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Posts posted by LordPsyan

  1. in Debian 6 default sources.list, using apt-get to grab MySQLwill give you version 5.1.63. There is a known bug in this version and can cause crashes to the server after logging in. It will crash right after selecting the realm from the realm selection screen. The solution is to upgrade MySQL.

    Thanks to Zuse for the link

    Original link: http://www.dotdeb.org/instructions/

    For those of you lazy like myself... here's the info on that page.

    1. Add these two lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list file (you can also choose a mirror near you) :

    deb http://packages.dotdeb.org squeeze all

    deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org squeeze all

    2. (Optional) if you want to install PHP 5.4 on Debian 6.0 “Squeeze”, add these two lines too :

    deb http://packages.dotdeb.org squeeze-php54 all

    deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org squeeze-php54 all

    3. Then fetch the appropriate GnuPG key

    wget http://www.dotdeb.org/dotdeb.gpg

    cat dotdeb.gpg | sudo apt-key add -

    4. Run apt-get update

    5. You should now be able to use the Dotdeb packages with apt-get (or dselect, or aptitude as well…)

    Also, I noticed you may have to manually install the other stuffs. This is the command I used (assuming you did not do the php5 part):

    apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev mysql-client mysql-server

    When I ran this, I got an error, so had to run:

    apt-get -f install

    this all worked.

  2. This hasn't been updated in awhile. I am back with mangos. TC made me mad. Here is an updated patch for the current mangosR2 rev (10:16am central time 2012-01-16)

    eventually I will figure out how to grab revision numbers. been awhile :)


    This has been patched on mangosR2 but should patch fine on mangos.

  3. Unfortunately, this fix made the bot teleport the first time I brought him in, but when I ported to another city, he did not follow. I tried to summon him, and once again, "is already being teleported" dunno why.

    So, how do I make a patch file from blueboy/portal ?

    I tried: git --git-dir=../mangos/.git --work-tree=../portal diff > bots.patch

    having latest mangos. it pulled the differences to files, and told me what files were deleted or added. the diff did not contain the files in the playerbot folder. dunno if this will work.

    Arrgh, Oh well it was worth a try. There is obviously some incompatibilty between TrinityCore and your Playerbots. I know playerbot works fine with MaNGOS, I've just telelported a player (gamesmaster account) to Ironforge from Stormwind and then to Booty Bay. The bots teleported each time, without issue. I'm not familiar enough with TrinityCore to pinpoint your issue. I advise you to closely examine the debug output from the server, when you get "is already being teleported". Then place flags in the code to hone in on what is misfiring.

    I have explained several time in this thread how to create a standalone patches from the repos and alpha branches, but here is a quick HowTo;

    Run the following bash script (works on *nix systems & git bash shell under windows) to create the patch (Make sure your using a later version of grep.exe that supports the '-m' option, or the script won't work).

    #!/bin/bash -x
    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git portal_patch
    cd portal_patch
    git fetch git://github.com/blueboy/portal.git master:portal
    git checkout portal
    HASH=`git log --pretty=oneline | grep -m 1 '\\[1[0-9]\\{4\\}]' | cut -d " " -f 1`
    git diff $HASH > playerbot.patch

    Then to apply using GNU patch utility (remove --dry-run to actually apply)

    patch --dry-run -p1 < playerbot.patch

    or with git (remove --check to actually apply)

    git apply --check --whitespace=fix playerbot.patch

    Hope this helps

    This was exactly what I was looking for... and I always use patch -p1 <.... cuz git apply doesn't help much if it errors. Thank you Thank you. Now, if there is anything from TC or older TC patches you would be interested in, just ask and its yours :)

    Kinda wish mangos would do their folder structure like TC.... then I could find the files im looking for :)

  4. the guys at TC have problems with the bots compability now .. thats why they asked here.

