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Posts posted by Alexstrasza

  1. It is not


    SQL: INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, caster_guid, spell, stackcount, remaincharges, basepoints0, basepoints1, basepoints2, maxduration0, maxduration1, maxduration2, remaintime0, remaintime1, remaintime2, effIndexMask) VALUES

    ('53', '53', '53362', '1', '0', '-4', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '1')

    SQL ERROR: Duplicate entry '53-53362' for key 1


    MaNGOS/0.17.0 (2010-07-10 18:52:22 Revision 10176 - 9953b123a7589656c0aa7035ed9a488de7a9c34b) for Linux_x32 (little-endian)

    Using script library: ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 10153+) Revision [1740] 2010-07-09 21:16:10 (Unix)

    Using World DB: YTDB_0.13.7_R555_MaNGOS_R10150_SD2_R1736_ACID_R304_RuDB_R37.8

    Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.0.4 - Final Release for Mangos (3.3.2 Client)

    ps: all sql updates for 10176 applied

  2. src/game/SpellMgr.h:1131:7: warning: no newline at end of file

    src/game/DynamicObject.cpp:182:2: warning: no newline at end of file

    /src/game/Creature.cpp:2217:2: warning: no newline at end of file

    src/game/GameObject.cpp:1528:2: warning: no newline at end of file

    src/game/SpellAuras.cpp:8717:2: warning: no newline at end of file

    src/game/Spell.cpp:6724:2: warning: no newline at end of file

    src/game/UnitAuraProcHandler.cpp:3652:2: warning: no newline at end of file

    src/game/WorldSession.cpp:885:2: warning: no newline at end of file

  3. steps to reproduce:

    any DeathKnight character must engrave their 2H-weapon with rune of spellshattering:

    skill: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=53342

    resulting aura: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=53362

    after engraving character will not be saved into db due to duplicate keys in table

    SQL ERROR: Duplicate entry '110-53362' for key 1

    SQL: INSERT INTO character_aura (guid, caster_guid, spell, stackcount, remaincharges, basepoints0, basepoints1, basepoints2, maxduration0, maxduration1, maxduration2, remaintime0, remaintime1, remaintime2, effIndexMask) VALUES

    ('110', '110', '53362', '1', '0', '-4', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '-1', '0', '0', '1')

    SQL ERROR: Duplicate entry '110-53362' for key 1

    software revisions:

    MaNGOS/0.17.0 (2010-07-08 02:56:36 Revision 10158 - 220a1136249293af05b93366fafc20542288a832) for Linux_x64 (little-endian)

    Using script library: ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 10153+) Revision [1737] 2010-07-05 10:11:09 (Unix)

    Using World DB: YTDB_0.13.7_R555_MaNGOS_R10150_SD2_R1736_ACID_R304_RuDB_R37.8

  4. CHAT: packet received. type 4, lang 7

    Player Mono is being teleported to map 631

    Player Melkor is being teleported to map 631

    Command: groupg [Player: Ariana (Account: 6) X: 522.708130 Y: -2110.331299 Z: 1040.860229 Map: 631 Selected: None (Guid: 0)]


    MapInstanced::CreateInstance: new map instance 26 for 631 created with difficulty heroic

    CHARACTER: Sent Initial Spells

    Initializing Action Buttons for '100' spec '0'

    Action Buttons for '100' spec '0' Initialized

    Sending SMSG_INIT_WORLD_STATES to Map:631, Zone: 4812

    InstanceMap::Add: creating instance save for map 631 spawnmode 3 with instance id 26

    InstanceSaveManager::AddInstanceSave: mapid = 631, instanceid = 26

    InstanceMap::Add: player Melkor(100) is being put in instance 631,26,3 but he is in group 66 which is bound to instance 631,25,3!

    MapSave players: 0, group count: 0

    GroupBind save players: 1, group count: 1

    ../../../src/game/Map.cpp:2434: Error: Assertion in Add failed: false

    Stack Trace:

    worldd(_ZN12WorldSession6UpdateEj+0x1aa) [0x750f3a]

    worldd(_ZN5World14UpdateSessionsEj+0xd2) [0x74ac82]

    worldd(_ZN5World6UpdateEj+0xd4) [0x74aee4]

    worldd(_ZN13WorldRunnable3runEv+0x7c) [0x4da80c]

    worldd(_ZN9ACE_Based6Thread10ThreadTaskEPv+0xa) [0x7e539a]

    /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x69bb) [0x7f3b26ffc9bb]

    /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f3b265c528d]

    worldd: ../../../src/game/Map.cpp:2434: virtual bool InstanceMap::Add(Player*): Assertion `"false" && 0' failed.

