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Posts posted by 666sexhard

  1. strange crash just happened a few minutes on my server, here I leave the logs:

    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
    Fault address:  004D8F04 01:000D7F04 X:\\XXXXX\\Mangos\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:0023:0A6459D8  EBP:0A647A04
    DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    004D8F04  00000000  MapInstanced::RemoveGridMapReference+D4
    004D8D05  00000000  Map::UnloadGrid+315
    004D9027  00000000  Map::UnloadAll+87
    004D3B65  00000000  Map::~Map+65
    004DB542  00000000  InstanceMap::~InstanceMap+92
    004F4030  00000000  InstanceMap::`vector deleting destructor'+50
    00892620  00000000  MapInstanced::DestroyInstance+B0
    00891842  00000000  MapInstanced::Update+C2
    006B5B70  00000000  MapManager::Update+120
    006413F6  00000000  World::Update+7A6
    004577BE  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+8E
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802542  00000000  WaitForSingleObject+12
    002A9AC4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFF849EC
    0031648A  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFF13B2
    0031263F  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFED567
    006674AA  00000000  WorldSocketMgr::Wait+4A
    726A8B84  00000000  0000:00000000 
    726A8B84  00000000  0000:00000000 
    6C696146  00000000  0000:00000000 
    8BFC4D89  FFFFFFFF  0000:00000000 
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    00904B40  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    0090B520  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    00904B40  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    0090B520  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    00904B40  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    0090B520  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    0A644A10  00000000  0000:00000000 
    FF50D845  FFFFFFFF  0000:00000000 
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C872A51  00000000  GetConsoleInputWaitHandle+318
    7C872B98  00000000  ReadConsoleA+3B
    7C8018B7  00000000  ReadFile+A5
    78586A93  00000000  realloc+9F7
    78586F17  00000000  _read+C0
    7854EC7A  00000000  _filbuf+7D
    7854E319  00000000  fgets+109
    00412F58  00000000  CliRunnable::run+B8
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    00904B40  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    0043221B  00000000  FreezeDetectorRunnable::run+7B
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    719D5FA7  00000000  0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll
    71A3314F  00000000  select+A7
    002B4B85  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFF8FAAD
    0031796F  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFF2897
    003181E0  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFF3108
    00318388  00000000  

    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
    Fault address:  00432294 01:00031294 X:\\XXXXXX\\Mangos\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:0023:0AE4FF00  EBP:0AE4FF10
    DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    00432294  00000000  FreezeDetectorRunnable::run+F4
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFF32B0002F12C4  00000000  
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802542  00000000  WaitForSingleObject+12
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFD6EE5002A9AC4  00000000  
    00666F30  00000000  ReactorRunnable::svc+C0
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    719D5FA7  00000000  0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll
    71A3314F  00000000  select+A7
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFF849EC002B4B85  00000000  
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFF8FAAD0031648A  00000000  
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFF13B20031796F  00000000  
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFF28970031263F  00000000  
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFED567003181E0  00000000  
    006674AA  00000000  WorldSocketMgr::Wait+4A
    726A8B84  00000000  0000:00000000 
    726A8B84  00000000  0000:00000000 
    6C696146  00000000  0000:00000000 
    8BFC4D89  FFFFFFFF  0000:00000000 
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    00904B40  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    0090B520  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFF3108002F12C4  00000000  
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC00318388  00000000  
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    00904B40  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    0090B520  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFF32B0002F12C4  00000000  
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    00904B40  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    0090B520  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFD6EE5002F12C4  00000000  
    00666F30  00000000  ReactorRunnable::svc+C0
    Local Variables And Parameters
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    004D8F04  00000000  MapInstanced::RemoveGridMapReference+D4
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'p'
    004D8D05  00000000  Map::UnloadGrid+315
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'x'
       Local  <user defined> 'y'
    punting on symbol pForce
    punting on symbol gx
    punting on symbol gy
       Local  <user defined> 'grid'
    004D9027  00000000  Map::UnloadAll+87
       Local  <user defined> 'i'
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol pForce
    004D3B65  00000000  Map::~Map+65
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    004DB542  00000000  InstanceMap::~InstanceMap+92
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    004F4030  00000000  InstanceMap::`vector deleting destructor'+50
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    00892620  00000000  MapInstanced::DestroyInstance+B0
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'itr'
    00891842  00000000  MapInstanced::Update+C2
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 't'
       Local  <user defined> 'i'
    006B5B70  00000000  MapManager::Update+120
       Local  <user defined> 'iter'
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol diff
    006413F6  00000000  World::Update+7A6
    punting on symbol i
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol diff
    004577BE  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+8E
    punting on symbol diff
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol realCurrTime
    punting on symbol realPrevTime
    punting on symbol prevSleepTime
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    punting on symbol param
       Local  <user defined> '_task'
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC002F12C4  00000000  
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    59CCF6CF  00000000  0001:0006E6CF X:\\XXXXXX\\Mangos\\dbghelp.dll
    0A643C90  00000000  0000:00000000 
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C872A51  00000000  GetConsoleInputWaitHandle+318
    7C872B98  00000000  ReadConsoleA+3B
    7C8018B7  00000000  ReadFile+A5
    78586A93  00000000  realloc+9F7
    78586F17  00000000  _read+C0
    7854EC7A  00000000  _filbuf+7D
    7854E319  00000000  fgets+109
    00412F58  00000000  CliRunnable::run+B8
    00904929  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC002F12C4  00000000  
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    0AE4EF38  00000000  0000:00000000 
    FF50D845  FFFFFFFF  0000:00000000 
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    719D5FA7  00000000  0001:00004FA7 C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\MSWSOCK.dll
    71A3314F  00000000  select+A7
    002B4B85  00000000  
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Global Variables