    You are absolutely correct. The massive changes to TC have made some serious problems with the TC version (which I am maintaining). I am not complaining about the TC changes. Most of them rock. THe folder structure makes life easier. The Script Hooks also make the server work less, and patches easier to create. I love Blueboy's patch. He is a genius! The problem with TC's patch is simple. PlayerBots are stuck in teleport. even when right next to you, trying to summon them.gives a "already being teleported" error. I was a faithful member of Mangos for years. I got tired of multiple repos to get scripts going, and the lack of support from devs at that time. I won't switch back to Mangos, because of the major differences now. Both cores have their good and bad sides. I have searched for an easy way to extract the patch for conversion to trinity. All credit will go to Blueboy and anyone else listed in any thankyou file or headings in script files. Converting will take some time. Having the power of 2 cores using the same type of patch has benifits. can be tested by more people, and more people with C++ knowledge can assist in fixing bugs. We can't have BlueBoy doing ALL the work.

    Anyways, I am doing what I do best... blabbing. I love this patch and all it has to offer. If someone would like to give the quick and dirty version of making a patch from portal I would appreciate it. Currently I cannot post it on tc's website... I pissed off a dev (im really good at that. called him an idiot for making a stupid change... I get banned, and the change gets reverted back.) but I should be unbanned soon. The rest of the devs kinda like me. I just gotta kiss Machiavelli's behind until he unbans me. Nyways, keep up the great work for this great emu, and I hope to help this community again soon.

    One last note. The bots version for trinitycore that had some extras like opening up what looked like a guildbank, but was actually your bot's inventory, I never got working. So was unable to test it. Still have a copy of it somewhere.

  5. dunno if playerbot and blizzlike can be used in the same sentence.... but anyways, the original poster asked the question and seemed to vanish.

    maybe lowering required number of players for a bg, and adding the playerbots npc in each battleground would do the trick? temp solution. playerbots still cant capture flags etc...

  6. Just a suggestion...

    The core is updated often. Many great fixes, etc. Waiting for someone to update portal to latest core can be annoying... here is my suggestion

    Many repos are just patch files. This makes life easier for everyone. I could take the patch (then I know exactly everything that is being changed, updated, etc. instantly) and update to the latest core, and share my changes here. Trying to grab an entire core repo with the changes in it, then running a dozen or so commands to make a patch is a pain in the butt, and has to be done every single commit. Lets just do a patch file, since it is a patch, and will never be placed in the core. This will also allow more people to actively work on it.

    Just a suggestion, but I think a very good one.

  7. I do not know if this is base core related, or something to do with some of my patches, but when a player logs out, realm crashes.

    at least I think this is the error. here's some code from gdb

    Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
    [switching to Thread 0xab6ffb90 (LWP 25189)]
    0x0849b59d in WorldSession::LogoutPlayer (this=0x9140a30, Save=true)
       at ../../../src/game/WorldSession.cpp:492
    492     in ../../../src/game/WorldSession.cpp

    Not sure if this helps.

    mangos rev: 9385

    udb: 387

    sd2: 1573

    EDIT: Either I fixed one of my many patches, or this bug has been fixed now.

  8. I noticed an error during compile. simple enough to fix. dunno how to commit it. but in PlayerbotAI.cpp 2 lines give an error. not sure if my fix is correct, and I am running 3.3.0a so it may not even apply to current rev.

    + // handle flying acknowledgement


    + {

    + WorldPacket p(packet);

    + uint64 guid = extractGuid(p);

    + if (guid != m_bot->GetGUID())

    + return;

    + m_bot->m_movementInfo.AddMovementFlag(MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING2);

    + //m_bot->SetSpeed(MOVE_RUN, GetMaster()->GetSpeed(MOVE_FLIGHT) +0.1f, true);

    + return;

    + }


    + // handle dismount flying acknowledgement


    + {

    + WorldPacket p(packet);

    + uint64 guid = extractGuid(p);

    + if (guid != m_bot->GetGUID())

    + return;

    + m_bot->m_movementInfo.RemoveMovementFlag(MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING2);

    + //m_bot->SetSpeed(MOVE_RUN,GetMaster()->GetSpeedRate(MOVE_RUN),true);

