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Posts posted by Ayane

  1. JIT or interpreter has same functionality and langage is comparable, the technology JIT just offer more performance than interpreter. By example PHP 1/2/3 is interpreted, PHP 4/5/6 use JIT.

    LuaJIT is a library like the original Lua library, it is just more faster.

  2. RAID 0 is designed for performance, RAID 1 for backups: RAID 1 don't give performances, it have the same of normal disk. RAID0 read the data simultaneous on all disks in the array, the seeking time is compensed by gain and you have only seeking if the file is fragmented, also on SSD disk you are no seeking time.

    The default of RAID 0 is if one disk break, all data is loss.

    RAID 5 combine the advantage of RAID 0 and RAID 1: the data is stripped and mirrored, total you lose the space of one disk of the array; it is good if you have several disks (minimum 3). RAID 6 is RAID 5 in more secure.

    With four disks you have RAID 1+0 or 0+1 (RAID 10 is most).

    The default of RAID 5/6 is the parity calculation, so a good RAID hardware is good for RAID performance (better than software).

    With six disks or more, RAID 50 is good.


  3. In C++ you are also restricted to a set of functions, the interface is just larger and easier to implement. Each language has its disadvantages and advantages. If we take the perspective of a developer Mangos there is indeed no interest, but if we take the perspective of those succeptibles develop IA I think the majority preferred to code in Lua .

  4. Just after this crash, i add check in Unit::SetMaxHealth (if maxhealth == 0 then set maxhealth = createhealth), no other crashs.

    I don't have ideas for reproduce this crash, it is my data in creature_template:

    | entry | difficulty_entry_1 | difficulty_entry_2 | difficulty_entry_3 | KillCredit1 | KillCredit2 | modelid_A | modelid_A2 | modelid_H | modelid_H2 | name                   | subname | IconName | gossip_menu_id | minlevel | maxlevel | minhealth | maxhealth | minmana | maxmana | armor | faction_A | faction_H | npcflag | speed | scale | rank | mindmg | maxdmg | dmgschool | attackpower | dmg_multiplier | baseattacktime | rangeattacktime | unit_class | unit_flags | dynamicflags | family | trainer_type | trainer_spell | trainer_class | trainer_race | minrangedmg | maxrangedmg | rangedattackpower | type | type_flags | lootid | pickpocketloot | skinloot | resistance1 | resistance2 | resistance3 | resistance4 | resistance5 | resistance6 | spell1 | spell2 | spell3 | spell4 | PetSpellDataId | mingold | maxgold | AIName | MovementType | InhabitType | unk16 | unk17 | RacialLeader | questItem1 | questItem2 | questItem3 | questItem4 | questItem5 | questItem6 | movementId | RegenHealth | equipment_id | mechanic_immune_mask | flags_extra | ScriptName       |
    | 18706 |                  0 |                  0 |                  0 |           0 |           0 |     17408 |          0 |     17408 |          0 | Bonechewer Riding Wolf |         | NULL     |              0 |       58 |       59 |      4000 |      4100 |       0 |       0 |  3431 |        14 |        14 |       0 |  1.48 |     1 |    0 |    116 |    174 |         0 |          44 |              1 |           2000 |            2000 |          0 |          0 |            0 |      0 |            0 |             0 |             0 |            0 |          93 |         139 |                35 |    1 |          0 |      0 |              0 |        0 |           0 |           0 |           0 |           0 |           0 |           0 |   3149 |  16460 |      0 |      0 |              0 |       0 |       0 |        |            1 |           3 |     1 |     1 |            0 |      25812 |      25807 |          0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |          0 |           1 |            0 |                    0 |           0 | generic_creature |

  5. Sorry, i don't preserve the crashdump, you will have my word.

    But it can crash anywhere


    uint32 perc = (m_creature->getVictim()->GetHealth()*100) / m_creature->getVictim()->GetMaxHealth();

    or here

    i_percent = unit->GetHealth() * 100 / unit->GetMaxHealth();

    or here

    uint32 newHPValue = (m_target->GetMaxHealth() * curHPValue) / maxHPValue;

    or here

    if (target && (m_target->GetHealth() * 100 / m_target->GetMaxHealth() > target->GetHealth() * 100 / target->GetMaxHealth()))

    or ...

  6. For build it:

    make ChatHandler::SetDataForCommandInTable static.

    the line

    bool canflush = true;

    is useless.

    the line

    rl_attempted_completion_function = cli_completion;

    must be online for no Windows system.

    Apply the changes to configure and makefile, autoreconf, and build.

    So actually it's not perfect, but history is appreciable.

  7. Some additions: Destructible buildings' health is shown by its animprogress on the client, uint8 max (255) is 100%.

    For correct damage logs we should send SMSG_DESTRUCTIBLE_BUILDING_DAMAGE

    structure looks like:

    (size 29)

    packguid (GameObject)

    packguid(vehicle used/attacker if no vehicle)


    uint32 damage

    uint32 spellId

    Thanks to TOM_RUS for the structure.

    I tested this data and it's correct.

    packguid(vehicle used/attacker if no vehicle)

    Correspond to: packguid(caster)


    Correspond to: packguid(originalCaster)

  8. I confirm, it's work.

    My implementation:

    @@ -1452,6 +1452,21 @@ void Spell::EffectDummy(uint32 i)
    +                // Water Elemental
    +                case 31687:
    +                {
    +                    // Spell ID to cast
    +                    uint32 triggeredSpellId = 70907;
    +                    // Glyphs
    +                    if (m_caster->HasAura(70937))
    +                        triggeredSpellId = 70908;
    +                    // Summon
    +                    m_caster->CastSpell(m_caster, triggeredSpellId, true);
    +                    return;
    +                }
                    case 32826:                                 // Polymorph Cast Visual
                        if (unitTarget && unitTarget->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_UNIT)

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