    I use: Mangos 10452 SD2 1816 YTDB 341 ACID 37


  2. yesterday I create a Draenei character to make the respective tests in the class warrior and shaman, and I with surprise that hardly a few minutes, the client gives me the following error / crash:

    World of WarCraft (build 12340)
    Exe:      E:\\Games\\World of Warcraft\\Wow.exe
    Time:     Aug  7, 2010  3:53:48.498 PM
    User:     xxx
    Computer: xxx
    This application has encountered a critical error:
    ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception
    Program:    E:\\Games\\World of Warcraft\\Wow.exe
    Exception:    0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 001B:0082C7C9
    The instruction at "0x0082C7C9" referenced memory at "0x00000010".
    The memory could not be "read".
    WoWBuild: 12340
    Realm: xxxxxxxxx [xxxxxxxx:xxxx]
    Local Zone: [b]Azuremyst Isle[/b]
    Local Player: xxxxxx, 000000000000030D, (-3365.32,-12543.4,60.2744)
    Total lua memory: 13116KB
    Current Addon: (null)
    Current Addon function: UNKNOWN
    Current Addon object: (null)
    SET locale "enUS"
    SET portal "us"
    SET realmList "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    SET patchlist "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    SET hwDetect "0"
    SET gxWindow "1"
    SET gxRefresh "60"
    SET gxMultisampleQuality "0.000000"
    SET gxFixLag "0"
    SET videoOptionsVersion "3"
    SET movie "0"
    SET Gamma "1.000000"
    SET readTOS "1"
    SET readEULA "1"
    SET showToolsUI "1"
    SET Sound_OutputDriverName "System Default"
    SET Sound_MusicVolume "0.40000000596046"
    SET Sound_AmbienceVolume "0.60000002384186"
    SET farclip "727"
    SET specular "1"
    SET groundEffectDensity "24"
    SET projectedTextures "1"
    SET accounttype "LK"
    SET realmName "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    SET gameTip "4"
    SET mouseSpeed "1.2000000476837"
    GxApi: D3D9
    Adapter Count: 1
    Adapter 0 (primary):
     Driver: ati2dvag.dll
     Version: 6.14.0010.7028
     Description: ATI Radeon HD 4600 Series  
     DeviceName: \\\\.\\DISPLAY1
       x86 Registers
    EAX=00000000  EBX=13D03360  ECX=00000000  EDX=00000000  ESI=00000000
    EDI=00000000  EBP=02C4FE34  ESP=02C4FE28  EIP=0082C7C9  FLG=00210212
    CS =001B      DS =0023      ES =0023      SS =0023      FS =003B      GS =0000

    For moment i use: Mangos 10296 SD2 1750 YTDB 336 ACID 35

    I expect a help from him... thanks.

