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Posts posted by Aucti9

  1. in player.h

    i tryed to add a new bool

    like bool m_mailsLoaded;

    but instead bool actave;

    and then i added player.cpp

    active = false;

    I have done this in the past alot with the old cores but for some reason i can not add a new bool because the server will start and run but once i login and the load screen is full to be accepeted ingame the server crashs..

    i need to add the new bool so i can add it to all the commands so console has the power to turn all commands off or on..

    there is much more to it then what im explaining but its worthless if im unable to add a bool in the player class and player::Player..

    any ideas why this is doing this..

  2. its not to hard to find heres what i did to fix it.

    void Player::UpdateZoneDependentAuras( uint32 newZone )
       // remove new continent flight forms
       if(GetVirtualMapForMapAndZone(GetMapId(),newZone) != 530)
       // Some spells applied at enter into zone (with subzones)
       // Human Illusion
       // NOTE: these are removed by RemoveAurasWithInterruptFlags(AURA_INTERRUPT_FLAG_CHANGE_MAP);
       if ( newZone == 2367 )                                  // Old Hillsbrad Foothills
           uint32 spellid = 0;
           // all horde races
           if( GetTeam() == HORDE || GetTeam() == ALLIANCE )
               spellid = getGender() == GENDER_FEMALE ? 35481 : 35480;
            spellid = getGender() == GENDER_MALE ?  35481 : 35480;
           //if( getRace() == RACE_NIGHTELF || getRace() == RACE_DRAENEI )
          /* if(getRace() == RACE_HUMAN || getRace() == RACE_ORC||getRace() == RACE_DWARF  || getRace() == RACE_NIGHTELF
           || getRace() == RACE_UNDEAD_PLAYER||getRace() == RACE_TAUREN  || getRace() == RACE_GNOME
           || getRace() == RACE_TROLL||getRace() == RACE_GOBLIN  || getRace() == RACE_BLOODELF
           || getRace() == RACE_DRAENEI||getRace() == RACE_FEL_ORC  || getRace() == RACE_NAGA
           || getRace() == RACE_BROKEN||getRace() == RACE_SKELETON  || getRace() == MAX_RACES)
               spellid = getGender() == GENDER_FEMALE ? 35483 : 35482;
                    spellid = getGender() == GENDER_MALE ? 35483 : 35482;
           if(spellid && !HasAura(spellid,0) )

    I was playing around with all kinds of ideas but this works..

    Im trying to get the realm loop working this is driving me crazzy.. any one willing to work on the realm loop bug so we can get that fixed and out of the way? Im sick of loging out and ing when i test lol

  3. oke i think someone else looking for it ..mangos got awsome av patch ...and player loot works in av that ya kill player and get items what have been added to creature loot template entry 1 ..so i know its possible to add that everywere ,like on all maps but can anyone help me out here

    need to edit something in it ithink or mabye anyone can give some info

    Im asking him.

    so this code lets you loot off a player if they are dead in av?

    and you are wanting to let any player loot from any player if they die any where on any map? Not just av?

    I Do not really know.

    But maybe you can add that code you have to the map.cpp


    Like i did i didnt want any player to be able to use gm commands in any instance so i added a custom that would deactivate any command i didnt want the players to us while the run a instance. like speed and i didnt want any player to be able to summon them out of the instance or appear to them . and i want to add a welcome message to the player explaing whats going on with there commands and why they do not work.

    if (player->activate_commands == true && player->Instance_Enter == false)


    player->activate_commands =false;

    player->Instance_Enter = true;

    player->activate_Fly = false;

    player->broadcast_command= false;

    player->GodModeCheat = false;

    player->activate_Gm = false;

    player->SetSpeed(MOVE_WALK, 1,true);


    player->SetSpeed(MOVE_RUN, 1,true);

    player->SetSpeed(MOVE_SWIM, 1,true);

    player->SetSpeed(MOVE_FLY, 1,true);

    player->jap_commands = true;//they can not

    player->jtp_commands = true;//they can not

    player->BroadcastMessage("|cffFFFFFF Wecome To Mancent Gm FunServer.");

    player->BroadcastMessage("|cffFFFFFF You Have Entered An Instance All Your Commands Are Now Deactivated.");

    player->BroadcastMessage("|cffFFFFFF Once You Leave This Instance All Your Commands Will Reactivate.");


  4. If you are a horde you can see all players any where in the game..

    if you are alliance you can see all players any where in game.

    if you are alliance in a instance you can not see horde.

    if you are horde in a instance you can not see alliance.

    where do i search the code to see why or add to where i can make sure all players are seen any where at any time?

    i was thinking the vision areas of the code. if i added

    if(getTeam==HORDE || getTeam==ALLIANCE)


    or some thing..

    and i have ben trid to use the config files for the, Class's

    I dont kn ow what to call them horde is not a class or is it?

    maybe faction

    any ways

    Can you point me in the right direction so all players can see one and other even if in instance..

    they can see each other out of game but in instance they can not.

