don't recall how I coded it but that certainly raises a flag. At least I made it so that doesn't crash the server :)

  6. There's no need for you to check out a getspec function, I meant that internally it should get the spec dynamically from the way your bot's talent tree is built rather than check it's talent spec (which may or may not be set; not in your case). In other words, the internal workings were designed specifically to rely on information always present rather than the (possibly un-)set 'talent spec'. Long winded way of saying "don't worry, be happy". I think the manual way to add talents is "[whisper] talent add (TALENT)" but just use "help talent" to get a full explanation. If that is the (sub)command and you require it, "help talent add" may give an even more detailed explanation.

    Really? When I look I see two files related to r6: https://github.com/blueboy/portal/tree/new-ai/sql/playerbotai

    Okay, they weren't there and I was the culprit. Apparently 'git commit -a -m "comment"' does automatically add changed files, does automatically remove deleted files, but does not automatically add new files. My bad.

  7. The combat orders command appears to be broken. It does look like you used it correctly. I've made an issue for it.

    Manually applying talents is just fine. The GetSpec() function was intentionally designed to allow for this eventuality. The only difference is more micro-management but some people have the knowledge and desire to manually talent all their bots. Go ahead and avoid 'talent spec' in this case.

    The latest PBAI is required_6, but that shouldn't account for the symptoms you're having. In all likelihood.

  8. Yea, that's not the command. Try 'help' if you're stuck, or in this specific case 'help orders'. The correct command is thus '[whisper] orders combat tank'.

    As for the bots inventory, I believe starting a trade is the easiest way. Eating/Drinking is very dysfunctional right now and as such I have opened an issue for this.

    I should really put this on the wiki instead (or certainly not in anonymous post #49), but here's a quickstart tutorial as to how I use my playerbot party:

    // Macro1 - logon
    /s .bot add Beefcake
    /s .bot add Celestius
    /s .bot add Succubus
    /s .bot add Healbot
    // Macro2 - group invite, combat orders - right after logon - give them a second to log on
    /invite Beefcake
    /invite Celestius
    /invite Succubus
    /invite Healbot
    /w Beefcake orders combat tank
    /w Celestius orders combat assist Beefcake
    /w Succubus orders combat assist Beefcake
    /w Healbot orders combat heal
    // Macro3 - talent specs - right after combat orders
    /w Beefcake talent spec 9
    /w Celestius talent spec 8
    /w Succubus talent spec 5
    /w Healbot talent spec 3
    // Macro4 - logoff - in case you want to do it explicitly for some reason
    /s .bot remove Beefcake
    /s .bot remove Celestius
    /s .bot remove Succubus
    /s .bot remove Healbot
    // Macro Utility - quest
    /p quest
    // Macro Utility - quest report
    /p quest report

    I also have a 'tank attack' and 'party attack' macro in case I don't want to pull. Hope to soon have a 'tank pull' replacing the tank attack :)

    This is not a cure-all, just my most frequently used commands (put into macros for ease-of-frequent-use). Don't forget the "help" command and that it also works as "help command".

    @Edit 2: bots should drink when under 30% mana, but again, it's bugged and drinking will only last a few seconds.

  9. I did a test (admittedly a short one - 10 minutes or so) with a hunter and saw no problems. The hunter was always in melee attack posture but correctly shot arrows while out-of-range and never moved to within melee range but did switch to melee when he pulled aggro off of me and the mobs moved out of his ranged range into his melee range.

    Again, this is the WotLK new-ai branch. Frankly portalone has it's own forum here and should be discussed in said topic.

  10. I read mention of PortalOne somewhere but this is the WotLK forum so I'll go on with the assumption that's the version we're talking about (if you're interested in PBAIOne, the same holds true except it's a bit more outdated (so anything I say may not be true for a few months) and it may be missing a feature or two). Everything I write below is in relation to the latest new-ai branch of the WotLK version.

    To set combat orders for 'assist'

    (Note: make sure you use '/s' say rather than '/w' whisper)

    For a ranged assist, choose a bot that will hold back from the combat (i.e healer).

    /s .bot co <bot name> assist <healer name>

    For a dps assist, choose a bot the tank.

    /s .bot co <bot name> assist <tank name>

    1) The command has been changed and is now [whisper] combat assist <target>

    In-game help reflects this change. Of course, at the time of writing blueboy was correct, the new way is so far only for WotLK new-ai.

    2) A ranged class [with a ranged weapon] should remain ranged regardless of who the assist target is. I doubt they would go back out of range after losing aggro, however (which is something they should do). The assist command is mainly for targetting purposes, not for movement. I always assumed it was an implicit 'protect' as well but I'm probably wrong about that, else why would there be a seperate protect command.

    3) The assist command should work just fine regardless of whether the player or a bot is the target. Of course with a player or a bot with few settings, assumptions need to be made. Also, playerbot is at its best when grouped.

    These are the constellations I tried:

    Playing tank + Bot firemage assisting tank and Bot hunter assisting firemage

    Playing firemage + Bot tank and Bot hunter assisting player

    Playing firemage + Bot tank and Bot hunter assisting tank

    None have worked. :( The huntress is still not attacking with her bow.