  3. same crash in new 10274

    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
    Fault address:  00749061 01:00348061 E:\\Server 335a\\Mangos\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:0023:00F0F7EC  EBP:00F0F828
    DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    00749061  00000000  stdext::_Hash<std::tr1::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SpellBonusEntry,stdext::_Hash_compare<unsigned int,std::tr1::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::Pair<unsigned int const ,SpellBonusEntry> >,0> >::lower_bound+61
    00744CE9  00000000  std::tr1::unordered_map<unsigned int,SpellBonusEntry,std::tr1::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::Pair<unsigned int const ,SpellBonusEntry> > >::operator[]+19
    0075D7EF  00000000  SpellMgr::DoForHighRanks<DoSpellBonuses>+8F
    0073BD12  00000000  SpellMgr::LoadSpellBonuses+762
    0063E7B6  00000000  World::SetInitialWorldSettings+5E6
    00431EBD  00000000  Master::Run+11D
    00431177  00000000  main+5F7
    00458AE9  00000000  __tmainCRTStartup+10F
    7C817077  00000000  RegisterWaitForInputIdle+49
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    00F0E824  00000000  0000:00000000 
    FF50D845  FFFFFFFF  0000:00000000 
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    008F9D20  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    00900700  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    008F9B09  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    008F9D20  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    00900700  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    008F9B09  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    008F9D20  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    00900700  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    008F9B09  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Local Variables And Parameters
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    00749061  00000000  stdext::_Hash<std::tr1::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SpellBonusEntry,stdext::_Hash_compare<unsigned int,std::tr1::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::Pair<unsigned int const ,SpellBonusEntry> >,0> >::lower_bound+61
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> '_Keyval'
       Local  <user defined> '_Where'
    punting on symbol _Bucket
    00744CE9  00000000  std::tr1::unordered_map<unsigned int,SpellBonusEntry,std::tr1::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::Pair<unsigned int const ,SpellBonusEntry> > >::operator[]+19
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> '_Keyval'
       Local  <user defined> '_Where'
    0075D7EF  00000000  SpellMgr::DoForHighRanks<DoSpellBonuses>+8F
       Local  <user defined> 'itr'
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol spellid
       Local  <user defined> 'worker'
       Local  <user defined> 'nextMap'
    0073BD12  00000000  SpellMgr::LoadSpellBonuses+762
    punting on symbol i
    punting on symbol entry
    punting on symbol need_direct
    punting on symbol dot_calc
       Local  <user defined> 'sbe'
    punting on symbol direct_diff
       Local  <user defined> 'fields'
       Local  <user defined> 'spell'
    punting on symbol first_id
       Local  <user defined> 'worker'
    punting on symbol x
    punting on symbol dot_diff
    punting on symbol need_dot
    punting on symbol direct_calc
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'result'
       Local  <user defined> 'bar'
    punting on symbol count
    0063E7B6  00000000  World::SetInitialWorldSettings+5E6
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'local'
       Local  <user defined> 'isoDate'
    punting on symbol curr
    punting on symbol nextGameEvent
    punting on symbol realm_zone
    punting on symbol server_type
    punting on symbol uStartTime
    punting on symbol uStartInterval
    00431EBD  00000000  Master::Run+11D
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'freeze_thread'
       Local  <user defined> 'bind_ip'
       Local  <user defined> 'pidfile'
       Local  <user defined> 'rar_thread'
       Local  <user defined> 'soap_thread'
       Local  <user defined> 'world_thread'
    punting on symbol realCurrTime
    punting on symbol realPrevTime
    punting on symbol wsport
       Local  <user defined> 'cliThread'
    00431177  00000000  main+5F7
    punting on symbol argc
       Local  <user defined> 'argv'
       Local  <user defined> 'cmd_opts'
    punting on symbol option
       Local  <user defined> 'options'
       Local  <user defined> 'cfg_file'
    00458AE9  00000000  __tmainCRTStartup+10F
    punting on symbol nested
    7C817077  00000000  RegisterWaitForInputIdle+49
    Global Variables

  4. I use last core Mangos 10273 SD2 1749 YTDB 334 ACID 35.

    I load fine and stop here:

    2010-07-26 10:05:36 >> Loaded 517 extra spell proc event conditions +49 custom proc (inc. +4 custom ranks)
    2010-07-26 10:05:36 Loading Spell Bonus Data...

    Later boom crash!!!

    Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION
    Fault address:  00749061 01:00348061 E:\\Server 335a\\Mangos\\mangosd.exe
    SS:ESP:0023:00F0F7EC  EBP:00F0F828
    DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    00749061  00000000  stdext::_Hash<std::tr1::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SpellBonusEntry,stdext::_Hash_compare<unsigned int,std::tr1::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::Pair<unsigned int const ,SpellBonusEntry> >,0> >::lower_bound+61
    00744CE9  00000000  std::tr1::unordered_map<unsigned int,SpellBonusEntry,std::tr1::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::Pair<unsigned int const ,SpellBonusEntry> > >::operator[]+19
    0075D7EF  00000000  SpellMgr::DoForHighRanks<DoSpellBonuses>+8F
    0073BD12  00000000  SpellMgr::LoadSpellBonuses+762
    0063E7B6  00000000  World::SetInitialWorldSettings+5E6
    00431EBD  00000000  Master::Run+11D
    00431177  00000000  main+5F7
    00458AE9  00000000  __tmainCRTStartup+10F
    7C817077  00000000  RegisterWaitForInputIdle+49
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    00F0E824  00000000  0000:00000000 
    FF50D845  FFFFFFFF  0000:00000000 
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    008F9D20  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    00900700  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    008F9B09  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    008F9D20  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    00900700  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    008F9B09  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    7C91E514  00000000  KiFastSystemCallRet+0
    7C802455  00000000  Sleep+F
    008F9D20  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::Sleep+30
    00900700  00000000  SqlDelayThread::run+50
    008F9B09  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+19
    002F12C4  00000000  __WSAFDIsSet+FFFFFFFFFFFCC1EC
    78543433  00000000  _endthreadex+44
    785434C7  00000000  _endthreadex+D8
    7C80B729  00000000  GetModuleFileNameA+1BA
    Local Variables And Parameters
    Call stack:
    Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
    00749061  00000000  stdext::_Hash<std::tr1::_Umap_traits<unsigned int,SpellBonusEntry,stdext::_Hash_compare<unsigned int,std::tr1::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int> >,std::allocator<std::Pair<unsigned int const ,SpellBonusEntry> >,0> >::lower_bound+61
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> '_Keyval'
       Local  <user defined> '_Where'
    punting on symbol _Bucket
    00744CE9  00000000  std::tr1::unordered_map<unsigned int,SpellBonusEntry,std::tr1::hash<unsigned int>,std::equal_to<unsigned int>,std::allocator<std::Pair<unsigned int const ,SpellBonusEntry> > >::operator[]+19
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> '_Keyval'
       Local  <user defined> '_Where'
    0075D7EF  00000000  SpellMgr::DoForHighRanks<DoSpellBonuses>+8F
       Local  <user defined> 'itr'
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
    punting on symbol spellid
       Local  <user defined> 'worker'
       Local  <user defined> 'nextMap'
    0073BD12  00000000  SpellMgr::LoadSpellBonuses+762
    punting on symbol i
    punting on symbol entry
    punting on symbol need_direct
    punting on symbol dot_calc
       Local  <user defined> 'sbe'
    punting on symbol direct_diff
       Local  <user defined> 'fields'
       Local  <user defined> 'spell'
    punting on symbol first_id
       Local  <user defined> 'worker'
    punting on symbol x
    punting on symbol dot_diff
    punting on symbol need_dot
    punting on symbol direct_calc
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'result'
       Local  <user defined> 'bar'
    punting on symbol count
    0063E7B6  00000000  World::SetInitialWorldSettings+5E6
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'local'
       Local  <user defined> 'isoDate'
    punting on symbol curr
    punting on symbol nextGameEvent
    punting on symbol realm_zone
    punting on symbol server_type
    punting on symbol uStartTime
    punting on symbol uStartInterval
    00431EBD  00000000  Master::Run+11D
       Local  <user defined> 'this'
       Local  <user defined> 'freeze_thread'
       Local  <user defined> 'bind_ip'
       Local  <user defined> 'pidfile'
       Local  <user defined> 'rar_thread'
       Local  <user defined> 'soap_thread'
       Local  <user defined> 'world_thread'
    punting on symbol realCurrTime
    punting on symbol realPrevTime
    punting on symbol wsport
       Local  <user defined> 'cliThread'
    00431177  00000000  main+5F7
    punting on symbol argc
       Local  <user defined> 'argv'
       Local  <user defined> 'cmd_opts'
    punting on symbol option
       Local  <user defined> 'options'
       Local  <user defined> 'cfg_file'
    00458AE9  00000000  __tmainCRTStartup+10F
    punting on symbol nested
    7C817077  00000000  RegisterWaitForInputIdle+49
    Global Variables