    This problem also dosen show the correct players online with a search command.. it will only show me

    my faction or class. Horde.

    bool ChatHandler::HandleSearchWhoCommand(const char* args)
       Player * plr =getSelectedPlayer();
       if(plr->activate_commands == false)
       RedSystemMessage(m_session,"Sorry Your Comamnds Are Not Activated Type .activatecommands or .ac");
       return true;
       bool first = true;
       HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType &m = HashMapHolder<Player>::GetContainer();
       HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType::iterator itr = m.begin();
       for(; itr != m.end(); ++itr)
           if( itr->second->GetSession()->GetSecurity() && (itr->second->activate_Who == true) &&
               itr->second->IsVisibleGloballyFor(m_session->GetPlayer()) )
                   GreenSystemMessage(m_session,"Players Online");
                   first = false;
               SystemMessage(m_session, "|cff888888 Name: %s [Rank: %u]|r", itr->second->GetName(), itr->second->GetSession()->GetSecurity());
      GreenSystemMessage(m_session,"No Player Online");
      Unit * uni=getSelectedUnit();
       uni->CastSpell(uni, 40436, true);
       uni->CastSpell(uni, 34442, true);
      return true;

    so when i look at this code i see that its calling this function


    so i go there and think this is where i can add the team info..

    bool Player::IsVisibleGloballyFor( Player* u ) const
           return false;
       // Always can see self
       if (u==this)
           return true;
       // Visible units, always are visible for all players
       if (GetVisibility() == VISIBILITY_ON)
           return true;
       // GMs are visible for higher gms (or players are visible for gms)
       if (u->GetSession()->GetSecurity() > R0)
           return GetSession()->GetSecurity() <= u->GetSession()->GetSecurity();
      // non faction visibility non-breakable for non-GMs
       if (GetVisibility() == VISIBILITY_OFF)
          return false;
       // non-gm stealth/invisibility not hide from global player lists
       return true;

    any ways.. maybe you can help.

  5. Do you honestly think this tells any one any thing at all if they dont know what you know?

    Try adding a new variable to the player class and handle it in Player::Update instead

    how do you learn if you dont know or are told? or showed?

    but to you comment i did try but i dont see a example..

    And its not very cool to judge.. i read this code every day for hours and hours..

    just becasue i cant learn as fast as some doesn't mean i dont want to learn.

    you say make a veriable and add it to player.. then place it in the player update.

    so like what this..

    small exampel of


    Player::Player (WorldSession *session): Unit()


    m_kicktime =0;



    class MANGOS_DLL_SPEC Player : public Unit


    uint32 m_kicktime;


    then what.. go to player update and add some thing?

    void Player::Update( uint32 p_time )


    if(m_KickDelay > 0)


    ChatHandler(this).GreenSystemMessageToPlr(this,"You will be removed from the server in %u seconds.",p_time);

    if(p_time >= m_KickDelay)


    m_KickDelay = 0;





    m_KickDelay -=p_time;



    my send to player chat timer is all messed up it gose so fast and the time is like 6000 so i counts down from 6000 to 0 lol how can i do it so it counts down only 6 seconds

    it dont matter but hay it works good. now. thanx for pointing me in the right direction.

  6. Why do you think i asked you guys i need help with it.. im learning i dont know..

    its funny that i even found a way to do it where it works..

    and your all right that it dose lag the server..

    so help me stop telling me how bad it is send a better example..

    stop posting comments and post code.

  7. no my core is mangos and arcemu i have been combining the two emus together for about month sence rev 6767..

    my code is really just for fun and learning.. just to see what i can make it do.. i enjoy it so much i wish i was a pro maybe in 5 years i will be..

    maybe not.

    but mangos is really so stable and arcemu is really unstable..

    but i like alot of function arcemu has.. so i took mangos the stable server and added arcemu functions with it to make a project called

    the mancent project

    lol its all for fun..