    + return;

    + }

    the FLYING2 gives the error. I removed the 2 and made it

    + // handle flying acknowledgement


    + {

    + WorldPacket p(packet);

    + uint64 guid = extractGuid(p);

    + if (guid != m_bot->GetGUID())

    + return;

    + m_bot->m_movementInfo.AddMovementFlag(MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING);

    + //m_bot->SetSpeed(MOVE_RUN, GetMaster()->GetSpeed(MOVE_FLIGHT) +0.1f, true);

    + return;

    + }


    + // handle dismount flying acknowledgement


    + {

    + WorldPacket p(packet);

    + uint64 guid = extractGuid(p);

    + if (guid != m_bot->GetGUID())

    + return;

    + m_bot->m_movementInfo.RemoveMovementFlag(MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING);

    + //m_bot->SetSpeed(MOVE_RUN,GetMaster()->GetSpeedRate(MOVE_RUN),true);

    + return;

    + }


    dunno if this helps anyone, but it wasn't declared so I did this to "fix" it. pbots seem to work fine.

  9. Hey there, I just wanted to say I merged playerbot with 9007 successfully... if you want to do it I did something extremely sneaky that i didnt think would work but it does:

    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git rape-me

    git clone git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git pbot

    go to the rape-me/src/game directory and copy NPCHandler.cpp

    paste the file into pbot/src/game

    open git bash

    cd pbot

    git add src/game/NPCHandler.cpp

    git commit -a -m "mergefix pbot [ Latest_Mangos ]"

    git pull git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git master

    there ya go now just build it and ... god knows why, but it builds successfully and works perfectly fine. I realize this is NOT the suggested way to fix things I just did it on a whim and it worked...

    Does the botguy work with your magic fix?

  10. the sql code was already in the DB. the botguy is an npc that allows you to click to get your bot in or to remove your bot, instead of typing .bot add {charname}

    Has not crashed since removing him. this is most likely caused by "loadgossip" stuffs that was changed. you talk to the botguy, and when you click to get a bot, poof instant crash. nothing in the db error logs, which currently are the only logs im keeping. I could compile with debugging options, and if requested I will do it and get some debugging info, or GDB it. either way, if anyone wants the info let me know.

    as for the location of the botguy, you just gotta spawn him in game. I am assuming it has something to do with the core sending the bot add command when you click. I have not tried to have a bot removed, and I really havent looked into the code much.

    I doubt this is related, but since using blueboy's botpatch (and also since updating to 3.3.0 and 3.3.0a. most likely something changed with flags on items) melee isnt working properly. abilities are non functioning. says "you must have a melee weapon equipped in your main hand". like I said, probably not related, havent tested without playerbots.

    EDIT: retested, and it crashes when removing a bot using the bot guy as well.

  11. pretty much exactly what I was looking for, cept I still don't know how to commit changes. I used mercurial (hg) for over a year, first with trinity, then with Infinity core. Committing with hg is simple, I just don't know the commands, or if I even have permission to make a change. I also am not sure, how to "add" files. for example...

    hg add PlayerBotai.cpp (when playerbotai.cpp is already created.)

    to add that when doing a diff and making a patch. knowing how to pull the patch from a repo is a great thing. thanks again.

  12. Latest rev changed some things that breaks Playerbots. Creature.cpp

    lordpsyan@samcclive:/opt/mangos$ git pull git://github.com/playerbot/mangos.git master
    remote: Counting objects: 1471, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (320/320), done.
    remote: Total 1342 (delta 1106), reused 1227 (delta 1022)
    Receiving objects: 100% (1342/1342), 562.59 KiB, done.
    Resolving deltas: 100% (1106/1106), completed with 31 local objects.
    Auto-merged src/game/Creature.cpp
    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/Creature.cpp
    Auto-merged src/game/Creature.h
    Auto-merged src/game/NPCHandler.cpp
    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/game/NPCHandler.cpp
    Auto-merged src/game/Player.cpp
    Auto-merged src/game/Player.h
    Auto-merged src/game/QuestHandler.cpp
    Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

    I am not familiar enough with git to fix and commit this. if anyone wants to help me learn git, please send me a message

  13. I have noticed a major glitch. in realms that allow dual faction parties, the bots still attack each other, even if both in the same party. but I think the problem goes deeper than that. I cannot hal party members of the opposit faction, nor res them. so not sure if its a core problem or not.