    I wait for fixes thanks. :rolleyes:

  5. After creating and entering a raid instance, the first problem encountered is that raid members can not see each other, this can only be solved by having each one re-enter the server, here I leave the following errors console:

    2010-06-29 12:42:12 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:42:46 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:42:54 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:43:49 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:43:51 ERROR:InstanceMap::Add: player xxxxx(10) is being put in instance 631,6,0 but he is in group 96 which is bound to instance 631,5,0!
    2010-06-29 12:43:51 ERROR:MapSave players: 0, group count: 0
    2010-06-29 12:43:51 ERROR:GroupBind save players: 0, group count: 1
    2010-06-29 12:43:52 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:44:42 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:44:47 ERROR:InstanceMap::Add: player xxxxx(11) is being put in instance 631,7,0 but he is in group 96 which is bound to instance 631,5,0!
    2010-06-29 12:44:47 ERROR:MapSave players: 0, group count: 0
    2010-06-29 12:44:47 ERROR:GroupBind save players: 0, group count: 1
    2010-06-29 12:44:47 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:44:57 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:45:09 ERROR:InstanceMap::Add: player xxxxx(10) is being put in instance 631,8,0 but he is in group 96 which is bound to instance 631,5,0!
    2010-06-29 12:45:09 ERROR:MapSave players: 0, group count: 0
    2010-06-29 12:45:09 ERROR:GroupBind save players: 0, group count: 1
    2010-06-29 12:45:09 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:46:08 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:46:47 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-06-29 12:47:18 ERROR:CastCustomSpell: unknown spell id 24899 by caster: Player xxxxx (Guid: 10) triggered by aura 9634 (eff 0)

    Thanks for the help.

  6. I have a problem with Death Knights, once they reset the talent points and apply the new, to re-enter the server does not record the change and still remain open to replace. Those who do not reset their talents have no problem.

    My question is: is a core problem or database??

    Here error in console:

    2010-08-01 14:51:29 ERROR:Spell action 55261 not added into button 3 for player *****: player don't known this spell
    2010-08-01 14:51:29 ERROR:  ...at loading, and will deleted in DB also
    2010-08-01 14:51:29 ERROR:Spell action 49016 not added into button 65 for player *****: player don't known this spell
    2010-08-01 14:51:29 ERROR:  ...at loading, and will deleted in DB also
    2010-08-01 14:51:29 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-08-01 14:56:57 ERROR:Spell action 55261 not added into button 3 for player ******: player don't known this spell
    2010-08-01 14:56:57 ERROR:  ...at loading, and will deleted in DB also
    2010-08-01 14:56:57 ERROR:Spell action 49016 not added into button 65 for player ******: player don't known this spell

    I use now: Mangos 10296 SD2 1750 YTDB 336 ACID 35.

  7. I updated to version 9639 and today I found the following bugs in the paladin class:

    Holy Light: http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=635

    Can not be applied in another player, which is important.

    Note: only be used in the same character.

    Blessing of Might: http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=19740

    Can not be applied in another player, which is important.

    Note: only be used in the same character.

    I hope they can fix in future versions, thanks. :cool:

  8. I have a question about an error generated after loading an account:

    2010-02-10 18:38:27 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-02-10 18:40:30 ERROR:WorldSocket::HandleAuthSession: Sent Auth Response (version mismatch).
    2010-02-10 19:02:54 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-02-10 19:06:48 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-02-10 19:07:42 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-02-10 19:10:38 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-02-10 19:11:02 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-02-10 19:11:02 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PARTY_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x0371)
    2010-02-10 19:11:03 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-02-10 19:11:03 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PARTY_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x0371)
    2010-02-10 19:11:04 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-02-10 19:11:04 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PARTY_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x0371)
    2010-02-10 19:11:32 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)
    2010-02-10 19:12:38 ERROR:SESSION: received not allowed opcode CMSG_LFD_PLAYER_LOCK_INFO_REQUEST (0x036E)

    Referred to these error messages and if possible fix, I recently updated my project.

    Thank you very much.

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