    A few things occured to me:

    • While playing the tank, I got an int buff from the mage. Nothing serious but it is wasteful
    • The firemage got oom after a few seconds - just standing there and waiting for mana oO
    • As I played the firemage it seemed to me that the tank is not using any spells. (I let him start the fight with an attack command - maybe that is the problem)
    • Also the tank has got problems maintaining the aggro (but this could easily be, because of me *cast all the spells :D* and/or the level differences (tank: 65, mage: 71))

    1) Is this on WotLK new-ai?

    2) Which class is the tank? Also 6 levels is a big difference, and gear probably would be too. Frankly, it's not very reasonable to expect that tank to hold aggro. What talentspec is he?

    3) The huntress does, of course, have ammo?

    4) The mage who just stands there, does he have a wand? Does he have mana-regaining skills not on cooldown that are still not used? What do you expect him to do rather than 'stand there'?

    Could somebody please give me a simple tutorial/breakdown on how to patch it into my server and such.

    The easiest way by far is to just clone new-ai and compile. You'll be up to a month (generally less) out-of-date with MaNGOS core but it's super easy. It may not be the best way but it's a good way to get started.

    without the use of macros, is it possible to make an elemental shaman that prioritizes it's damage spells over melee?

    and do shadow priest bots work?

    Quick look at the code - elemental shamans should be casting Flame Shock, Lava Burst, and Lightning Bolt in that order, prioritizing all spells over (but in addition to) melee. I believe Lightning Bolt is a spell with 1-2sec cast so during that time it shouldn't be meleeing at all. The elemental shaman is not built - by default, anyway - to stay at range.

    The active spec is decided by the currently active talent tree, decided by how deep it runs (if each has 5 talents, the active 'tree' would be the first tab).

    I don't see why face-melting shadow priests would be left out. I distinctly recall writing out their healing code and writing emergency healing back in.

  11. These are commands to be typed into chat. Most bot commands are told to the bot itself (in a whisper or - when the bot is in your group - party chat) but a few commands mimic the MaNGOS GM command structure.

    In this case, after the bot has been added of course, you can give the bot a general set of rules to follow (it also helps tell other bots how to treat this first bot). In the command you listed, the following 'code' is used: "<" and ">" mark a required variable, where "|" means 'OR' meaning you pick one.

    co is the same as combatorder, either can be used. combatorder is more descriptive, while 'co' is shorter. The rest should be self-explanatory.


    ".bot co Beefcake tank"

    ".bot co Healbot heal"

    ".bot co blackstabbath assist beefcake"

    ".bot co loladin protect healbot"

    <edit> Oh, it's probably a good idea to put these commands and other bot commands in a macro. </edit>

  12. Kennumen, do you know when you last pulled from either new-ai or skillbot?

    build: Core (2012.02.18) + playerbot (2012.02.18) + playerbot.new-ai (2012.02.19) + playerbot.skillbot (2012.02.19). This includes the 2012.02.19 skillbot commit but excludes the latest 2012.02.20 push. SD2, UDB, ACID all updated to similar days.

    The only other thing I could think of is I set sell.whiteitems to 0 (down from 10 and under your preferred 5). I avoided negative values because I could see that doing strange stuff but I don't see why 0 would give strange results or why this would affect selling of normal items at all (I'll set this at 5 anyway first chance I get). Might try and squeeze in a small debug session because without autosell and the starter bags (aka none) I find it borderline unplayable.

    Thanks for testing on your end, at least :)

    <edit> $%^&*

    when copying over to the new playerbot.conf file I missed the SellGarbage = 1 variable.

    Oh yes, I'm so uber...

    Also, I've read your note on not using 0 (this time) so I'll use 5 for now and may test out 1 in a few days.</edit>

  13. I don't know if it's in new-ai or skillbot but I have a very annoying bug with auto-sell. When I get to a vendor they don't auto-sell anything, and don't even list their sellables. I have to open trade to get a list - the sell command works fine however, but I have to use it on everything. Would rebuild to locate the problem but on a 3day mini-lan atm.

  14. If its compatible with what you have in mind for Autobot, great! I still haven't really delved into autobot to check it out, but I will when I work more on these ideas :)

    At its core, the only thing autobots stands for is a bot that isn't based on an existing character. All else (whether the server or user asks it to login, what are it's main intended purpose(s), ...) is variable.

    At least should be once I bloody get it working. Sessions, opcodes, etc... It's a bit over my head tbh, but what I do have so far I know is working, and on the right track.


    Added Kreegoths Wand code for warlocks, priests, and mages

    oh, and no, no you didn't. Pretty sure, at least.</edit>

  15. Some things are cut and dry, but not always. If I want to run to the store, I may take the car, or I may get in the truck, Or I might hop on the bike. They will all get me there, but not all the time. It might be raining, or muddy, or snowing, or just cold, but I still like my bike, and keep it even when It won't do the job.