    ABRT/IOT trap

    /invite Mono and Melkor to party at the Frozen throne, then .groupgo

    server is crashing

  5. MapInstanced::CreateInstance: new map instance 13 for 631 created with difficulty heroic

    CHARACTER: Sent Initial Spells

    Initializing Action Buttons for '67' spec '0'

    Action Buttons for '67' spec '0' Initialized

    Sending SMSG_INIT_WORLD_STATES to Map:631, Zone: 4812

    InstanceMap::Add: creating instance save for map 631 spawnmode 3 with instance id 13

    InstanceSaveManager::AddInstanceSave: mapid = 631, instanceid = 13

    InstanceMap::Add: player Tim(67) is being put in instance 631,13,3 but he is in group 16 which is bound to instance 631,12,3!

    MapSave players: 0, group count: 0

    GroupBind save players: 1, group count: 1

    ../../../src/game/Map.cpp:2434: Error: Assertion in Add failed: false

    Stack Trace:

    worldd(_ZN12WorldSession6UpdateEj+0x1aa) [0x74cd0a]

    worldd(_ZN5World14UpdateSessionsEj+0xd2) [0x746ae2]

    worldd(_ZN5World6UpdateEj+0xd0) [0x746d40]

    worldd(_ZN13WorldRunnable3runEv+0x7c) [0x4d80fc]

    worldd(_ZN9ACE_Based6Thread10ThreadTaskEPv+0xa) [0x7e0f5a]

    /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x69bb) [0x7f19252929bb]

    /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f192485b28d]

    worldd: ../../../src/game/Map.cpp:2434: virtual bool InstanceMap::Add(Player*): Assertion `"false" && 0' failed.

    ABRT/IOT trap

    MaNGOS/0.16.0 (2010-04-15 11:27:17 Revision 9750 - cc082e6d812d2c42e187801c2a537cb591447afc) for Linux_x64 (little-endian)

    Using script library: ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 9641+)_1677Revision [1677] 2010-04-12 22:02:41 (Unix)

    Using World DB: YTDB_0.13.3_R543_MaNGOS_R9748_SD2_R1677_ACID_R304_RuDB_R37.6

    Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.0.4 - Final Release for Mangos (3.3.2 Client)

  6. MaNGOS/0.16.0 (* * Revision 9261 - *) for Linux_x64 (little-endian)

    Using script library: ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 9245+) Revision 1556 (Unix)

    Using World DB: YTDB_0.10.9_R531_MaNGOS_R9260_SD2_R1556_ACID_R302_RuDB_R34.8

    Using creature EventAI: ACID 3.0.2 - Full Release for Mangos

    No extra patches/addons

    accepting this quest http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=13082 will make A'dal cast teleport to Dalaran spell on player

    WORLD: Received CMSG_QUESTGIVER_ACCEPT_QUEST npc = 65869, quest = 13082, unk1 = 0
    Spell 53141 Effect0 : 5
    Player Lu is being teleported to map 571
    Spell 53141 Effect1 : 77
    Spell ScriptStart spellid 53141 in EffectScriptEffect
    ../../../src/game/Object.h:499: Error: Assertion in GetMap failed: m_currMap
    Stack Trace:
    worldd(_ZN5Spell16DoSpellHitOnUnitEP4Unitj+0x1a8) [0x6a7428]
    worldd(_ZN5Spell19DoAllEffectOnTargetEPNS_10TargetInfoE+0x1fb) [0x6a79db]
    worldd(_ZN5Spell16handle_immediateEv+0x44) [0x6b1584]
    worldd(_ZN5Spell4castEb+0x1c0) [0x6b6490]
    worldd(_ZN4Unit9CastSpellEPS_PK10SpellEntrybP4ItemP4Auram+0xab) [0x6f9abb]
    worldd(_ZN12WorldSession33HandleQuestgiverAcceptQuestOpcodeER11WorldPacket+0x2ab) [0x78a8ab]
    worldd(_ZN12WorldSession6UpdateEj+0x14a) [0x72833a]
    worldd(_ZN5World14UpdateSessionsEj+0xd2) [0x721fa2]
    worldd(_ZN5World6UpdateEj+0xc3) [0x7221f3]
    worldd(_ZN13WorldRunnable3runEv+0x7c) [0x4d220c]
    worldd(_ZN9ACE_Based6Thread10ThreadTaskEPv+0x1d) [0x7bb7ad]
    /lib64/libpthread.so.0 [0x7f685fd509f5]
    /lib64/libc.so.6(clone+0x6d) [0x7f685f31ae0d]
    worldd: ../../../src/game/Object.h:499: Map* WorldObject::GetMap() const: Assertion `"m_currMap" && 0' failed.

