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Posts posted by aming51

  1. qsa, I just want to know if the evade timeout for creatures is finished? Or any news on this point?

    Have a nice day!

    I was kinda hoping someone else would pitch this part up. I tried it once and it turned to really ugly hack very quickly.

    Maybe someone else has better idea.


    I have a bug:

    If a creature knockback you in air, the creature goes into enterevademode, because the creature can't reach you. I hope for fast help.

    Same as above, missing evade timeout.

    Dear qsa, is the evade timeout system finished? You know if the players move to a place where the boss can't reach in combact, the boss will evade immediately and this is a waste of time for raids. There must be some time left for the players to access the boss in position. Meanwhile the boss should looked at(also can cast range spells if the boss can) his target and wait about 26 secs and evade at last if players don't move.

    This is the very very important point which impact the entertainment feeling in detail.

    I really hope someone can contribute this part to the mmaps system.

    Thanks a lot, :)


  2. Anybody noticing creature's evading way too early? I pull some creature or mob, I go hug a wall or something or jump over some obstacle so the creature/mob cant reach me and then the mob/creature starts evading.

    Now I dont know if this is intended behavior (is it?) but too me it looks like something is not right.

    Dug into the pathfinding code and I found this.

    In pathfinding "targetedmovementgenerator.h" there is a function called "isreachable" and it does this check.

    return (i_path) ? (i_path->getPathType() & (PATHFIND_NORMAL)) : true;

    shouldnt this be more elaborated with the other pathfind type like this?

    return (i_path) ? (i_path->getPathType() & (PATHFIND_NORMAL|PATHFIND_INCOMPLETE)) : true;

    I have tested this and the creature/mob is now following me more consistently - ie does not brake off chase so easily.

    Just a thought....

    Evade timeout for creatures is not yet implemented. At the moment creature will evade as soon as there's no full path to its target, instead of evading after timeout (while not taking damage meanwhile).

    You can check where isReachable() used in code, it'll give you good point to start with.

    You're 'solution' will just allow players to kill from ranged distance any creature by moving a little bit in unreachable place - creature will always generate partial path (aka : PATHFIND_INCOMPLETE).

    Best regards.

    qsa, I just want to know if the evade timeout for creatures is finished? Or any news on this point?

    Have a nice day!

  3. Something about my realms, i'm not using GridUnload, its always = 0 so don't know if mmaps can cause crashes in someway with unloaded grids, etc..

    @aming51 test it now, PostCollision is enabled in all realms.

    Thank you for the PostCollision enabled, now it works great!

    Would you please change all realms that not only Spaish client permited to access your server but also all clients like US/EU/TW/RU ect.? Now I am using TW client, I can only test on Amberlyst realm(If choose other realms it always said: you are trying to play game in a different language server.) I can only stay at 1~60lvl places whch means I can't go to WLK places to get 80lvl for more test. :/

    Although, I still found little bug with pathfinding: When I stand on stage and attack, of course the mob go up slope and towards me. But suddenly at about 15 yards position it turned back and moved 10 yards away from me , then towards me again. The whole action looks like unseen obstacle put on his way and he move in a circle to attack me. But the place is flat. Sometimes it moved back and back two times before access me.



    2. first back:


    3. move far away:


    4. toward me:


    5. turn back second time:


    I hope this test is useful. :)

    Best regards!

  4. ...

    I tested a few minutes ago, this issue( GetNearPoint bug ) is still on Undergarun's server:




    Best regards

    Tested on local in exact places you showed and it worked just fine for me.

    Don't have DETECT_POS_COLLISION enabled?

    Thanks for your reply, I am just a common player testing on Undergarun's server, maybe this bug is only on Undergarun's server. I hope Undergarun can fix this bug on his server. :)

    Have a nice day!

  5. There are some problems in the extractor (ad.exe) that might be contributing to the issues qsa and I posted.

    In the mmaps_rewrite version of contrib/extractor/System.cpp, the loop @ line 775 is wrong.

    It iterates over quads (128x128), but acts on vertices

    • sets the top-left vertex of a quad to invalid height, which affects all quads on that corner.
      Conceptually, I can see this causing both the problems qsa and I reported.
    • ignores the right- and bottom-most edge of vertices
      This most likely isn't causing any problems, but it could in theory.

    Offhand, I think the easiest solution is to throw this loop away, write both liquid_height and liquid_show to the .map file, and go from there. Unfortunately that is a bit of a rewrite for the core as well.


    That is indeed the source of this problem, causing our terrain generator to ignore polygons near bottom-right borders.

    I think I can fix it without storing any extra data tho, just different logic while generating polygons. [del]I'll test it once I get back home.[/del]

    EDIT: On the repository; testing needed.

    @aming51: From what I remember, this issue is actually caused by GetClosePoint() in TargetedMovementGeneratorMedium returning destination point on the lower ground that the target is.

    So, it is not directly related to mmaps.

    Can anyone confirm this?

    EDIT2: I'll confirm to myself. Same issues w/o mmaps.

    It is problem in WorldObject::GetNearPoint().

    Most cases should be fixed by https://github.com/faramir118/mangos/commit/e43031b928ca2036fe90215936064d9a0c57d869

    Testing needed.

    Since it is general mangos problem, feel free posting it in "review" section.


    I tested a few minutes ago, this issue( GetNearPoint bug ) is still on Undergarun's server:




    Best regards

  6. I found another bug on Undergarun's server : if hunter stands on edge of floor/stage(e.g. the towers in north Western Plaguelands and stage of Lethtendris in Dire Maul East) which connects to ground with stairs/slope, the aggo mobs will not go up stairs/slope but go directly to the position on the ground under hunter and just watch hunter without any motion(except range spell). In this case, hunter can easily kill the boss or mobs and even hunter moved back to floor/stage center from edge, the mobs still can not go up stairs/slope but follow postion on the ground under the floor where hunter is and evade after few seconds.