    Analogies are often dangerous, but hey let's run with it. Whether I take my car, truck or bike, there is still a shortest route to the store. There are several other routes which are also acceptable. Driving in the opposite direction will also get me there, 25000 miles later. ... It's probably best not to think of a tightly-knit city's road network, for this analogy. At least for my point of view :)

    I can't vouch for anyone else, but personally, its the micromanagement of each of my chars simultaneously , that drew me to playerbot. Even with autoequip, I still have control over what they equip If I disagree. However, its fun to be able to turn on some automatic functions and watch them choose on their own. (adds a bit of depth!) It's almost as fun as being beside myself! and In that I am unanimous.

    When I wrote that part of the response I had in mind high-end level 80 endgame. Tough 5man heroic instances where people are looking to squeeze out that last 2-3%. What I keep hearing is everyone wants to fine-tune every bot/class themselves. Personally, I just want to play my character myself. Suppose I want to go to a 10/25man raid. Sure, I may want to go as a corruption warlock [talent spec] when destruction is where the real raid DPS is at. At this point I really don't want to figure out what the [up to] 9 other classes should spec as. I don't want to figure out what might be their best gear. I just want to have a fair chance at having fun. Full party wipes, time and again, are -generally- not fun. I like research enough to do it for my own character - what's a decent talent spec for my playing style, what's some good gear, ... But I really don't want to do this extensive research for 4 (or even more) characters.

    Of course, the fact that you do is part of what makes you a great developer for those features lol.

    Having said that, some of that thought process is keeping in mind autobots. By definition they need to be good enough without any outside help (otherwise there are cheating issues).

    Oh yeah, almost forgot! Yeah I'm doing the testing atm with alts. Its easy to manipulate them to run different tests.

    I'm curious, do you plan on keeping it that way? Personally I would see altbots who do quests on their own as a cheat. I would more see this as a zone-filling feature for autobots. Either way, cool feature :)

  16. Discussion is clearly shifting towards the other playerbot forums so I'll keep it short.

    ... the test to see whether the bot can equip the item's armour class and not greater (i.e Paladin can wear mail; if the item is leather or cloth it will return false as it's not the best armour for the bot).

    Yes sorry it will work with plate armour too, but if I had mentioned plate in my example, someone would have pointed out that this is only available at level 40 ;) Before, the paladins having all armour classes would grab everything. If you were equipping a paladin manually, your more likely to choose mail over leather and cloth. Once available, plate would be the preferred choice

    Hope that's clear

    Fair enough. I mentioned elsewhere there is a transition period (41-45, at the least) and there are exceptions (a hunter may desire rogue equipment - without a rogue/feral in the group there's really no objections). For your example, I've seen paladin healers don cloth on occasion (although I believe it was WotLK that added decent leather/plate healing equipment - there wasn't any for quite a while). But I think we're more or less on the same understanding.

    This is slowly creeping more towards stat decision than just level/armor class. Those were a good base to start from (and lower levels rely mostly on these).

    Theres still a lot of tweaking to do but, one thing to remember, is that they are bots, and the autoequip function isn't going to take place of precision equipping.

    I'd say, for alot of folks, they'd be fine just letting the bot equip whatever just to keep from having to do it themselves lol. However, for the hardcore player that

    wants things to be just so, autoequip won't be a tool they'd turn on and forget about.

    Still, yeah, it needs alot more work im sure, and atm its really mainly in need of testing, thinking, tweaking, and draw a line somewhere as to just how decisive it can be

    and still be flexible for the players style/ideas/own way of doing things.

    This is how so many people feel and I just can't understand it. Fine, some people enjoy tweaking and micro-management. I agree they want an option to set little modifications to their own taste. But why are people expecting the player to be not understanding of his own class, but understanding of the other 4? Why would I care whether it's better for a paladin healer to have mp5 or spirit? I just want the best chance to stay alive. Is it better to have strength or defense or agility for a tank? How does dodge compute against whatever else? I don't want to know. I want one someone else to figure it out, put it in playerbot, and make it so the evil thingies hit the tank and not me. If Joe Superman decides it's better for his level 80 tank to have a 2 hander, so be it.

    As for ideal, I do realise it's quite complex, but given a set of parameters there is always at least one ideal solution, and several great ones. Not to mention, good, average, and acceptable :P

    That was a bit long but it's something I feel passionate about but have seemingly been unable to convince anyone else.

    Ahh this has changed alot from that post. follow -same as it was; follow far-increments distance +1.0 (with no current cap);follow near-decrements distance -1; follow reset- resets to config default;

    My suggestion stands :)

    At the moment, my bots are level 18, and when they sell, they sell around 10 -13 items or so and approx half of that is from this code. Saves me alot of clicking ( and I have the level diff set to 4 for my own personal likes.)

    Perhaps it would be prudent for me to refrain from further comments on this matter until after testing.

    Your independent bot sounds great, I've always planned to make it part of autobots. One more question on that though - where are you getting the 'characters' for your bots? Surely you're not doing automatic questing with alts?

  17. Hmm... Quite a bit more extensive than I suggested - carefully optimistic as I do abhor micro-management... Did you test items like potions though? Rogue poisons? Warrior weapon chain thingies? What about spell reagents like maple seeds and such?

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