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Posts posted by Hardisk

  1. Well that's funny, I was about to make the same topic.

    Having a centralized community website would be way better than the actual situation.

    Currently , it divides both users and possible dev's, also, the getmangos.eu guides and wiki are way better.

    TL;DR : +1 for moving the zero forum to getmangos.eu

  2. 1) XPBar cannot go to 255 , I'm not sure exactly why, I believe this is Client limitation

    2) Bigger spell damage? If you just want to have fun a couple seconds, just try the commande ".damage <a-big-number>"

    If you really want all spells to do massive damage, a core modification is needed, laise already gave you a hint.

    He wants to create a public 255 server to earn some money, i just got "kicked" because i didnt want to do everything for free when he will earn money on it, so he will never get the spellpower boost, maby max level 255 tho, but anyways, You didnt really answer any questions that wasnt already answered ;)

    - LilleCarl

    Sure, I just tough I'll sum it up ;)

  3. 1) XPBar cannot go to 255 , I'm not sure exactly why, I believe this is Client limitation

    2) Bigger spell damage? If you just want to have fun a couple seconds, just try the commande ".damage <a-big-number>"

    If you really want all spells to do massive damage, a core modification is needed, laise already gave you a hint.

  4. Any error message? Ether from client or server ?

    EDIT :

    By the way ,

    LoginDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;SERVERPW;realmd"

    WorldDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;SERVERPW;mangos"

    CharacterDatabaseInfo = ";3306;root;SERVERPW;characters"

    I don't know what your password is, but as a general rule of tough, never use your "root" user, create a separate user to be used by the server, this increase your server security

  5. Hey guys,

    I've been in the WoW emu since around 2006, reading a lot , writing a bit on forums ;)

    Have been writing a lots of guides around 2007 on french forums witch are now gone.

    I'm back on US forums because the WoW french emu community is now dead, old members are gone , giving their seats to horrible kids.

    Will do my best to contribute to the Wiki & help in forums.

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