  7. Also one note with DESTDIR and building in general at *nix: very wrong choice have object dir build directory in to sources dir.

    It is not an issue currently, as mangos doesnt let to run ./configure in same dir where sources are located:

    configure: error:

    Please configure and build in a directory other than the

    top-level source directory. This is needed because a lot

    of maintainers tend to break parallel build trees

    (a.k.a. VPATH builds). This is kinda real ensurance they

    will not do it (by enforcing everybody to do VPATH builds).

    For example, try the following from the top-level source


    mkdir objdir

    cd objdir



    This will create a build space in the directory 'objdir' and

    start a build in that directory.

    If however you realy want to disable this error,

    use --enable-maintainer-mode switch.

  8. another *nix remark:

    now libraries are installed into $PREFIX/lib

    while a better way is to check which LIBDIRSUFFIX is used, it can be "" and directory should be named lib (32 bit systems), "" and lib (a bit older 64 bit systems), "64" and lib64 (newer 64 bit), "32" and lib32 (32 bit multilib suffix for 32 bit libraries on 64 bit systems)

    an user can use --libdir=/some/path/lib switch to configure , but it will be good if it will be autodetected, especially for those people who use --prefix=/usr or /usr/local ( i use /opt/warcraft with nothing else but mangos and related data here )

  9. i dont have problems with building or iinstallation now, i just notice how things should work at its perfection )

    of course make been ran and it has no issues , except that TBB been built with g++ instead of predefined CXX,

    a trick with redefining PATH variable been used, my default system gcc and g++ is 32 bit compiler, while i compile mangos in 64 bit mode with CC=/usr/local/gcc.4.4/bin/gcc and CXX=/usr/local/gcc-4.4/bin/g++

    make install DESTDIR=/some/place

    is used instead of make install (without DESTDIR) to ease package creation or otherwise transfer produced binaries to another machine for example, it is a good taste to support CC CXX and DESTDIR settings in unix makefiles (i ve created a report about TBB DESTDIR before, and it was fixed (thanks!) but now i'd like to re-use system wide installed libACE ( 5.7.5 work fine in 64 bit mode !)

    and while make install, first thing to install is TBB, by the way make install without DESTDIR= (simple way) should fail too, if installing mangos in an empty prefix, where lib/ directory doesnt exist yet

    from man install:

    -D create all leading components of DEST except the last, then copy SOURCE to DEST

    adding this flag to ginstall call perhaps will fix the 2nd issue

    changing g++ in tbb makefile to $(CXX) will fix the first, trivial patch. TY for attention.

  10. @ Revision 9253

    1) for now tbb Makefile does not honor CC and CXX variables, and always attempting to build with g++ ,

    which can be an incorrect choice in some (uncommon) environments

    2) when ./configure is ran with --enable-builtin-ace=no

    then tbb is the first thing to install and it fails if target directories are not yet created

    executing make install DESTDIR=/tmp/mangos/build/installed :

    Making install in tbb

    make[2]: Entering directory `/tmp/mangos/build/dep/tbb'

    make[3]: Entering directory `/tmp/mangos/build/dep/tbb'

    /bin/ginstall -c /tmp/mangos/build/dep/tbb/lib*.so* /tmp/mangos/build/installed/opt/warcraft/lib

    /bin/ginstall: cannot stat `/tmp/mangos/build/dep/tbb/lib*.so*': No such file or directory

    make[3]: *** [install-exec-local] Error 1

    make[3]: Leaving directory `/tmp/mangos/build/dep/tbb'

    make[2]: *** [install-am] Error 2

    make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/mangos/build/dep/tbb'

    make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1

    make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/mangos/build/dep'

    make: *** [install-recursive] Error 1

    when using internal ACE , then DESTDIR's prefix/lib is created by ACE installation

  11. Making all in game

    make[3]: Entering directory `/tmp/mangos/build/src/game'

    CXX AccountMgr.o

    CXX AchievementMgr.o

    In file included from ../../../src/game/ObjectMgr.h:37,

    from ../../../src/game/AchievementMgr.cpp:25:

    ../../../src/game/Guild.h: In member function 'void Guild::BroadcastWorker(Do&, Player*)':

    ../../../src/game/Guild.h:346: error: 'ObjectAccessor' has not been declared

    CXX AggressorAI.o

    make[3]: *** [AchievementMgr.o] Error 1

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