    Same problem as I said above. Hunter/Warlock/range spells can easily kill the boss when I stand on edge of stage/floor. Any news about this?

  7. I found another bug on Undergarun's server : if hunter stands on edge of floor/stage(e.g. the towers in north Western Plaguelands and stage of Lethtendris in Dire Maul East) which connects to ground with stairs/slope, the aggo mobs will not go up stairs/slope but go directly to the position on the ground under hunter and just watch hunter without any motion(except range spell). In this case, hunter can easily kill the boss or mobs and even hunter moved back to floor/stage center from edge, the mobs still can not go up stairs/slope but follow postion on the ground under the floor where hunter is and evade after few seconds.



  8. Updated the repository with mentioned above, feel free testing.


    I found a very strange situation in Stormwind City and Stranglethorn Vale. Pets can not follow master but just run along the riverbank or cliff and disappear after long distance when hunter pass the bridge/ hanging bridge. This can happen when the bridge/ hanging bridge is very long and narrow which means hunter can easily stand on the edge or side.

    Another case is an old fallen tree as a bridge between two hills on the northest map of Stranglethorn Vale. Pets just can not follow hunter to pass the tree but run along the cliff no matter where hunter stand on( edge/middle).

    Hunter will be in danger if aggo mobs/PVP on the bridge/hanging bridge without pets help.



  9. Tested with 3000+ players online in *nix and mtmaps environment

    Uptime: 18 hours

    Mtmaps.UpdateThreads = 3

    RAM used after 17 hours = 12,7 GB de RAM

    Crashes or issues reported: None for now

    CPU: Intel Bi Xeon X5650 2 x 6 x 2 x 2.66+GHz

    RAM: 48 GB DDR3 ECC

    Still testing... stay tuned!

    I test hunter on Undergarun's server and found some issue/bug:

    1. Pet always stand on the terrene or ground under water when following hunter who is floating in the water. So it's easy to aggo the mobs under water. At this time, pet can not attack the target floating in the water near my hunter. So if hunter attack the mobs floating in water near by, pet just stand below and can not find the way to my target and watching me to die. I think it's bug according to my retail experience.

    2. Sometimes( about 30 percent especially on the hill ground ) pet can get to run very slowly when close to my target, the more it get close to the mob, the more its speed get slow. Sometimes no such speed issure especially on the plane ground.

    3. Pet and mob choose different moving path and form a circle path which means pet can not catch up the mobs when hunter attack mob firstly. Pet should intercept the mob on the way mob coming. This issue can happen when the mob stand behind obstacle like fence, carriage etc.

    4. The hunter skill " Eyes of the beast " can only use in close range( about 45 yard) and cancel automaticly when controled pet go out of this range. I don't know if relate to the Movemap system( Pets disappearing range/zone). While I have 1 mins to go more far distance on my retail to aggo mobs in the mountain.

    5. When hunter jump down from the cliff, the pet just stand there above me becouse of no path found and can not follow me. So I can only use " Eyes of the beast " to make pet jump or reload my char. I think whether we can set pet to follow hunter without MMap when no path found to become more smart as retail.

    6. Sometimes pet suddenly disappear when following hunter and need to sommon out. Especially in some complicated area like in a construction/building/tower with many stairs and passages in Stormwind City, the pet become very easy to get lost when following hunter and disappear suddenly and never come out again no matter how many times I pressed the follow button. Even my hunter move a few steps on the stair, I still can not see my pet follow me. When I come back to the position where pet disappear, some time it will come out nearby. I feel pet is not smart enough to find the right path or shortcut or even can not find path to hunter in this complicated area.

    7. Other issue not relate to mmap system: pet always follow hunter's step so always keep about 8 yard distance behind the hunter in moving straightly. While on retail pet have speed up function (or advance movement algorithm) to keep position with hunter. So you can see that when hunter suddenly stopped, pet will go forward few steps and turn back to hunter's position. At present without this algorithm, the distance will become larger and lager when hunter running in complicated area where pet need more time to pass by. This is another reason why pet disappear after too long distance behind hunter.

    I hope these tests can be usefull for the development of this awesome work!

    Best regards,


  10. So any news about the MoveMaps Project? Do this aready get optimized and include in devs now? How can I set up Movemaps correctly on my own server? Please tell me the steps if you successfully done. Can any one send me a MSG about your server and I wana a test.

  11. I think the open zones system in mangos need have a change. For example,the around zones onlyl will be active when the player is moving nearby in order to reduce the usage of the CPU and better performance. Once the player is far away from the mobs, mobs will be locked at the moment when the zone where it stand is non-active because the player is moving too far away. This can explain why when other player come across this zone, the mobs will suddenly move to one position(attacking the last player) or go back position.

    There are many cases in the movemap system that the mob need to across server zones(or portals) to attack player. We can't accept the mobs finding the path and nerver come back again because the zone it moved to is too far away from the player to be active. So the mob is just locked and nerver come back. This is not the pathfinding system wanted. The zone system needs to upgrade too. :(

  12. Hi, i think if you played on the officia blizzard server, you will find the combat system is different between the world and instance. For example, in the world if you are in two person team doing quest which ask you to find a item while the defending quest mobs are in team work. you can ask your teammate to attract the focus of these mobs by attacking them while you can get the quest item without geting into combat no matter whether you are in the sight range of these mobs or not. However if it occurs in the instance, although the focus of these mobs are in your teammate, once you are in the sight range of them, you will definitely get into combat! So i mean the mobs in instance is still searching the enemies in the sight of them no matter whether they are in combat or not. :o

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