  14. I modified that line before compiling. still no bots appear with you. only tested with GM account tho. will test non gm shortly, and respond.

    another small and very annoying glitch I found was with hunters. if the hunters' pet is in stables, they just continuously whistle.... calling their pet. you can whisper "stop" and he stops, but he also stops following. lol

  15. Having problems sourcing botguy into the template...gives me an error stating Column count doesn't match value count at row 1. I am using newest PSDB. Would this be a problem with their database?

    Here is one that works. I renamed him "the new guy" you can change him to whatever:

    INSERT INTO `creature_template` VALUES
    ('99002','0','0','0','0','0','20','0','20','0','The New Guy','The Bot Recruiter',NULL,'80','80','85000','85000','5800','5800','1000','35','35','1','1','1','0','25000','25000','0','0','1','100','100','7','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','','1','3','1','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','1','0','0','0','bot_giver');

    hope this helps.

    EDIT: When teleporting, everything spawns. Bots do not spawn to you. you have to resummon them.

  16. There seems to be a major bug in the playerbots. the bots themselves work great. however, it messes up the realm.

    if you teleport (either thru gm commands, or portals) nothing spawns. no GO's nor NPC's. you must relog (not exit. just log out and back in) to get the spawns back.

    running MaNGOS rev. 8836 with playerbots.

    I guess I have really bad luck with playerbots. been trying them for over a year, and every time I compile them in, there is a major glitch of some sort, forcing me to recompile without them.

    Just thought I would report this, and see if anyone else has had similar problems.

    I also run TeleNPC2 (db driven teleport guy) speedpatch, and a few minor patches I wrote for myself, to remove the item warnings in the logs\\console and removing the level 100 limit. I also run autoannounce, but I know it isnt that one causing a conflict, cuz it did it before I installed tht one. without playerbots spawns work fine.

  17. I implement this patch to latest 3.2.2a mangos repo (still no clue how to find out the rev.) and I get an error in debugcmds.cpp with objmgr. I noticed in that file, it should be ObjectMgr, so I changed it, then I get this:

    Making all in game
    make[3]: Entering directory `/opt/mangos/build/src/game'
    g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../src/game -I../..  -I../../../dep/ACE_wrappers -I../../dep/ACE_wrappers  -I/usr/include/mysql   -I../../src/shared -I../../../src/game -I../../../src/game/../../dep/include -I../../../src/game/../framework -I../../../src/game/../shared -I../../../src/game/../shared/vmap -I../../../src/game/../realmd -DSYSCONFDIR=\\"/server/mangos/etc/\\"   -DDO_MYSQL -g -O2 -MT debugcmds.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/debugcmds.Tpo -c -o debugcmds.o ../../../src/game/debugcmds.cpp
    ../../../src/game/debugcmds.cpp: In member function âbool ChatHandler::HandleDebugSpawnVehicle(const char*)â:
    ../../../src/game/debugcmds.cpp:629: error: expected primary-expression before â.â token
    make[3]: *** [debugcmds.o] Error 1
    make[3]: Leaving directory `/opt/mangos/build/src/game'
    make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/mangos/build/src'
    make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/mangos/build'
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    I am lost. Please help.

  18. Just a quick curiosity question.


    what is that, and how do I figure out the number to place there?

    another question that I know isnt easy to answer, and I really don't expect this one answered, but how do I figure out which spell number to use. example, DK quest "Grand theft palomino" trying to figure out what spell to mount the horse. currently I am guessing at names on wowhead, and I come up with "mount mustang" which isnt the right spell.

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