    Look at my retared code but it works so thats all i want.

    sLog.outString("Kick Block");



    sLog.outString("Kick Block IF !DELAY");





    sLog.outString("Kick Block ELSE DELAY");

    ChatHandler(this).GreenSystemMessageToPlr(this,"You will be removed from the server in 6 seconds.");

    for (int A = 0; A < 1000000000; ++A);

    ChatHandler(this).GreenSystemMessageToPlr(this,"You have 5 seconds left.");

    for (int B = 0; B < 1000000000; ++B);

    ChatHandler(this).GreenSystemMessageToPlr(this,"4 seconds left what are you going to do?");

    for (int C = 0; C < 1000000000; ++C);

    ChatHandler(this).GreenSystemMessageToPlr(this,"3 seconds. Try not to be so silly next time.");

    for (int D = 0; D < 1000000000; ++D);

    ChatHandler(this).GreenSystemMessageToPlr(this,"2 seconds left I hope you will try a little better next time.");

    for (int E = 0; E < 1000000000; ++E);

    ChatHandler(this).GreenSystemMessageToPlr(this,"You have 1 seconds.");

    for (int F = 0; F < 1000000000; ++F);

    ChatHandler(this).GreenSystemMessageToPlr(this,"Good Bye.");



    I would show it to you guys if you wanted to see it.. but i dont want to post any URLs i like this community

  8. i already did

    #include "Links.h"
    bool ChatHandler::HandleKickPlayerCommand(const char *args)
       Player * plr =getSelectedPlayer();
       if(plr->activate_commands == false)
       RedSystemMessage(m_session,"Sorry Your Comamnds Are Not Activated Type .ac");
       return true;
       if(m_session->GetSecurity() >= R5 || m_session->GetSecurity() >= R4)
       Player* plrgplr =PlayerGetSelectedPlayer();
       // This pervents the player from selecting a creature and crashing the server.
       RedSystemMessage(m_session,"Sorry This Command Requires You To Select A Player.");
       return false;
       Unit* unit = PlayerGetSelectedUnit();
       // This pervents the player from selecting a creature and crashing the server.
       RedSystemMessage(m_session,"Sorry This Command Requires You To Select A Player.");
       return false;
       GreenSystemMessage(m_session,"You Kicked %s",static_cast< Player* >( unit )->GetName());
       GreenSystemMessageToPlr(plrgplr,"%s Kicked You",m_session->GetPlayer()->GetName());
       char KickPlyer[1024];
        std::string input2;
        // GET RANK COLOR
        if(m_session->GetSecurity() >= R5)input2+="Rank 5)";
        else if(m_session->GetSecurity() >= R4)input2+="Rank 4)";
        //GET NAME COLOR
        input2+=" |r|c1f00FF00";
        input2+=" |r|c1fFFFFFF";
        input2+=" Kicked";
        input2+=" |r|c1f00FFFF";
        input2+=static_cast< Player* >( unit )->GetName();
        input2+=" |r|c2f888888";
        input2+=snprintf((char*)KickPlyer,1024,"%s From The Server.",input2.c_str());
        input2+=":|r ";
       Unit * uni=getSelectedUnit();
       uni->CastSpell(uni, 40436, true);
       uni->CastSpell(uni, 34442, true);
       return true;
       if(m_session->GetSecurity() >= R3 || m_session->GetSecurity() >= R2|| m_session->GetSecurity() >= R1|| m_session->GetSecurity() >= R0)
           RedSystemMessage(m_session,"Sorry This Command Actions Is For Staff Or The Server Owner.");
           return true;
       return true;

  9. First i would like to say sorry if posted in wrong location.

    heres what i have so far but its not working right..

    as you know why you kick a player you just DC them they have no clue they got kicked.

    so i added some code from arcemu and mangos but i still dont have it yet.

    void Player::Kick(uint32 delay )
       sLog.outString("Kick Block");
           sLog.outString("Kick Block IF !DELAY");

    player update

    if(m_KickDelay > 0)


    ChatHandler(this).GreenSystemMessageToPlr(this,"You will be removed from the server in %u seconds.",p_time);

    if(p_time >= m_KickDelay)


    m_KickDelay = 0;





    m_KickDelay -=p_time;



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